
Staff member
Good news....activated on Tuesday...not one drop since! What a relief after 6 months of frustration to finally get dry!
Congratulations. Hopefully I don’t need in future. Went all day on one light pad today. First day to attempt that. 5 months post RP. ED still an issue.
Great. Curious about your age and preexisting issues besides “prostate cancer” - not a joke! Without AUS I wonder how anyone over 65 could ever be truly continent. I’m 75, 5 years post RP, still <0.01 (HOORA), extremely active/athletic and use 1-2/day pads. Still internally debating AUS or not!
I am 86 years old... proof that age is NOT a factor if you're in good shape.
Prostate removed 4 years ago. Had 30 days of radiation one year afterward And Cyberknife radiation treatments 6 months ago because of rising PSA's. Became incontinent shortly afterward. Had Lupron injections about 6 months ago.
PSA was undetectable.
Hello 20lawlorg,
Congrats on your success and your psa being undetectable. How did your Surgeon handle the fact that you had radiation? Did he ever comment on your compromised tissue after radiation. I've had a RP plus 35 days of radiation...I understand it's a tricky procedure for those of us who have had radiation.
Congratulations on your success! Good to hear a great report regarding that surgery. May be looking at the same in the next year ( 8 months post RP) if I don’t improve via exercises. Thanks for the report!
Congratulations. i am 67, 100 lbs overweight but i'm the engineering controls manager at work so i am at my computer a lot. yesterday was a 12 hour day at work, today was 15 but both days on one pad. Usually it the hour on the road to or from work that's the worst. Today did a job walk with one of my contractors and held up quite well to my surprise. Did have to use restroom after first project before going to the next.
Please keep us updated on your progress with the AUS. For example, with the device, how often do you go to the bathroom? Have you traveled with the device, and how did you do? Any lingering pain?
I will have AUS surgery on St. Patrick’s Day. Looking forward to having it and hoping for the best results. I appreciate everyone who posts on this site. Thank you.
It should be a banner day for you. In 6 weeks after activation (time to heal) you should be completely dry! And go back to the way you lived before incontinence! Good luck...keep us posted!
@alwayssinging. I wish the best in Aus surgery and continence success. I am very interested in how it goes since I may be looking at going this way
AUS surgery was this morning. 2 1/2 hours and then 1 hour in recovery and then back home. Feeling pretty good for now but day three could be very uncomfortable according to the surgeon. I am excited for the final outcome in six weeks. It has been three years since my radical prostate hyena and hundreds of briefs. I am ready for some normalcy. Thank you to all who have discussed this here in the past three years. It led me to the decision to have it done and I have appreciated the information so many have shared here. This is a great forum for all of us. I will update as I move forward through the final few weeks to activation.
Congratulations and Thanks for the update- please keep them coming if you can. Considering procedure for this fall.
Please do give updates. Your journey after activation will be most interesting - do you have to go every hour, or can you wait two hours or more? How much residual leakage?. Any post-activation pain, and so on.
Urination is normal...absolutely NO leakage! Yes pain for a couple of weeks.
You'll do fine...keep me in the loop
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