Amazing Doctor!


Staff member
I just thought I’d share this, as we so often share our experiences with some horrible doctors, I’ve had some life changing mishaps that were totally avoidable…
Yesterday I went for my 3 month checkup with my dermatologist after they removed a ping pong size tumor from my head, that to me was as small as a pencil lead! Once they opened it up they had to go back in three times to get it all, not fun….
I go to Duke Hospital a major teaching institution, so there are always new spectators every visit, not exactly what I would choose especially when I have to strip down to my Betterdry for the exam. Anyhow after seeing a number of young doctors in training just stare at my underwear as if I just dropped in from Mars, my Doc introduced me and the students and simply told the interns to get used to seeing these, as there are many you’d never know need to wear protection. Mine being a bad car accident, and In Dermatology everyone gets naked! When I laid down on my stomach I heard an audible gasp as my back looks like I fought a sword fight using my back & hips. I have scars from my skull to my butt, and way too many of them, some very angry looking welts.
After inspecting my back she asked me to stand up so she could continue my front, then many peoples nightmare hit, as often happens with me when I stand up, everything pours out. It sounded like a firehouse going off in my pants in that small room! Without batting an eye she turned and told them all “That is incontinence”! She then told them I was one of her favorite patients, and that I lived a life she could never keep up with no matter what underwear I was wearing!
Afterwards I was surprised that a few of them came over and thanked me for not bolting from the room, others said I never would have known before you got undressed. All of them very respectful some curious. Again I think it all came down to how my Doc handled it, she is awesome!
Thank God for that doctor and thank you for the story. Our doctors and nurses Jess all the positive. And the training for the younger ones is awesome.
If we don't have such a kind and knowledgeable doctor it is up to US to be the educator and tell the room of our condition, what to expect from seeing us in our underwear and be patient and tolerant as we can h8venbthat we are there in. Pain or because of an operation we don't look forward to.

I'm so grateful for your story and the kind and excellent educational doctor for you who 3ven put forward that you have lived a remarkable life and so have qualities to admire which balanc3s out the better dry dries.
Awesome story and thank you for sharing it with us. We can all talk of horror stories we have had, but it really is nice to hear positive remarks about our medical staff teaching upcoming doctors the realities of incontinence. I too have had a very few positive stories but they are few and far between and I’ve been incontinent for over 30 years. Thanks again for sharing it was nice to read.
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