Broken body.


Staff member
It doesn’t help that I had a trenta dragon drink from Starbucks but my MegaMax stood up to the test at my shrink appointment. Tea doesn’t seem to bother me. I just peed like a racehorse.

But onto the topic at hand sometimes I feel like I got robbed with this body. My hands and wrists still hurt from my fall 2 weeks ago. I have an appointment with my ortho surgeon on Friday to get them checked out. I am also dealing with chronic diarrhea still. I go probably 6-7 times a day and oftentimes don’t make it to the bathroom (thank goodness I only had urinary issues at my shrink appointment). I’ve been limiting my coffee to no avail. I’m waiting to hear back from the gi doctor about my stool test. I want a refund.
justej said:
It doesn’t help that I had a trenta dragon drink from Starbucks but my MegaMax stood up to the test at my shrink appointment. Tea doesn’t seem to bother me. I just peed like a racehorse.

But onto the topic at hand sometimes I feel like I got robbed with this body. My hands and wrists still hurt from my fall 2 weeks ago. I have an appointment with my ortho surgeon on Friday to get them checked out. I am also dealing with chronic diarrhea still. I go probably 6-7 times a day and oftentimes don’t make it to the bathroom (thank goodness I only had urinary issues at my shrink appointment). I’ve been limiting my coffee to no avail. I’m waiting to hear back from the gi doctor about my stool test. I want a refund.
I completely relate and feel the same way - post Long Covid it feels like every aspect of my body is failing - due to my right side weakness I can't walk properly and use my right arm fully, the chronic fatigue and the mobility issues mean I need to sit down every two seconds. The brain fog means I'm forgetful and feel zoned out and that's not to mention the incontinence issues. It was one thing having to wear protection for after dribble and for potential urge issues and IBS accidents when travelling and staying away from home; having to wear 24/7 for regular full voids and always physically fighting to make it to the toilet in time is very different psychologically.

I was moving stuff out of my flat near work back to my Mum's place and I mused on how this illness has changed me - I was a fit guy in my 20s who was moving up in the world after lots of mental health issues in my teens and early 20s. Now I'm 30 and a physical wreck who is unable to live independently. Still holding out hope they find a miracle cure for this and I wake up one morning and feel normal again.

However, I also realise people have it much worse than me so I shouldn't really complain.
You have a right to complain. It’s not a competition. There’s no way to assess better or worse. It’s your reality.
I definitely understand this. No, I have never had issues during the day as long as I have now but still hate my body acting like it is.
@Sci_Fi_Fan I totally feel you. I’ve had longhaul COVID since the first week of November. It’s horrible. I am in a position similar to you, though I do live independently - for now! A longhaul clinic just opened up at the University of Utah, and I’m participating in a study there. They’ve already tested my bronchial DNA and it has been permanently altered by COVID. There was a jerk on this website who once went on and on and on in a post about how COVID isn’t serious. I’ve rarely been that insulted in my life! People who belittle the threat of the ‘Rona belittle the suffering we’ve endured. I’m sorry about what you’re experiencing and I hope they find a way to help us. My primary longhaul symptoms are: chronic cough - bronchial, not lung; and confusion, brain fog, and difficulty concentrating. My fatigue has recently improved; I hope yours will, too. It’s clear that COVID leads to neurotoxicity as much as any disease. So while it begins as a viral infection, it’s very much a disease. Best wishes for improvement for you. I’ll keep you posted about anything interesting I learn at the longhaul clinic.
Hi Snow, here's wishing you the best for the study you are participating in at the University of Utah and I really hope they give you a lot of help and that you get some answers to what I'm sure are the many questions you have at this point. I'm glad your fatigue has improved and I hope that the other issues do too! Do take care of yourself.
@snow Glad to hear you've been able to get in at a Long Covid clinic, let me know how it goes. Yes, the people that don't take it seriously really bug me, all the management at the school I work in were the same (which probably caused my suspected second bout!). My osteopath mused that Vitamin B12 injections may help and I plan on getting one. I'll let you know if it gets any better.

I have good days and bad days and was doing better before I had to move stuff out my flat. Living independently is just too much for me as is working. I'm off sick now but had to run on empty for months just to meet financial obligations - it was a real eye opener about how unexpected illness really screws everything up.
@Sci_Fi_Fan Yes, I look forward to hearing about the B12! My longhaul comes and goes as well. I’ll have 3-5 great days, then a few where it’s almost as bad as ever. Do you have any cough? The Atrovent inhaler is what has most helped me. I was also on Ipratropium Bromide nasal spray, Symbicort inhaler (and two more meds to treat the subsequent thrush infections), oral steroids, and a Ventolin rescue inhaler. I recommend all of it except the Symbicort.
@snow After round two of Covid I have noticed breathing issues which are much worse at the moment because it's hayfever season. Glad you've found products that are helping. Rather frustratingly I've not received any advice/support about daily living and lessening symptoms from doctors other than resting.

I'm currently treating it as a long-term disability I'm adapting to live with but hopeful it is a condition which can be cured. I think the fact that it's coming up to a year since it started doesn't give me much confidence about it going away of its own accord.
@Sci_Fi_Fan I feel your pain. Have you tried B12 pills? I take them daily, 1000mg, but who knows if they help or not. They’re supposed to improve brain function. I wish you the best and let’s stay in touch about this.
@snow Thanks! You too! Yeah, definitely post updates about how you're doing and I'll do the same. The main issue I find is that I can get to a certain point in terms of recovery and then no further and still suffer massive relapses. I hope I can get to a proper Long Covid clinic and get a full going over. I'm still waiting for a urologist referral which predates the Long Covid.

Re B12 I plan on booking an injection when I'm at my osteopath next; I'd rather do that than take supplements. I'd be happy with better brain function at the moment. I just hope that I can get to some state of normality soon - it feels like my life just stopped at 29 really when I developed all these issues.
I just involuntarily became a new member of the incontinence community. After the pandemic, I started bed wetting. After a bed wetting episode, I feel like crying 😭, but I try to keep a straight face to my father.
So I have an update on my wrists/hands.
I saw my Ortho’s pa on Friday. Good news is there are no fractures. Bad news is I’ve severely sprained both wrists and have tissue damage in my hands. I have to take a really strong anti inflammatory and wear wrist braces (which I haven’t been great at I’ll be honest. I hate them). Diapering is a nightmare. Getting around is a nightmare especially since I can’t use my leg right now. Just gotta keep moving forward.

Snow and sci_fi_fan - I was lucky that my covid case was mild and I count my lucky stars for that. It sucks what you all are going through
@justej Sorry to hear about the ongoing trauma, EJ, sounds painful and scary. I’ve had to wear wrist braces before for carpal tunnel and they are a drag, but they really help.
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