Yes. I am trying to figure out what the trigger is. Yesterday I went for 1 hour walk. Started feeling it. Then stood for two hours, working. Then really in pain for the rest of the day - 7 hours. okay if I sit and don't move.
I'm not sure if it is bladder spasms or something else. I am on the OAB restriction diet / removing irritants / don't eat: caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, tomatoes, onions, citrus, fizzy drinks, sugar, artificial sugar, spicy foods. I am 95% compliant.
I hear there is a systoscopy exam where a scope goes up the uretha into the bladder for a look see.
I read an article with this information: Studies out of Japan have shown improvement in urgency, leakage, and night time urination with an herbal remedy known as Gosha-jinki-gan. The buchu plant from South Africa is thought to nourish the bladder tissue and fight inflammation which can lead to infections and incontinence.
But, for you pain if regular daily thing could be something else. Pain never seems good when it sticks around too long.