Accepting our conditions and loving our bodies.


Staff member
First I'd like to thank those of you who have contacted me directly and encouraged me to continue with what I do and my ways of helping others with similar challenges. You have led me to this post. I hope it helps you in some way.

I firmly believe that many of our ailments can be reversed naturally, starting with our frae of mind and our outlook on life and how we feel about ourselves. When I was younger I was extremely active. Mostly in working landscaping and riding/racing ATV's. I worked out like crazy and although I wasn't a total muscle-head, I was 5'9" 180lbs with a 29" waist. I was cut like a V and I loved it. Then at 21 I had an accident that left me paralyzed and that V shaped body I worked so freaking hard to have now atrophied into a pear-shaped body that I never imagined being stuck inside of.

As you can see in this picture, that black horizontal line is where all of my sensory and motor function ends. I feel NOTHING below it and I can not control anything voluntarily below it either. I do not have tricep function in my right arm, my left tricep is at 30%'ish, and I cannot move my fingers. I do my best to stay fit and keep the "Quad-gut" as small as I can, but I'm still working on getting rid of the love handles. I know I won't be able to have that V-shape since I have no muscle activity below that line, so I need to stick to my daily morning 5-mile cardio roll and eating healthy to keep what I've got.

I'm content with that. I remind myself that everyone has something wrong. Luckily my UI is under control with the help of 15mg per day of Oxybutynin, and my bowel care is under control with the help of a colonics machine that I bought 17 years ago. I'm ok with the fact that I need to use an intermittent catheter 4-6 times daily to urinate and that once a week I have to stick this adult-toy looking thing up my butt for 7 hours of a wet and wild ride to clean me out. Why? Because this is what works for me as the best solution for the cards I've been dealt in life. I'm 46 now and this is me. I may not be able to walk or grasp things, but I still get erections, so it's kind of a lose, lose, WIN thing there. But all in all I am glad I found this group. Your stories and creative solutions are educational to me and it helps me to help the others who I interact with.

Be comfortable with yourself... You are the only person who you will be with every second of every day for the rest of your life. Make sure your mind and body get along well, even if you are like me and you can't feel most of yourself. I have chosen to use mine as a teaching tool to educate others about diet, exercise, cathing, skin care, dressing, etc.
we only have 1 body, and we need to take care of it.

I guess that's all I have to say on this thread.
Emily, you are so right about that! :) It makes sense that we need to take care of it! That really is the only workable option, right?
I will take the incontinence it will not kill me.I can see and hear and mind is somewhat close to [normal].
Hey @sport, I couldn't agree more! That is an excellent way of putting it. I don't think incontinence will kill me either! :) And I do enjoy seeing and hearing and as for my mind.....well?!
Exactly everyone. Dean I think you are very open about your experiences and have accepted such a drastic new normal from your serious injury.

For some people I can understand it’s probably uncomfortable and don’t want to understand everything in as much detail and or the pictures which for some reason I can’t see are too revealing.

We are all at different points on our journeys through life and I think your point in simple terms is we have one body. A body we need to accept and embrace regardless of any minor or major imperfections that may exist. We all need to understand we normally are our own worst enemies. We need to accept embrace and love our machine aka our body accept it and understand it and thrive with it. And give love and positivity to ourselves rather than negativity or hatred.
@Jwh51 I understand and that's why I pulled the picture from the gallery, but then it had trouble reloading just within the post. But regardless, although I was naked in the picture, I blocked out my stuff with a black box just like the black oval in my other picture. Seems like most like my approach, but I try to respect both sides. I'm far beyond the point of discomfort and wish everyone had the chance to feel how different life can be when you get even halfway to where I am. Much less stress.
Very well said, @Jwh51! And I especially like the part of "give love and positivity to ourselves rather than negativity or hatred." I think that's a good overall philosophy to life.
And Dean it's good that you feel you're beyond the point of discomfort and it sounds like you have accepted it to the point where you use what happened to you as a "teaching tool."
@billliveshere that is correct. i like to be real. even as a kid i thought it was stupid that they used blue dye during tampon commercials lol. then as i got older and got injured, i saw a cathing demo with a banana! i mean c'mon people!? So yes, I then started using my body as a teaching tool. Some people may think I am just trying to show off, and that is NOT the case. Trust me, if it were, I'd be digging up pictures of my pre-injured body and showing those instead. But for those who understand, which is most, those are the ones I help and those are the ones who benefit the most. That is a great feeling and makes any of the awkwardness well worth it. Thank you both.
Hey Dean, A banana??? I'm still trying to figure out how one would use a banana in a cathing demo! Somehow when I add two and two here I'm not getting four! And I guess that is akin to using blue dye for tampon commercials (yes, I have to admit I do remember those and always wondered what gives?)After all it is much easier to relate to a real person than to a banana! :D
@billliveshere yea they actually took the time to drill a hole in the banana lol. i just don't get it. i mean use a kielbasa at least! lol
Drill a hole in a banana??? Eeewwww! And I think a kielbasa is probably more appropriate anyway, (don't ask me why, we shan't go there!)
@DeanLikestoHelp - Someone should do a story on you. It's more stories and attitudes that are so lacking in 2020. Thanks for sharing your experience and point of view on life. Definitely made my day better hearing you speak about yourself with confidence. I tend to dwell and get into always solving whatever problem/issue/condition I'm experiencing. Means a lot to me!
100% Jessica agree with you. What I love about Deanlikestohelp is he has move way past the victim perspective and has moved on to make his life better and more rewarding to face each day.

Myself being diagnosed with MS; I am done with people and the victim mentality. It’s your life let’s not waste it by crying about how much of a victim you are. Yes it sucks and forsure MS sucks oh well unfortunately life sucks at some points and it’s not fair. Life is not fair. Period.

Make the best of it.

Said with Love. :). Jason
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