Anti depression tablets


Staff member
Is anyone else on the forum on anti depression tablets I've been on them for years i take 150mg of sertraine i was 1st put on them for depression due to my incontinence but they have never worked
This is zomething that you need to talk with your doctor about, changing the type or dose possibly.
I have been on anti depressants at dofferent times in my life and know from reading others stories and hearing other peoples experiences there is no one size for everyone pill.
Please know howeveri it is not safe to suddenly stop taking the tablets. You might feel ok for awhile then sudddenly fet very very drpressed. I mean black hole terrible. A doctor has to help you take a les dose de reasing the amount of tablets slowly over a time go allow your beain and body to adjust.
I sincerely hope you can find a sympathetic ki d doctor who would listen and work with you
I am taking cymbalta and I would reiterate what may may stated. Please consult with your doctor on the idea of changing to another med as there are many options and you need to find what works for you.
Doctor tried to prescribe me antidepressant and I refused. Specifically because of the reason MayMay and Jwh51 said. I will not put myself through that mental crap. I’d rather piss the bed
Yes I'm on 20mg of lexapro a day and 75 mgs of seroquel a day,for anxiety and depression issues amongst other things.
@joanne777 I've tried a few. I can't take SSRI's because of pancreatitis, so I currently take a tricyclic one called imipramine. There are so many you need to get help from a doctor to find one that suits you. Cheers Phil
I can’t remember the one I take but it gives my bad diarrhea. I can’t take it during the day because I can’t chance an accident like that at work so I take them just before I go to bed. The problem is I wake up with a mess about 70% of the time. I’ve tried several other antidepressants but this one works for me with that minor caveat.
Hello Joanne, it is far more common than you could imagine!! Life is not easy at times and MANY of us take something to help us get through the day. I’ve been on meds for over 7 years now and also take vitamin D to give my system a boost, this by no means, says you or any of us are weak or does this mean you’ll be on them the rest of your life either!! I know many people who have taken them for a year or 2 or 3 then they got off of them and that was enough to help them settle down and adjust. I have a close friend who take a small dose during the winter months and weens off for spring and summer. Talk to your Dr and let them help you, but don’t forget about the great people on this board they are all here to help us get through this world day by day!!
I refused my doctor's offer of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications because they are all addictive. I don't want to add another problem to the ones I already have.

I have had panic attacks and intense feelings of hopelessness from time to time and know how frightening it can be.

I've gone a more natural route. Meditation and exercise (walking) have helped me reduce both depression and anxiety.
Jamie and all who are willing to try something out of the ordinary,
You tube: ASMR
There are many many different types of artists who do a hypnotic type of role play or repetitive thing like my favorite, turning the pages of a book. There is Amr massage role play geared toward men and women. There are role plays of women idly straightening items on a store shelf. There are many different practioners.
If you find something you like it can trigger incredible deep relaxation and even the chills from your scalp down your spine.
It puts thousands to sleep and relieves all sorts of stress.
It is up to you to see what you personally tap into.
A scissors haircut along with shampoo and scalp massage, all in ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) style, will enable and enhance the relaxation mood you seek. Many examples on U-Tube.
Yes in fact i see these mens hair cut asmr videos available on you tube Andy!
Gentlewhispering is the artist who ive seen has a number of the men oriented hair cuts also mens suit fitting.
And plenty of women's relaxation touch stuff. Hard to describe but huge variety of relaxing triggers from various artists.
I was on Prozac just after my head injury- supposedly to boost mental processes- and it did help- a little, for a while. The dosage was increased several times but it never worked as well as it had initially. Finally, my neurologist told to stop taking them and take this (I don't remember what) instead. No 'slowly ease off' just stop. I wasn't familiar with drug interactions or withdrawal protocol (or symptoms) & I wasn't very long post-concussion so I wasn't thinking very clearly. Add to that the effects of the Prozac that I'd been taking for about a year and you have a recipe for disaster. I believe that God brought me through the transition, because there was only a day or two of withdrawal symptoms. They were very unusual, Neither the Prozac nor any of the other medications had any effect on my incontinence, though I don't think I was ever told it would.Those were crazy times...
jeffswet said:
I was on Prozac just after my head injury- supposedly to boost mental processes- and it did help- a little, for a while. The dosage was increased several times but it never worked as well as it had initially. Finally, my neurologist told me to stop taking them and take this (I don't remember what) instead. No 'ease off slowly'... just stop. I wasn't familiar with drug interactions or withdrawal protocol (or symptoms) & I wasn't very long post-concussion so I wasn't thinking very clearly. Add to that the effects of the Prozac that I'd been taking for about a year and you have a recipe for disaster. I believe that God brought me through the transition, because there was only a day or two of withdrawal symptoms. They were very unusual, Neither the Prozac nor any of the other medications had any effect on my incontinence, though I don't think I was ever told it would.Those were crazy times...
I'm not sure if i remember right, but i was on "Sertralene" (Spelling?) for a very short period. Was that the same? The Doc & the NP both refused to call my reaction "allergic", insisted on "adverse reaction". It has a bad reputation. Whatever, I can't take it. Oddly, "anti-depression" is a side affect of something i got prescribed almost immediately after that - by a different Doc for a different reason. Lamotrigine is for PN (Peripheral Neuropathy), but the "side affect" of anti-depression worked for me. Mild, but it helped. Not addictive, far as i know. The mental health NP was happy.
I agree with MayMay - you HAVE to discuss it with your Doc.
For anxiety, when things got desperate (at night), there was Lorazepam. Took me over 2 years to use 30 pills of low dosage - was warned it was badly addictive and i was afraid of it. It sure worked, but I Didn't renew it.
None of the three ever seemed to do anything for incontinence one way or the other. The Lamotrigene was working, and i just would work at something physical all night, sleep when i couldn't keep eyes open. Has to be some benefit to being retired.
Pot is now legal, here, but no one is growing medical pot - they can't even keep up with demand for recreational. From my hippy days, waaay back, i think that would work for me. I have a low tolerence for alcohol & pot - so it doesn't take much, and i refuse to drive under the influence. Anyway, alcohol is a depressant.
I sure like the non-prescription drug alternatives. I'm not sure they know much more about depression than about incontinence. Maybe see a holistic practictioner?
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