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CES97 said:We've tried several over the years but prefer the Protect-A-Bed Waterproof Mattress Pad Protectors. It's washable, quiet, doesn't make you sweat and they last a long time.
snow said:@Pammy53 Thanks for the suggestion! I considered a bedside commode last year when I was non-weight-bearing for five months after breaking my foot horizontally and vertically. But I decided the gross smell it would create in my bedroom wasn’t worth it; I have a sensitive nose and think I would have spilled it when wheeling/crutching back to the toilet in the mornings. But I’m getting knee replacements in 2023, hopefully ASAP. Since I’m told by everyone, including my own doctors, that I’ll be in the worst pain of my life for at least eight weeks per knee, I may get a commode. It doesn’t sound like they give much pain medication with knee replacements (so what else is new?) so I’m going to want to walk as little as possible, though I have to move to avoid blood clots.