A Brighter Future


Staff member
Hello NAFC,

I just wanted to give you guys an update about somethings going on in my life. My mother and grandmother have stepped in thank God to assist myself and advocate for myself in terms of getting the proper support and care. Lately, things haven't been so well for myself - but I know that while things for medical/mental health assistance needs improving; I still love the country I live in.

Today is the Sabbath Day - and have been reading new teachings in the Book of Mormon and have been reflecting on how faith and the atonement of Christ has assisted myself for the better.

Things are starting to improve relationship wise with my Dad - I haven't heard from him in so long - but I hope to hear from him soon. Baby steps I suppose. It's been a long road from where I've been the past few years.

Bladder health wise - I've been suffering internally for the past month or so. I hate the pain of the bladder spasms and the current protection that I have now doesn't fit right unfortunately - so in that case; I struggle with the spasms and pain that is inside my naval. I hope to see a doctor soon in regards to that. When I've used more proper protection; I'm not sure if the pressure on my chest helps with causing less pain; I'm not sure - but I'm not in constant pain when I leak. I suppose I'm in a rock and a hard place.

With my grandmother and mother's assistance - I'm looking at transitional living services in our local area to help myself live independently but get the required help I need to live a better life. I can live Independently for the most part; and can take care of myself hygiene wise - but with being isolated for so long in my last apartment - and with PTSD and mental health issues - I am glad I am taking steps to brighten my future.

Anyway, today I am thankful for my friends, family, and the Lord. I saw Michael Moore last week i believe; I think he's been brown nosing in my neck of the woods.

I talked to my mom and step dad about my living situation coincidentally today about my living situation with my roommate - whom we have kind of went our seperate ways with. My step dad was concerned he would pull his shenanigans again - but lately has been quiet. It reminded me of Michaels documentary "Bowling for Columbine" where Banks used to give away free guns with the opening of a checking account. What a world we live in here in the States.

Anyway, to remind myself to stay in positive light I remembered a memory of my Dad and I at Six Flags a long time ago. It was the crest of the millennium and I remember sitting on his shoulders on the lawn - back then I was so small but I remembered I always wanted one of those huge green alien water bottles that you put soda in that theme parks would charge you $20 for. But I remember that night. The lights, the glow sticks, and laser light show with fireworks with the song "God Bless the USA" playing.

That memory of my Dad and I is something I think about sometimes when I think of him knowing that things are heading in a better direction and i hope that things will work out in the long run - even if it is just a relationship with him and myself.

That's my update I suppose. I won't be active on here alot - I promised my step dad I would stay off of social media and not use data as it has been triggering in recent times. But I hope things have been well for you guys.

Blessings In Christ,
I wish you well on your journey of healing .
There is something you mentioned that set off some alarm bells regarding your roommate. In your update you mentioned Michael Moore and the gun give always for opening a new bank account. To clarify and hopefully add some context (which I could say with about 99% certainty, without even watching that Michael Moore didn’t clarify the differences in that society)
I was one of those kids that received my first lever action .22 at age 12. We were a different society 40+ years ago and a rifle was a tool as well as a right of passage for many young men at that time. Not much different than a fishing pole, it was a tool. I was on my High School Shooting Team, as well as an archer.Imagine my rifle hung in the rack of my unlocked pickup truck, in the school parking lot until it was time to go to practice, right next to my football helmet. I spent many nights & days with my friends and brothers in the woods & mountains hunting my own food.
Maybe it would be interesting for you to study what our country was like in the 60’s & 70’s before casting judgement….
It was on one side a time of change and turmoil for some, but it was also a GREAT time to be a kid! Technology and such were evolving incredibly fast, but there was no internet, computers or cell phones! We actually met with our friends face to face as often as possible!
Back to my point though; your mentioning of your roommate who suffers from Bi-Polar disorder and guns in the same sentence scares the stuffing out of me…. This is often a recipe for bad things to happen, and I’m hoping you will keep a close eye on this situation. If he shows a new or unusual interest in guns, please talk with someone who might be able to intervene.I can’t express to you how important your role is due to your close relationship.
Feel free to DM me if you see any gun related activity that makes you uncomfortable. I currently volunteer teaching abused women basic martial arts defensive measures, as well as handgun safety if they insist on purchasing one.I have purchased safes for some that could not afford one. I feel better knowing that at least everyone is a bit safer with some training if they choose a firearm as opposed to figuring it out on their own….
Take care and please keep us posted
Honeeecombs, I wish you well on your journey of healing, also.

Sprung87, And thank you for your wisdom and caution
boasammy said:
Honeeecombs, I wish you well on your journey of healing, also.

Sprung87, And thank you for your wisdom and caution

Thank you @boasammy. It is nice to hear from you again.

As my mom and grandma have told me - the Lord Jesus Christ is on my side and over the past few years of dealing with mental illness and interpersonal struggles and health problems - it is truly Him whom came to the rescue rather than others who tried to bury me. I remember in my old apartment getting so upset due to PTSD episodes and maybe even another condition where I would hit my head and lay on the couch and try to zone out.

The only people I had during that time were people I met online - while others whom I have asked for help turned a blind eye; and kept me in my cacoon. (I'm talking about the healthcare system).

But I'm thankful now, now that I'm in a situation where everyone is alerted - that my symptoms and pain and suffering is finally being brought to the table. I am thankful that the Lord has guided me to where I am to get the help I deserve.

The Lord is my shepherd. I know these things are True and I am thankful for His comfort and guidance over the past year of being a member of The Restored Church. Amen

Blessings In Christ,
Hello NAFC,

Just wanted to give you guys an update on myself - as I have been busy with appointments and finding a new place to live.

Health wise - I am getting over the virus/cold; my hydration levels are returning back to normal which means as of yesterday my overactive bladder symptoms started to come back. I knew it would rear it's ugly head after being sick - I just forgot how annoying and painful life is with the syndrome and it's ironic that the only relief I got was when I was sick.

I may be moving as early as next week to go to a community residence. I have a couple options but the state home seems to be the better fit for myself. They seem pretty kind and welcoming; I guess my biggest concern is having a roommate - I've always like my privacy; but as long as I can have my things and start to get back my life skills and daily living skills so I can be independent again - that will be nice.

I've been watching movies and playing video games lately as my roommate is now gone. I've been playing MAFIA III; which takes place in the 60s during the Vietnam War. Really cool atmosphere and story so far. I played the first one, but also want to play the 2nd. But have to go through GTA V as well - as I neglected the story mode on that - even though the game has been out forever now.

Health wise I am hoping my case manager will help me with living adjustments from living on my own isolated to an assisted environment. I'm happy in the sense that I will have people who will help get me out of the house more and take me places - so that is cool.

Other than that, I am eager to hear back from you guys. I still think of the cats everyday - but time is starting to heal my wounds from how my significant other/roommate treated me and the cats.

Blessings In Christ,
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