45 Minutes.. Just 45 Minutes


Staff member
That is all the time I worked tonight before leaving. First day back, they kicked me out of our mobile computers and said that it would be half the shift or more before I got added back. I told the Hr lady everything and the reason that I did not want to be in my regular area and was told that was my only option until they got me added back to the system. I offered to work anywhere else so that I am away from people that I have work closely with for a year and was told not going to happen. So home I am. Used my paid time so that I am not more broke than I already am... Hope it is fixed tomorrow or it will be a bad night. I am not...NOT working in a close area with people I have know for a year with what is going on.. There are other places in the plant that I can and I am willing to work but the have to let me. I am calling both my GP and my GI doctors in the morning because I am so over this already.
The term "HR" is an oxymoron. Does that job attract that type, or make them into it? Or are they just like those help lines - they have a script and have to stick with them? I couldn't do that job.
Sorry, ThatFLGuy. I used to be the person who had to fight the employer for a 650 person work unit. And then the employer's health insurance, as the member's court of last resort. It makes me madder than a - uh - something or other. Between the paper and my online reading and my trade publications, we aren't coming out of this economic disaster anytime soon, no matter what certain people are trying to con us into believing.
Keep fighting, earn when and as much as you can. We're Cheering you on.
Maymay941 said:
Friend, am I the only person who asks: what are you eating?

Truth. I am not nor have I been told to be on a restrictive diet. But I eat a healthy as I can. Eggs and high protein like chicken and beef. Vegies and rice are my almost go to food as cut up as small as I have to makes then better to digest. My meets look are cut up like you would a toddlers food. I have had bowel and bladder issues for along time but never full daytime bowel incontinence and I have been able to keep the bladder to just nights for two decades. The issue is that now it is like bam, all at once and the doctors seem to be dragging feet. I am not against a diet or anything else but...

I don't have any feeling like I have to go until seconds before so I and my GP don't feel like it is just a food thing.

If HR does not do better than I will be doing whatever i have to.
FL Guy your distress and changes in elimination are certainly a huge cause for concern and I. or we, feel your pain.
I know you've had some operations so it is quite a lot of moving parts.
It does seem a doctor should order a nutritionist or dietican who could be covered by insurance to help sort out specific things to help for your comfort. I know for instance probiotics or good gut bacteria could be wiped out by the various treatments ts but this is something a skilled professional in nutrition can address.
No judgment on diet choices I'm the first to say, if it works for your happiness, it works. Everyone is different.
It seems most of the posts here are asking about your diet and suggesting you consult a nutrition expert. I agree with that. Sometimes these complicated issues can be settled by a change in diet or sometimes someone (like an allergist) can find something you eat may trigger what you're experiencing and will eliminate that certain food or ingredient to see if there's an improvement. With all this talk about glutens these days would a gluten allergy be a possibility with you? If it's something like that then modifying your diet to accommodate that will make all the difference in the world and you'll feel like a new man! So have a look at your diet and maybe consult with a dietician. If you haven't talked to one already a dietician may offer a completely different outlook for you.
I agree Billie.what I find astounding is doctors these days do not seem to look at the whole person and the question of what one eats is critically important to what comes out. Doctors get almost zero nutritional courses and poor Fl Guy has been poked prodded operated on so much its heartbreaking
It's a lost art for a doctor to look at the whole person these days. The time they spend with you is so limited that they only hit "the high points," as it were, and just move on to the next patient. But to me it seems a doctor with an M.D. degree rarely spends much time looking into what a person eats unless it's sugars, salt or cholesterol/saturated fats. But a doctor with a D.O. or Doctor of Osteopathy degree may be better trained and more inclined to figure out how a person's overall diet affects the whole person.
Thank you! They are found in most parts of the country as there are now maybe a dozen osteopathic colleges turning out new D.O.s each year. They now work in hospitals along with M.D.s although they used to have their own hospitals some years ago.
So I had stomach surgery in February of 2019 for diverticulitis with a perforation in my bowel. I had two massive abscesses, one was the size of my fist (I wear a lg/xl glove) and that one was not found right away. The surgery did not leave me much as they took 14 inches of my large intestine. The general surgery doctor that did my second colonoscopy back in December was truly shocked that I did not have an ostomy bag for at least a year. He actually told me that I would not have left his OR without one because of the issue that I am not seeing. The GI doctor that did my colonoscopy on 6/25 said that it did not leave a lot of room to do what the colon does which is remove water from my stool. Big thing is that I am alway dehidraded Like I drink more than a gallon of liquids per day and still feel dryed out because I am passing liquid stool all the time.

I am going to seek more answers this week but until my Insurgence pays me for being out I have no choice but to work through all of this. Yesterday was just emotionally to much. I don't even want to be at work let alone around people that I worked with for a year in close, so I wanted to go do the other job but was not able because I was kicked out of the pc. Tonight should be better but if not than I don't have a choice. Life sucks right now I am in pain all the time and then with having accidents yea... not fun. But I am alive so I guess that is a plus.
Hey there, sorry you have been going through all that. My other half had diverticulitis and part of her colon removed too. Familiar with some of the side effects and sorry you Have to deal with them. I’m sure things will get better. It’s a pain when employers can’t always work with us the way we need. Let me know how tonight goes okay?

Maymay941 is right. Osteopathy is based on a philosophy that focuses on the whole person and not just a body part. An osteopath can do surgery, prescribe medicine, deliver babies, treat heart attacks, etc., etc. And they also do manipulative therapy which is where the difference between them and MD lies. And yes, there are some osteopaths who specialize in orthopedics as well.
So sorry you have had what sounds like poor medical care from your original doc. Hope the new ones in PA are able to correct the issue. I lived in Florida and was unimpressed with the quality
FLGuy, Pennsylvania has a lot of good doctors and hospitals. I don't know if you're closer to Philadelphia or Pittsburgh but both cities are good bets. I'm more familiar with Philadelphia and can tell you right off that Thomas Jefferson University ("The Jeff") is a good one as is Univ. of PA. But just ask your doctor point-blank, "If you, or a member of your family, had my issues who would you go to?" The doctor would likely tell you, and then just ask the doctor for a referral. I really hope this helps and it puts you on the road to recovery! As for Florida, I've had some good doctors and one or two mediocre ones.
Remember just before Lance Armstrong (winner of several Tour De Frances) got in trouble? He'd done some sort of charity ride, about that time, for those with the need for colstomy bags. There was a series of articles on/by people who lived with Ostomy bags (Is my spelling correct?) I'd ask or research to find out if that might match your problem and let you go back to the workplace. But ask a different doctor!
I agree with trying the diet-elimination route, and an osteopath. Not sure, but maybe no one recommended a Homeopathic physician - they have an MD but also try to treat the "whole person".
I can't remember the last time a GP - and most other doctors - asked me to take off more than my outer shirt, even. Oh yeah. When i had a knee replaced 10 year ago.
Well, I woke up without clothes in the ICU, once, (2013) but have no memory of how I got there or when the clothes disappeared. So someone look at me. Probably.
Check it all out. Good luck, God Bless.
LOVING THIS for ANY medical situation: if you or a member of your family had my problem who would you go to for treatment?
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