Appointment with new physical therapist tomorrow... More issues.


Staff member
Well that was quick.. Again points to the GI. PA-C as he expedited the process when it was not his job to do so.

So tomorrow at 1pm I have an appointment which is good.

Where I am having issue is that the pain that I am in has not gone away by adding back the second dose of Miralax so there is an issue.

The second thing that is going on is that I am trying to figure out what is going on with my health insurance now that I am being moved over to full term disability.

The disability company will be doing the secondary assessment on Wednesday to decided approval or not but the first assessment went very good and I am just waiting of some non issue forms to finish that out.

What I am worried about most is timing of everything. If that goes through on Wednesday then everything will be set but my income level will still be bad... I only get 60% of my normal net pre tax so I am going from $3,000 per month down to $1,460.. I have my bills down as low as I can get them and that will leave me with just $460 a month for non-bill things like diapers, pull-ups and food. (Food I am working on getting some help with but right now my nanny takes me shopping as she gets $350 per month in food stamps and she does not use them plus my parents and big family up here will not let me starve so I have a good support system for that if need be.)

The big thing is that because I was in school before and also did accounting for my parents when they were not here (IE I picked up and deposited checks for the business) I was able to keep my car and license in Florida... The reason that I hung on to the Florida license so long is that PA has car registration and inspections which my car will not pass right now and I do not have the money to fix what is needed. The car runs great but needs tires and a few things that will cost about $200.. Inspections are about $40 and the rest will be about $150. I do not have that kind of money right now so I am deciding what to do about that.

The last thing that is getting to me is that I went from being very active at work to not being able to do a lot due to getting fatigued quickly.. This is something that I have told both my Physical therapist, GI doctors, and PCP so they all know that it is an issue. I truly am at a loss right now with what to ask them as far as other tests. I know that there is other things that they can look at but feel like they are just pushing physical therapy first to rule that solution out first.

I am hopeful that this new therapist will be on my side with helping me get the best care I can get and help find solutions.
Not sure how you feel, but I have asked Jesus for help and the results have been amazing. He is always there to help those in need who have faith in him. I pray for assistance for you.
Can you "sell"your car to family to keep as a Florida registered
car and get a resident identification card which is an ID card not drivers license.
I just wanted to tell you that as hard as it is to read of your suffering and difficulties it makes me grateful for my own body that I took for granted so long.
Feel well. With our prayers
ThatFlGuy -- Everything comes together to bring anxiety and despair it seems. I'm very happy that you have a good support system with family and friends. I thought when my husband died in 2015 and my income was slashed in half that I would have a hard time paying everything, but it all worked out and family came to my assistance and friends also provided some financial assistance at first. I had to really pay attention to utilities usage and make every gas mile count. I rethought a lot of things, had a garage sale, did whatever I could to save and eventually it all straightened out and even though I only get Soc. Sec. and "rent" from my son I'm better off financially than I was when my husband was alive. I had conversations with my granddaughter (who is 17 and lives with me) and we compared fixing my KIA van and the low mileage we were getting to getting a newer model hybrid and found that even with car payments we saved enough on gasoline and other repairs to make it wise to trade in the van for the newer car even though the car insurance also went up quite a lot. I have very little medical expense now too. Medical supplies can really be a burden I know.

And doing the physical therapy sounds like a good answer to see if that works first. Time and patience. Hopefully you'll come out the other side feeling better about everything. It helps to have someone to talk to about your worries. We're here for you.
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