Bladder Retraining


Staff member
I've been reading a lot about bladder retraining and all say to stick to a schedule. Pee on at a set time even if you don't have too, but why? No place can I find an answer. It would seem to me that holding it longer would help retrain your bladder to hold it longer.
Your theory makes sense to me, macloud. I've been trying to do that and it does seem to be working. I can last longer - many times overnight without having to get up.
I had robotic prostate removal, so went from three muscles controlling peeing to one - the abdominal floor muscle. I can feel when I need to go and have developed (still am developing) strength in the floor muscle to control leaking.
A lot of it is getting your bladder used to operating on a schedule, and that has to be done in steps. If your bladder is doing whatever, whenever, that's less controlled than if you've gotten it used to once an hour, and it's only when you've gotten it used to some sort of schedule that you can start slowly extending the intervals.

I can see where it's counterintuitive, but it's about taking a first step that your bladder can handle, and then going forward one step at a time by lengthening the time between voids.
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