
I used to take meds for ADHD so the meds don’t give me the stimulant help. Anything with caffeine or sugary like Gatorade caffeine free soda. Increases my output
When I used to train to make a weight class, my nutritionist would have me shoot little shots of espresso. The recipe the day before weigh in was 1 cup of coffee makes you pee 8 cups of water, or 4 lbs. Reality was 1 shot=less water than a cup, same caffeine. 3 shots over the day A LOT OF PEE! But I could lose 6-7 lbs depending on how bloated I was...Powerful stuff!
In the past I used to drink some black coffee, always in the morning (to get me going) and never in the evening (to NOT keep me going). I've just gotten out of the habit, I guess. Don't ask me why I've gotten out of that habit, just have. Now if someone were to give me a cup of coffee I would likely drink it, just as a companionship thing more than anything. For me my morning beverage is tea, herbal tea, de-caf. I'm not a huge soda drinker either. And as for juices, I prefer the "lite" (but not dietetic) varieties such as "lite" cranberry juice. As time goes along I am just more aware of sugar intake and try to avoid sugar in excess since everyone consumes too much sugar anyway! :(
We're all different. Some of the sugar substitutes (besides an after taste that makes me shudder) really mess with me, so I avoid them - except splenda in pie. :D (Only when our apple tree gets picked, or we hunt down the wild blueberries. Oh, well. I admit it. We freeze some blueberries for a winter pie. Shame on us. The apple tree is too young for that, yet.)
The difference with caffeine is the increased urge-pain-level, and that so drastically increases the urge without necessarily increasing the output (just more often). I get a latte just as I'm leaving for the 35-minute drive home, only. Herbal tea seems to make my body act like caffeine, without the pain or the "high".
I haven't really gotten the Doctors to tell me if any of my meds, that aren't specifically for incontinence, affect my incontinence. I haven't found an adverse interaction listed. But would the incontinence effect be listed? They don't seem to care.
I've done some experiments, and this forum has given me more to try, so look around, try your own experiments. Pretend you are avoiding sugar to prevent tooth decay. Mark Twain had a whiskey every night; but just to prevent tooth decay, you understand....
Mark Twain always had sage advice, @AlasSouth so he should know! :D
I could see the whiskey every night to prevent tooth decay. After all, a shot of whiskey tastes better than a shot of Novocain any day! :D
As for correlating increased caffeine with the urge-pain level, I really haven't given it much thought. With me, when you gotta go, you gotta go! And since I don't think I take in a lot of caffeine these days, I still gotta go! So who knows? And if I have a latte before a 35 minute drive to someplace, I'm sure I would be crossing my fingers (and legs) in the process.
And there is no shame in freezing blueberries for a winter pie! That would be an awesome taste of summer (for me it would be a taste of Maine!) right in the middle of winter!
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