All set to travel


Staff member
Well I’m all set to go see my family on Monday. Laundry is done and I’m all packed. I am not packing any diapers except for 4 MegaMax that will go in my bag to travel with. I shipped 3 packs of MegaMax and wipes to my parents cabin and my mom said there were still some in the garage in town. I was potentially exposed to Covid and my dad is going to have heart surgery and my sister has MS so I did a home test and was negative. I’ll do another test tomorrow at cvs just to make sure. I have no symptoms and I’ve had the vaccine, booster, and I had Covid last January so my chances of getting it again are pretty low. But if I do test positive tomorrow I will not be able to see my family. I didn’t see them last year for Xmas so I really don’t want to miss this year too. Send good vibes my way!
Hi @justej, Good vibes coming from here!!! I definitely wish you the very best for your covid testing and for a very smooth and seamless trip on Monday!!! Everybody is pulling for you and you can count on that!! Sorry to hear your dad is having heart surgery and best wishes the surgery is "a textbook case!"
And we'll hope the enroute weather will not be an issue as well!!!
Good vibes from me to you as you take the test tomorrow. I hope you get to see your family. It's important.
Hoping you have a wonderful trip without COVID. My son in Atlanta called tonight and he has Omicron COVID now even though he got the first two shots. He was pretty sick last night with 104 fever but he is much better today. Be careful and know that all good thoughts are going with you. Keep in touch and hope Santa is good to you.
First class, wow!!!😊😊😊😊😊

Considering the distance it is between DC and Colorado you will be much more comfortable!!!!
Bon voyage and have a wonderful and great vacation!!!
I have to fly to New Jersey first. Then from New Jersey I’ll fly to Denver and that’s about a 4 and a half hour trip. I’ve flown first class once before and LOVED it. Don’t know how my dad pulled it off but I’ll take it!
Extra leg room!
For first leg of the trip with a small layover in New Jersey.

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