A Year Later


Staff member
Well, it's been a year since my surgery and oh what a ride. My incontinence has improved from 10 to 12 pads a day to 1 or 2 and them not being loaded up. I still can't lift anything too heavy without peeing myself but it has got alot better than a year ago. ED is still an issue. I will be talking to doctor about taking the shots. Lost like 2 inches in length and really not getting hard at all. But at least I'm still here to enjoy life and my family. I feel good and other than having to pee every hour or so, life is good. Stay positive and don't let what is happening to you right now determine what your future is!
Glad to hear you're doing better. I'm 3.5 months out from surgery and improving every day! I recently bought the penis pump and got a prescription for Tadalafil, the combination has helped me out. And if it's even possible since using the pump I've had better control of my leakage. Good luck and thanks for the advice.
Glad to hear your positive attitude. Check out my posts on the Boston Scientific pelvic sling surgery - I am thrilled with the results. I am bone dry. I used to go through 2-3 pads a day.

Good luck with the ED.
Congrats @claimsdude. Always glad to hear success stories on here - its so nice to see the positivity rolling into 2023.

To all those still struggling - always find a reason to smile, you are not less for what you cannot control. :)

Glad to hear of your improvement. Little over 4 months out and have saw great results. From 6-8 soaked pads to 1-2 about half wetness. Kegels regular part of drive to and from work. Next to work on ED. Had mild ED pre RP and see improvement with viagra. Just may need a higher dose. Used 20-40 mg pre RP. When I started work was using external catheter and leg bag. Glad those days are over.
Blessings-Keep up the good job. It is hard, I am a brain tumor survivor and the nerve endings were screwed up in my brain affecting the left side of my body. I am constantly working on my left side to have a good as a life as I can. Remember motion is lotion. so exercise. Anything that brings blood flow throughout your body is a blessings.Drink lots of water also. Eat a healthy diet. Weights 2 times per week and aerobic 5-6 days a week. I walk almost everyday-helps me a lot. Getting your core strong helps with bladder issues big time. Keep this in mind-nice to hear some positive stories.I am thankful every day I wake up and see the sun shining without pain. I also have balance issues-I never thought I would fall-I fell the last two years a few times. No vacation for the body. We need to work it all the time.
I am doing the shots and they work. No issues at all before RP. Now Dr says just need to do pump and shots until nerves heal from trauma and then may not be necessary - we shall see, but shots are working for now!

Very important not to WAIT until incontinence gets better to treat ED. Need bloodflow to the area ASAP - vascularly, everything is fine, but as my doc said, if you don't use it, you lose it (length and girth!) so try to treat both at the same time!

As @Chardo said above, I had read and also found it true myself, with pump/erections/orgasms, it did seem to help my incontinence! Not sure why that is, but I'll take it!!!

Great to hear your positive attitude. I am down to two light pads per day, provided I'm not doing heavy lifting. I am thankful for the big improvement since my RP 10 months ago, including, for example being totally dry at night and able to go pad free up until almost lunch time as long as I'm just doing light activities. However, I have experienced days when I felt I didn't want to live life like this anymore and doubts as to whether I should have chosen radiotherapy/ hormone therapy instead. But then I talk to a neighbour who has the radiotherapy hormone treatment and he is up to the loo 6/7 tines a night and another friend on hormone treatment is so terribly fatigued. So I guess you just have to accept the decision you have made and there is no point living with regret. At the end of the day any cancer diagnosis and treatment can have life changing impact. With regards to ED at 68 years old I was surprised how much I missed getting an erection but with low dosage tadafafil for six months post op and regular use of VP the size has been retained reasonably well. My wife has a prolapse so regular love making hasn't been possible for a while in any case. We have found ways to maintain intimacy and try to be thankful for the good things in the family and life in general. Not always easy but keeping positive and finding a purpose for living is the only answer
@BarbaraDrabek Motion isn’t always lotion. I have Rapidly Degenerative Osteoarthritis all over my body - my spine, hips, back, feet, and knees are affected - so far. Eventually it will be my entire body. My knees are so severe that rather than there being a round-shape to the interior of my knee, it’s oval-shaped. 2.5 years ago, my orthopedic surgeon told me to quit doing stairs, exercise that challenged my knees, excess walking, snowboarding, and skiing, because if my knees get any worse before my replacements, they won’t be able to do the replacements.

So be careful not to rely on generalized statements like, “Motion is lotion.” For some of us, motion is grinding down our bones, creating hundreds of excruciating bone spurs, eroding our discs, giving us Spinal Stenosis, keeping us in incessant pain, and leading to many financially pricey surgeries that also means losing salary during recovery time.

For those of us with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis, moving is also a threat of breaking a bone and having it possibly not heal. Last year I just got up to pee in the middle of the night and my foot broke laterally and horizontally. The surgery cost me $6,000+ and now I have constant foot pain. That foot no longer fits in most of my shoes because of the plates and screws I had to have put in. My foot is still always somewhat swollen, even 1.25 years after the surgery. I wake up with it throbbing. So if I hadn’t gotten up to pee, I wouldn’t have broken my foot. In that instance, motion was a disaster for me, not any kind of lotion.

I encourage everyone to spend your body wisely and in the way suggested to you by your physicians because your body is worth more than dollars you spend. I spent my body very aggressively in my youth, and now look where I am. I don’t regret how or when I chose to spend my body, but it’s certainly made the second half of my life painful and terrifying. I also have crappy DNA; nothing can be done to change that. My DNA caused most of my conditions; thanks, grandma. I’m so glad I didn’t have children to pass on any of my problems to. My DNA doesn’t deserve to be passed on.

I am allowed to exercise in ways that don’t bend or twist my back or put any strain on my knees, but only at the orthopedic hospital in a special program called Arthrofit for those with Osteoarthritis or Osteoporosis. There are at least three physical therapists and two nurses on hand at all times, and never more than 15 patients at a time. They have a pool. They follow your doctor’s orders. My health insurance doesn’t cover it but fortunately after the initial assessment that’s a few hundred dollars, membership in the program “only” costs $60/month. When you consider the talent you’re working with, it’s actually a great bargain. It costs farrrrrr less than one individual session with a physical therapist - those usually cost at least $150 each. With Arthrofit, you can go as often as you like for just the $60/month, and there will actually be more helping you than an individual PT session. If my insurance covered the hospital system that Arthrofit is in, it would be free like it is to my dad and my friend. But I have still have CA insurance, not UT insurance, for now.

Most people can and should exercise regularly. Just check with your doctors first!

I miss yoga so much. There isn’t a single yoga pose that doesn’t make your back bend or twist. I used to work out for at least 2.5 hours per day, sometimes with a backpack full of 50 lbs. of flour so I could train to backpack and backcountry ski/snowboard on America’s tallest peaks, sometimes for 30+ consecutive days. I miss those days like crazy; I’d give anything to go back to that level of physical fitness with minimal pain. I dream that after my knee replacements, I’ll be able to get back to at least some of it over the next decade of my life before my Osteopenia turns into full-blown Osteoporosis, but my back pain will keep me from being able to go full gusto like I used to. There’s no surgery that will fix what’s wrong with my back; alas, there’s no such thing as a spine replacement.

Anyway, just wanted to remind everyone not to rely on generalized statements. I’m sure there are many more conditions that prevent people from doing full-blown exercise.
I feel your pain, literally… I am going through similar struggles with my body now. Many are carry overs from the accident in 1987, but I went back to Martial Arts and weightlifting to keep myself in shape despite incontinence, I chose to never become a victim. All of those years of punching & kicking heavy & speed bags, as well as competing has destroyed my knees, they’re just waiting for me to give the go ahead. Despite all of the bracing in my Lumbar / Sacral spine, now everything above L-3 to T-4 is crumbling. I had another one of my convulsions in November (Caused by replacing a med after 25 successful years, and put me on anti-Convulsant meds that I’m allergic to) which tore all the tendons from my elbow to wrist on my right arm. My right shoulder is damaged beyond repair, the tendons look like lace and the Labrum has been completely ground away.
Similar to you I still get out and exercise what parts I can, and have held my same weight for the last 25 years, but loosing the pool due to my shoulder & forearm is a HUGE blow!
See you are still blessed! Keep up the good fight!
@Sprung87 Sorry to hear you’ve been through all of that but glad to know I know someone who understands :)
So sorry for you pain and the accident that happened. You are very strong to still be fighting for a good quality of life. Keep up the fight. Prayers for you. They are coming up with new stuff all the time. I pray they find something that can help you overcome and where you can receive some joy in life.I agree with you-one must be careful for you it is not the thing to do. I wonder if you can exercise in a warm water pool-90 degrees? I did and it saved me from having a stroke. Also having a massage helps a lot. It might be too much stress on your body. So so sorry.
Exercise(motion) for a lot of us helps. Not for you, for sure. In your case, everyone needs some common sense as well. Blessings and prayers your way. Be careful. I have fallen due to balance issues I have with my body. Also getting older doesn't help at all. Life is hard, when I had the brain tumor and didn't know it. No one believed me I was sick. It was all in my head. They were right. The brain controls the body-common sense is also needed for all of us.
@BarbaraDrabek Thanks Barbara! I can do upper body exercise in the pool but actual swimming, which I did profusely until 1.5 years ago, along with water aerobics, is now off the table because it requires kicking and back bends. But maybe Arthrofit will be able to help me a lot. That’s the kind of pool they have - the kind that’s more the temperature of a hot tub. I think they have Epsom salts in it, too. I hope so. I was working too much last year to be able to attend because they mostly have daytime hours, but I’m not working right now and I think I’ll start going so I can build up some upper body strength before the knee surgeries. I need to do some kind of exercise to help stave off Osteoporosis, and to keep from weighing 200 lbs! And the mental health benefits are limitless, especially for a restless fidget-er like me!
Yes Yes Yes. After my surgery I walked in the water and did water aerobics. It helped a lot. I started doing some walking but not enough on land. I fell working part time for the census bureau where the medical care is awful. just awful. I started walking on land and my bone density went up in my hip but not in my lower back. I am doing some hip weight bearing exercises now. I don't want to have surgery if I can avoid it. At my age everything breaks down I swear overnight. I fell and stumble a little onto my knees on my sidewalk. I tore my meniscus on the right side of my left knee big time. The right knee gives me issues as well. I am exercising all the time trying to get it to heal. I am also getting massages as well. My sleep stinks, trying to get it where I am sleeping the 39 hours per week which the body requires. I sometimes wonder if it is from the brain surgery or the past trauma in my life.Talk later-got to do some business work and take a bath and go to sleep. Blessings-keep in touch,
@claimsdude, thanks for the update. I would say it gives me hope for the future but after reading all the post here, I don't have any problems of any consequence. @Snow, you are an inspiration with all you are dealing with and still find time to help those in need. You are one of those "Angels"!
@BarbaraDrabek Good for you for keeping at your program and trying to realize your goals! I know it’s hard work!
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