Anyone else have 2 Medtronic implants?


Staff member
I have had a Medtronic InterStim for bladder urgency & frequency for several years. (Works well, by the way.) But now I have a heart pacemaker by Medtronic!

I have had heart rhythm and erratic blood pressure problems since childhood. In 2019 a severe tachycardia event (fast beating) led to 13 radio frequency ablations (burns on the inside of my heart), followed by an implanted heart monitor under the skin.

Last month I received a phone call from the monitoring doctor saying that my heart was only beating in the 20's and I needed a pacemaker. One week later I had the implant. It looks exactly like the bladder InterStim.

Becoming more bionic! :)

kept up the hope- we all get fixed -the most technology has done is extend out lives without major pain
You are impressive!!
Should become a Medtronics spokesperson!!
Now about that prosthetic arm that shoots lazer beams....
Wow, @MezaJarJarBinks, you're turning into a cyborg! Next thing you know, you'll find yourself in a William Gibson novel.

Maymay, I want that prosthetic arm, too!
BarbaraDrabek said:
the most technology has done is extend out lives without major pain

Amen to that!

Since I have so many medical issues, I can say that "modern medicine" has never cured me of anything. Everything they do causes side effects; so they give me another pill to help with that, which of coarse causes more side effects, etc., etc., etc. :(

The Bible is quite clear that there is really nothing I can do to live any longer than God has already determined. To be honest, I would rather be with Him anyway.
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