Booster Pads


Staff member
I thought I'd try some booster pads as, having been referred to the continence team, I should be able to get some nappies on the NHS soon but, having seen the quality they provide, they're not absorbent enough for my needs.

I used them with some products I have left over which are prone to leaks and they work like a charm. Wearing them with my high capacity, out and about ones lessens the need for plastic pants considerably. The only downside I've found is that more bulk means I can forget about discretion. Luckily, I have some really baggy jeans but they're still quite noticeable. Having said that, I'd rather have less discretion but more protection if it means no need to mess around with bagging plastic pants up.

Any general tips/advice for using booster pads?
I a lot of times if it's convenient I will change boosters out so I can extend having to change briefs as well as having less bulk ensuring discretion.
My advice would be to make sure ALL of the booster pad is within the "walls" of the main protection ie: pull up. Everyone probably already is aware of this but I wasn't and learned the hard way....I'm happy that you found a combination that is working for you. Good 'ol trial and error I recon.
I use a combination of a booster and pull up. I downsized the pad smaller then the pull up to make the fit better. I have used the Northshore booster with a combination of pull ups. I usually only go through one on a work day and change when I get home. Hope this helps
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