Birthday coming up and started a fundraiser


Staff member
Hello everyone. I just wanted to share with you all that my b-day is coming up on the 3rd of April. I also started a fundraiser on my Facebook page for " National Association For Continence ". I thank you all out here for giving me the hope and strength to stand up to myself and teach me on how to go about my life with incontinence. Thank you NAFC for starting this forum and all the information you have out there for people to research and learn about incontinence.
Send me a message for more info on the fundraiser and donating.
Happy Easter everyone.
It is for the National Association for continents. I was going through the non-profit fundraiser that I can choose to raise money for and found that I could pick NAFC. It is just for the organization. It is also providing information for people to read and get information about incontinence. Another reason I did it is to finally tell as a whole to all the friends and family that I am dealing with incontinence do to underlining medical issues. It's a good way to help on coming out of my shell and tell family and friends about my problem.
Really glad you are gaining confidence and comfort from NAFC.
Perhaps your fb post will be helpful to others to have insight into this hidden problem that affects so many feeling alone.
Hi Everyone - I have to say that has been nothing but stellar in managing this forum. Letting all of us share a myriad of topics weather they are directly connected to incontinence or not. Even though we all know
that EVERYTHING in our lives in some way shape or form is affected by incontinence. - Whatever that maybe. - Menopause, ED, trying to get from point A to point B without peeing our pants, how to have a social life, SEX. Part of me wants to scream to whoever - No I have not always been like this - Having to think of - every - single - detail - to function - and oh yeah, I do have a brain, and I am smart and funny - The has allowed us all to share problems, whine, complain, trying to fit all the products necessary in our budget - letting go of all the other stuff that we would like no matter how small and babble on and on - They rarely stop us, no matter our rant - The has occasionally when necessary. stepped in diplomatically, but firm to keep things from getting out of hand. - Thank you nafc. - Pam
@Maymay941 - Hear ya on that Maymay. - My husband who is a below the knee amputee - 5 years - has a better attitude than I do. He does understand. He has seen it all, and will always tell me. Get over it. Appreciate the day. - Pam
I am certain he is correct and Im grateful but I still spend a lot of every day just being in control of the condition appreciative of my personal blessings not with standing
Yeah - It really is hard sometimes to maintain that "sunny side up" attitude when the minutiae of trying to accomplish the simplest of tasks is so draining and time consuming. - My husband never down plays anything that makes my life difficult. He is always there to encourage and help. Though he does have his moments - his motto is - Try to find the humor in everything - Take your little victories and run with them - We all know someone who has it worse - Get over it, slap a smile on your face, and try to enjoy your day - even if it is just one thing. How he does that, I don't know. But, I try to keep it in mind, though generally not very well sometimes. - Pam
It is obvious both you and your husband have more than your share of issues Pammy. I myself have always said that you don’t have to look very far to see someone that is worse off than me, and for me that has made it easier to deal with anything my wife and I have gone through. It sounds to me like you and your husband are a good match for living life together and coping with whatever comes your way. Being supportive of each other is so important knowing your partner is there for you no matter what. God bless and happy Easter
@Leemo - Thank-you Leemo. The last 5 years have been especially challenging, and stressful - but, I wouldn't want to go through any of it with anyone else. - Pam
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