Bowel procedures Listed here on NAFC???? How has had one??


Staff member
So I have been proactively looking at what could come next as far as trying to figure out what is causing my issues. One procedure that I saw here on NAFC is Anal Manometry: uses a pressure sensitive tube to check the sensitivity and function of the rectum. Also checks the tightness of the anal sphincter muscles and their ability to respond to nerve signals, this seems to be something that would point to my issue as and lack of sensation when having or needing to have a bowel movement.
Has anyone had this procedure done??

Some of the posts else where online say it is not fun but with the pain I am in right now I would welcome the embarrassing procedure for answers.
@ThatFLGuy yeah i guess it is embarrassing to some extent but not really a big deal. it certainly does not hurt and mine was done in a private doctor’s office with one assistant. for me they found that my muscles were significantly weakened. (much worse now btw). there is not much to it beyond that. i guess the proctologist or other prescribing doctor would then decide what needs to be done in terms of treatment. it must be worthwhile to do. hope it goes well for you.
I'm not familiar with that test and to my knowledge I know no one who had it done. But from what you say it probably would be the way to go for you. Do talk to your doctor and have him refer you to a doctor or clinic who does that procedure. I'm glad you're on a quest to get some well-deserved answers and don't stop until you know just what is going on. You are wise to put the embarrassment factor aside as it will be a good way to give you much needed answers.
Are you also posting and searching on bowel incontinence forums, like these? They may have better advice for you than we with bladder incontinence have to offer you.

Have you tried something like this?

I wouldn’t waste any more time with your GP who hasn’t helped you in any way. GP’s are for minor things like an ear infection, or a simple finger bone break, or an annual basic check-up. They are not for complex problems. You really must see a GI specialist. If you have one and they haven’t helped, get another one, ASAP.
Snow is right on point with this one for sure! Call the nearest major hospital and get a list of gastroenterologists, and if possible, recommendations from someone you know. Barring that, at least check if they are board-certified. Then make a selection and call for an appointment. Even better see if there's a group practice that has mainly GI specialists so you'll be directed to the right one for your needs. If possible, make sure the GI doctor has (or at least bring) your medical records so you won't have to "re-invent the wheel" when you have that first appointment. Wishing you smoother sailing!
snow said:
Are you also posting and searching on bowel incontinence forums, like these? They may have better advice for you than we with bladder incontinence have to offer you.

Have you tried something like this?

I wouldn’t waste any more time with your GP who hasn’t helped you in any way. GP’s are for minor things like an ear infection, or a simple finger bone break, or an annual basic check-up. They are not for complex problems. You really must see a GI specialist. If you have one and they haven’t helped, get another one, ASAP.

Snow, You hit the nail on the head... My Physicians assistant did more to get me where I am right now than my Physician did...But Before that I was not as open with my Gp as a needed to be with my Pa. Fact is that right now I am waiting on paperwork to get done, waiting on call backs to figure out what the heck is going on, and waiting for someone to take this a seriously as I am my fallow up with my GI doctor is a full twelve days from now. At this point I have been living double incontinent for three weeks. While it has not been an every day thing because I am still dealing with constipation, it is not okay to be dealing with any of this. I want answers and I will not take waiting for longer than I feel like should be normal. I had to fight to get an appointment before august with my GI doctor so.. I did tell the GI doctors nurse that I have not problem going to the ER if I keep feeling the way that I do right now.
I’m sorry you have to wait so long to see you GI because if there’s a patient who needs gut help ASAP, I think it’s you. I really feel for you. I’ve been waiting for knee surgery since March. It’s happening in 10 days but there’s a chance the state of UT (“Utard” as some of us refer to it as) will have to prohibit “elective” procedures again because our case numbers are growing so fast and we don’t have very many ICU beds.
I agree with Snow. FLGuy, if I were you I would be tempted to find another GI doctor who can see you sooner. If you live in a more populous area that may be a possibility. Contact a reputable medical center to see if you can get in to see someone soon. Explain what the situation is and don't take "no" for an answer. If anything you don't want repeated trips to the ER. That gets to be expensive and without a good sit-down chat with a reputable specialist you'll just stay in the ER visit vicious circle.
And Snow, I've never heard of Utah being referred to as "Utard." That's a new one on me! But sadly things aren't any better in Florida where case numbers are also going up and up. I hope you can hang in there with your knee until people in charge finally make up their minds to do something about this pandemic situation. But I won't start in on the political ramifications of this whole fiasco.

Hi, I have seen you on other forums. I am double incontinent and have been through a full battery of testing from a specialist pelvic health clinic for fecal incontinence.

I recommend that you look into anal manometry. Anal Manometry and sensory testing can determine whether there is a functional weakness of the internal or external anal sphincters or whether there is a sensory deficit. Manometry measures pressures in the anus and rectum. Various probes and sensors may be used. By filling a rectal balloon with various volumes of air or water your physician can assess whether your ability to sense stool in the rectum is impaired. Sensory tests determine whether the nerves of the rectum are able to detect the arrival of stool, and in what volume.

I have had the anal manometry procedure and you will feel some discomfort, but not pain. You need to find a GI specialist who can prescribe these, and possibly other, procedures like balloon expulsion test, defecogram, and more. For me, the findings were very helpful. I learned that I had permanent nerve damage from an old accident that impaired my ability to sense stool in the rectum or an approaching bowel movement.
Jdm, Those tests sound complicated :Oand highly specialized. I've never heard of a defecogram or a balloon expulsion test. Are they only done at major medical centers? If someone needs to have such a test it would be worth it to find where they are done and even worth the money to spend to get there. Now at least you know what to expect and how to deal with it.
Bill, the specialized tests such as the defecogram, usually are conducted at clinics with special equipment. The defecogram essentially is an X-ray video made while you poop a barium compound administered as an enema.:eek: It enables your doctor to see whether the rectal and sphincter muscles are performing as they should and whether you have prolapse.

The balloon expulsion test involves a small balloon that is inserted into your rectum and inflated to a specified amount. The maximum usually is about 60cc. You then try to expel it. I could not due to my nerve/sphincter muscle damage.

These are not tests you will look forward to taking:D, but may provide invaluable information to your gastroenterologist.
At this point, jdm, I'm not planning on those tests any time soon! Years ago I did have a barium enema which as I remember, didn't show anything serious. It sounds similar to that defecogram. And the balloon expulsion test is a new one on me! As far as I know I'm due for a colonoscopy in another two years.:( I certainly hope I don't have to take that same medicine I did when I went through it three years ago! :eek: Now that was not pleasant!!!!
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