As my 2 conditions worsen


Staff member
I am finding that all day long life is not about my career or breaking for lunch or whether or not I find a seat on the train. I've had urinary and fecal incontinence for a few years and it is getting worse. At the present time it can't be treated. So why I'm posting now I don't even know. My problems stem from a mental health issue. But lately most of my time is spent waiting and trying to be prepared for another disaster. My necessary muscle power seems to be nearly completely gone. I still need to work and I have to run to the men's room frequently - unfortunately a long distance - to hopefully get there before overflowing or worse and then clean up and dry up to get back to work. My body waste is the main thing on my mind lately.
I know it's easier said than done and forgive me if I offend. But, the worse you stress and dwell on the negative, the worse off you will be. Same goes for the good side. Our mental issues greatly effect our physical issues. But I wish you and pray for the best.
You might want read the post about the Medtronic Interstim implant that I posted about earlier...Shirley Cadle
I am truly sorry for the understandable distress you are experiencing. Is it possible for you to get Social Security Disability. SSDI, so you wouldn't have to work?
Life is very hard and I don't think disability would apply. However it should. Praying helps me a lot with stress. I keep telling myself tah this is only temporary-not eternal.
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