Back to it. update.


Staff member
1) Test on 2/10

2) Back to physical therapy on 2/15

3) More paperwork to get filled out for more benefits.

Well, my parents left to go back to Florida this afternoon, got about an hour away, and broke down (Break issues ugg).
My Defecography (proctography) test is still a go and luckily I was told that I can go by myself for that test.

I got back on the Physical Therapy schedule and should have the results of my test by then.

That will make for more information to give to my disability insurance that they are asking for. This paperwork is to use my life insurance to pay premiums and put more money in my pocket each month.

Last month was pure hell. Lost a family member and a close family friend to covid. I myself had covid and was a mess for days.

My parents were up here for only two weeks and guess when I got covid... Yep right when they got here, so I did not get to see them face to face. This time back to Florida for them is the long one. They will not be back unless they have to be until April or May.

On top of everything going on, Pa. got a crapload of snow and we are getting more. And I spend all day in pain after clearing for just a few minutes.

So yes life goes on but I wish it was better.
How much snow did you get? Here in Philly we got about 10 inches. But it got up to 36 today. Over half has melted.
Jason said:
How much snow did you get? Here in Philly we got about 10 inches. But it got up to 36 today. Over half has melted.

We got about 2 feet, and they are calling for more sometime this week so...

I don't hate the snow, Just hate having to deal with it.
Hey Florida Guy,
Glad to see you hanging in there! As a kid growing up in New York City & Chicago I used to love those huge snow storms. It seemed to be the only time everything seemed clean!
I just wanted to reach out and tell you, not knowing what type of insurance you are having to dip into to keep going right now. If these policies were paid for directly from your earnings tax free, or you could deduct the payments on you tax return, you may be penalized on top of being taxed on every withdrawal. This “Option” was presented to us by the hospital prior to the 8month inpatient stay to learn to walk again. The other option pay 28% (Prime rate was about 2.5%) they would have earned about 25.5% interest off me in interest on est. $800,000 in monthly payments! WHO CAN AFFORD THIS INSANITY! We also had to pay for the additional surgeries to repair my legs so they could support me (The insurance company turned then down because I would never walk again anyway)as well as the additional surgeries to stabilize my lower spine, as it was deemed safe to be sitting in a wheelchair...
Luckily we had the money, and paid almost half of each withdrawal in taxes, but I do walk again! All of this was to be repaid with interest when we settled my malpractice suit, but my lawyer found he was full of cancer and stopped working on anything and other partners in the firm did nothing so after 6 years of court appearances & continuances in the end we got nothing...
I’m only sending this as a “Be Aware” many of these hospital finance people are worse than the outfit, but deserve academy awards for the compassion they fake as they pick your pockets clean. Please check with your family accountant before you take out anything more than what you absolutely need.
Really proud of you and how you’re dealing with all this, I wish you nothing but the best!
Sprung87 said:
Hey Florida Guy,
Glad to see you hanging in there! As a kid growing up in New York City & Chicago I used to love those huge snow storms. It seemed to be the only time everything seemed clean!
I just wanted to reach out and tell you, not knowing what type of insurance you are having to dip into to keep going right now. If these policies were paid for directly from your earnings tax free, or you could deduct the payments on you tax return, you may be penalized on top of being taxed on every withdrawal. This “Option” was presented to us by the hospital prior to the 8month inpatient stay to learn to walk again. The other option pay 28% (Prime rate was about 2.5%) they would have earned about 25.5% interest off me in interest on est. $800,000 in monthly payments! WHO CAN AFFORD THIS INSANITY! We also had to pay for the additional surgeries to repair my legs so they could support me (The insurance company turned then down because I would never walk again anyway)as well as the additional surgeries to stabilize my lower spine, as it was deemed safe to be sitting in a wheelchair...
Luckily we had the money, and paid almost half of each withdrawal in taxes, but I do walk again! All of this was to be repaid with interest when we settled my malpractice suit, but my lawyer found he was full of cancer and stopped working on anything and other partners in the firm did nothing so after 6 years of court appearances & continuances in the end we got nothing...
I’m only sending this as a “Be Aware” many of these hospital finance people are worse than the outfit, but deserve academy awards for the compassion they fake as they pick your pockets clean. Please check with your family accountant before you take out anything more than what you absolutely need.
Really proud of you and how you’re dealing with all this, I wish you nothing but the best!


So, I am already on social services for a lot of things. My medical insurance is through Pa. Medicaid, I get $204 per month in Food stamps, Got a grant for my LP gas, and I am getting a month of rent covered.
My disability insurance is through a company I had as a benefit from working for That policy lasts for two years but my Life insurance was also through them and what they want to do is absolve that policy and run it into my disability because no one is paying the premiums for it. I am still trying to figure out just what that means for my $$$ but have not heard back yet.

I also got forgiveness from the hospital financial charity to cover bills that I cannot pay.

All that being said, if I lose my disability insurance I will be in big trouble. The thing is that I always have to keep justifying my disability to the insurance company which means going to doctors to get checked over again, again, and again.

The issue is this (If you read any of my other posts) My GI doctor is not reliable for paperwork needed to keep things going. It is so bad that I don't have another appointment with her this year. I can get in with the PA-C but that is not what my Insurance wants. They want consistent check-ups with the same doctors, and that cannot be done. So...

My Urologist has done nothing but gave me a nighttime issue recommendation (Don't drink four hours before bed and get up after two hours in bed to pee) Issue with that is..One I don't fall back asleep after getting up.. and I get so dehydrated if I don't drink enough.

The last thing is that I don't have a job anymore so I cannot just go back to work and "Prove that I cannot make it through a shift"

I cannot even stay standing up at all. I type this using my arms and back to hold my frame up..

So. We will see how this year goes.
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