I get that some ABDLs are also incontinent. My anger is more with the small percentage who are manipulative, abusive, or dishonest about who or what they are.
Many years ago I had a very traumatic experience with my incontinence, and I posted to a (now defunct) online forum about it because I wanted to process it and come to terms with what had happened. I don't want to go into details, but it was a deeply humiliating experience for me, so I reached out to a support group for, well, support. I did get a lot of support, and some good suggestions for how to move past it and avoid something like that happening again. But I also got a bunch of people posting how cool it was that I'd had that happen and how jealous they were of me that I had such a wonderful excuse to wear diapers. I got a couple of direct messages as well - one person wanted to be my "online daddy," and one person wanted my advice on he could become incontinent. The original experience was plenty traumatic, and I didn't appreciate people talking about it like it was some kind of gift, pumping me for details, or trying to hit on me.
Another thing that happened to me, again many years ago, was that I called a company that advertised plastic pants. I had questions about the sizing and wanted to talk to a real person about it. A woman answered the phone, and I told her that I had questions about their plastic pants, and I heard her move the phone away from her mouth and tell her coworker, "I've got another weirdo on the line," before taking up the phone again. I was extremely upset and hung up, but ended up calling back a couple of minutes later and telling her (it was the same woman who answered the phone) that I wasn't some weirdo, that I was a just a man trying to manage a medical condition. She was extremely apologetic (and made it clear that she hadn't intended for me to hear her comment), and told me that they got many calls from people asking them inappropriate questions and wanting to tell them embarrassing things - she said that there was one guy who called a couple of times a week, talking about the small size of his anatomy.
I have no problem with ABDLs in general - as far as I'm concerned, what happens in their private life doesn't affect me. It's when it does affect me, and it ceases to be their private life, that I start having a problem with some of the individuals. I've watched forums (including the one I'd posted my experience to) get overrun with people's ABDL fantasies and cease to be useful for incontinent people who need support. I've seen many people reaching out for support for an embarrassing medical problem get pushed away by people with no real clue what it's really like to be incontinent day in and day out.
So maybe I underestimate the role that ABDLs have had in the development of premium medical diapers, but it's hard for me not to harbor a lot of resentment toward at least the parts of that community that has further stigmatized what's already a stigmatizing, isolating medical problem.
My two cents worth, anyhow. Undoubtedly worth at least two cents less than you paid for it.