Anyone else suffer with hurtfall bladder spasms, and bladder pain?


Staff member
I have it here, and trying to find a fix for this. It kinda like drags on daily.
They want me to try a couple things, but haven't tried them yet, as nothing else has worked.
I have pain bladder pain sometimes. For me physical excersion seems to cause it. For the most part now I use hoists, lifts and get help when I need to lift anything heavy. I think also diet causes some discomfort for me, too much sugar, caffeine.
Yes. I am trying to figure out what the trigger is. Yesterday I went for 1 hour walk. Started feeling it. Then stood for two hours, working. Then really in pain for the rest of the day - 7 hours. okay if I sit and don't move.

I'm not sure if it is bladder spasms or something else. I am on the OAB restriction diet / removing irritants / don't eat: caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, onions, citrus, fizzy drinks, sugar, artificial sugar, spicy foods. I am 95% compliant.

I hear there is a systoscopy exam where a scope goes up the uretha into the bladder for a look see.

I read an article with this information: Studies out of Japan have shown improvement in urgency, leakage, and night time urination with an herbal remedy known as Gosha-jinki-gan. The buchu plant from South Africa is thought to nourish the bladder tissue and fight inflammation which can lead to infections and incontinence.

But, for you pain if regular daily thing could be something else. Pain never seems good when it sticks around too long.
I take diuretics for congestive heart failure and since they increased the dosage a have increased urgency and pain. I guess it beats dying though.
I get pain and spasms at times but not very often usually when I eat spicy foods or sodas or when I over eat. Never thought much about it honestly just figured my system was unhappy with my diet!!
Yes, the "urge" gets painful. Also, it may get urgent & painful, but it seems to happen even when volume isn't that much, too.
Not sure if connected to Diabetes, but critical to avoid sugar in evening. Pain/super-urgency is common report in this forum. Not sure about caffeine, as decaf may do it too.
Look for thread on eating/drinking that causes painful urge/high frequency. It seems to vary more per individual.
Not drinking, any more - didn't do alcohol much anyway, so not sure about that one. The diuretic taken for 2 months doesn't seem to help or harm,(Low dose, 1/2 pill) but take in morning as prescribed. (It's for something else.) I have to stay away from cranberry juices, i don't care how much derision nurses give me over that. (Don't you just love it when nurses & doctors essentially call you a liar? It may not be a diuretic by their definition, but it seems to be the experience of numerous people.)
P.S. I have to stay away from artifice sweeteners, especially Sucralose. Boy, does that set me off. Just recently, a new study decided artificial sweeteners are bad for you. Just like coffee, "they" will reverse that decision every 10 years, I bet.

Yes, all of what you posted I agree with, I'm a well controlled Diabetic, and yes, very little urine and still the angry bladder. I do take a diuretic in the morning, I eat and do the right liquids, still well you know. My urologist told me sometime ago to stay away from cranberry.
I experienced severe bladder spasms and my doctor prescribed Utira C tablets. It was like a miracle that I did not have spasms for at least 2 months nor incontinence. I was so happy but it did not last. I am now on 50mil of Mybertriq and a substitute for Utira C called Phosphasal tablets. I feel minor relief but not to the extent that I felt when I was first prescribed.
Wow, yes, my first urologist gave me the Phosphasal tablets, didn't tell me why I should take them just to take them, I was a little cranky why he wouldn't comment, so eventually I did fired him
I am less then two weeks post surgery where they removed over 12 inches of my colon. every time is stand up or move the wrong way my bladder hurts. Also sitting on toilet to have a bowel movement I get a lot of discomfort in my bladder. Also I have had dribbling when standing up after sitting for a while. It is not much but just enough to be a annoying.
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