Anyone familier with adderoll?


Staff member
I just started adderoll Monday of this week for ADHD. Its a miracle worker. A small dose has resolved my lack of ability to concentrate, constant fatiuge and such, and also helped greatly with anxiety and depression but theres a small problem.

Im having more urgency, frequency and have started leaking again after several dry months. Ive been able to cut all energy drinks and caffein (was drinking 3 large redbulls a day to stay awake, now I've had one small can this whole week and only drank half) ive upped my water intake to about 60 oz a day too so that may have some impact.
When I stopped drinking other things than mostly water it took a couple weeks for my body to adjust.
I don't know of any reason Adderall is the culprit but I don't take it. I know byotjers who do and I sense it affects BB their bladder control.
Maymay. When you say it took a couple weeks to adjust, at the end were your symptoms better worse or the same?
DPCARE at risk of hijacking the post here but last night I saw a YouTube video of Australia 60 minutes about how the Ham radio signals may have become the key to locate the Malaysian air liner that disappeared right ears ago.
Oh my goodness, I am having a very similar problem! I started taking Concerta 3 weeks ago for ADHD (for same reasons as you, it sounds like). I believe it is pretty much the same as Adderol. My incontinence issues were bad before this but worse now! My urologist says there should be no impact but how can he know for sure. If I learn anything more, I will let you know. If you can let me know if you find out anything, I would appreciate it.
P.S. I am a 26 year old female.
Maymay941 said:
DPCARE at risk of hijacking the post here but last night I saw a YouTube video of Australia 60 minutes about how the Ham radio signals may have become the key to locate the Malaysian air liner that disappeared right ears ago.

interesting thank you
Newbie my symptoms drastically improved. I was having spasms and a weak urgent trickle in the day but my main problem was night incontinence. I think I had severely irritated my badder by drinking citric drinks and no water for years.

Drinking filtered water in sips or half glass through out the day my day issue stopped I can hold it or go appropriately. Night stills issue but I drink water all evening instead of snacking so...
May, thanks! Thats awesome to hear and gives me hope. Ill just stick with it and maybe wear diapers again for a week or two and “push thru”. thanks.
@Newbie2this As an APRN in psychiatry, I prescribe Adderall often. It works very well for ADHD symptoms. The side effects we are most concerned about are insomnia, anorexia, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension. I have never once had a patient complain of OAB and/or urinary incontinence - which is not to say these are not side effects, albeit rare, of Adderall. You might talk with your prescriber about an anticholinergic agent, the effects of which can be found in many popular OTC meds, such as Benadryl.
Thanks Joel. Thanks for that great info. Ive had oab a long time and with my new found focus and lack of anxiety im drinking significantly more water (and also less energy drinks) i think thats probably the issue. I always had anxiety about this issue amongst others but with that reduced i have been far more disciplined about gettibg a good amount of water. Im in less pain, my skin feels better and in general im just over all better for it even just 5 days in. I have a follow up in about 3 wks and if it continues ill definitely bring it up.

Ive had no other side effects and at docs request am checking bp daily.
A mother on the Next-door app said that her son takes Adderol for ADHD and it's helped him tremendously. She also spoke about a web site JOON that has made a huge difference in her son's challenges. I wonder if her son has incontinence. Another woman said that medications for ADhD taken consistently over a long period can affect the other organs. My oldest son was diagnosed with ADHD in 1968 but that was a fairly new diagnoses then and a few years later he learned that actually he was bi-polar. He's had a rough life and won't take the meds because, he says, it takes away his emotions.
I have taken Adderall for a few years. It has never seemed to affect my urinary incontinence, which for me is related to nerve damage from radiation treatment for cancer many years ago.
@ritanofsinger Sadly, your son's reaction to bipolar meds is way too common. Many bipolar patients miss the euphoria that can often accompany mania, and they complain of feeling "flat" when they have been stabilized on medications. Bipolar patients are among the most difficult to get to adhere to a medication treatment plan in psychiatry.
Adder all and concerts are both stimulant medications. However adder all is an amphetamine and dextroamphetamine whereas concerts is an extended release for of methylphenidate the same type medication as Ritalin. According to the internet anyway. And everyone knows it’s true if it’s on the internet.
JoelCairo said:
@ritanofsinger Sadly, your son's reaction to bipolar meds is way too common. Many bipolar patients miss the euphoria that can often accompany mania, and they complain of feeling "flat" when they have been stabilized on medications. Bipolar patients are among the most difficult to get to adhere to a medication treatment plan in psychiatry.

I was diagnosed originally add in 3rd grade in the early 90s. Ritalin was prescribed and stopped because i felt that same sort of “flat” emotionlessness. Was a terrible experience. I never thought of it again till a coworker mentioned that i should get checked out a few weeks ago because i was fiddling with my pen and losing my train of thought in meetings. Boy if only id gotten that advise and an adderoll script in my early 20s that woulda been epic. Better late than never tho.
I thought adderoll was prescription speed. It can help get you up off your rear if your having trouble with that.
Its a stimulant. It does have differant effects on non adhd folks that i cant speak to but as for me, taking the small dose as percribed has been a wonderful game changer. It gives me more motivation but not a “rush” that illicit drug users describe.
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