

Staff member
Ok guys, here’s a question that has me pondering. I do not have daytime issues, just nights. I need a wisdom tooth pulled and this may involve some good drugs. Whats the likelihood of having an oops in the chair?
Couldn't really tell you - wouldn't hurt to wear a pull up or something; you wouldn't have to tell anybody since it's oral surgery. No one would be the wiser.

Bedwetting is a sleeping condition; so I am not sure what the drugs will do to your sleep.

Take care,
I had one pulled last year. Local anesthesia (novocaine). It was all over in less than 5 minutes, with little or no pain. Everyone is different. Check with your oral surgeon for more precise information on their procedures.
I had my 10 yr colonoscopy last year, and I was also worried about wetting while I was "Put under" for the procedure.. Since my last colonoscopy 10 years ago, my bedwetting has progressed to an every-night thing, including if I take a nap. So I did worry that I might wet.

I wore a diaper there, and the prep nurse said it was quite common. They just folded the diaper back for the procedure. Later, when I woke up in the recovery room, I was indeed wet. So I guess my point is, IF they put you under for this, you possibly could wet also.
I did not have incontinence the time I had mine pulled. I had all 4 taken out at one time when I was 23. I was put under. I am glad it is over and I had them out. No problem with them at all afterwards. OF course I was younger then. I hate pain, being a brain tumor survivor my whole body is screwed up sometimes. Good Luck, good idea to wear something.
So, I can speak to this just from my own experience.

First, I hate going to most dentists. I have one that I went to as a kid up here in Pa that I would trust with my life (Both my aunt and a cousin work for his office even though he no longer practices)

So I ended us having three of my four wisdoms pulled at the same time with just Novocaine and muscle relaxers. I did wear a pull-up and I am glad I did. No issue while there but on the way home I did. BUT, The dentist gave me muscle relaxers to take before the procedure and I was very relaxed so if they give you them then be safe.

Also, the last tooth I had pulled was by the same guy (I have bad teeth and had cracked one of my molars bad.) The same thing, had a pul-up on just in case but this time I ended up needing it while there. The tooth snapped off when he tried to pull it as it was so bad. well, it took a while for him to grind it down and patch me up and I was fighting to fall asleep from the relaxers. It was not a bad wetting but enough for me to know it and would have left a wet spot had I not been wearing something.

My doctors right now are talking about giving me relaxers to try to put off some of the spasms and pain I have so.
I wanted to have anesthesia, but my dentist talked me out of it. She told me most people didn't need to be put under. I remember my wife and daughter had their wisdom teeth removed,and they were both put under, and were out of commission for several days. Their procedure's were done well over 20 years ago. Wisdom teeth removal procedure has changed dramatically over the years. Don't sweat it, it'll be over before you know it. I had a driver just in case, but went home immediately afterwards.
Colonoscope, tooth extracted, brain surgery, in last 3 years. Major surgery they do the catheter thing. Brain surgery: they took the cath out too early, as far as I was concerned. The surgery gave me full-blown incontinence, they put diapers on me (badly, and they were lousy ones). Went home that way, after 3+ weeks. It has faded slowly.
Latest tooth extraction was by oral surgeon instead of previously by dentist. He did have to put in 3 stitches. It was really quick - unlike 2 impacted wisdom teeth back when I was in college. Whatever this oral surgeon used instead of novacain, no problem, didn't put me out, no big deal, none of that "feels swollen" afterwords. No problem, afterwards, except near-liquid diet got boooring.
Don't sweat it, indeed.
Hi @paace, If it isn't an impacted wisdom tooth, or a tooth that is completely exposed, very likely it will be three or so shots of Novocain. If it's impacted and they have to make an incision it will likely be a general anesthesia. But do discuss the anesthesia with the doc for sure. But as far as having an accident is concerned, do wear something, no matter if you'll be awake or asleep, just in case! Hope the procedure goes better than expected!
Thanks for the responses everyone. Looks like its just going to be local only. I’ll play it safe anyways, but that’s the update so far. I go in on the 8th.
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