4 years out - Still some leaking


Staff member
I was hoping to be leak and pad free....but a sneeze, cough and I spurt. And if I don't thoroughly shake after urinating,my underwear is wet. I only use maybe 2 or 3 pads a month, for sports or heavy lifting. Any tips on how to improve the leaks? Kegels are most likely not the answer. And I also developed both a lymphecele and lymphedema. Just lucky I guess...😒
I’m going on 6 years at 2-3 pads/day and I’m extremely active for a newly 76 yrs. You must have meant 2-3 per day-RIGHT?
I’ve said before that urologists’ stats of 80-90% continence after RP and 2-3 years is an extreme exaggeration. Where do the numbers come from? Are they actually estimates/guesses that are made after they perform other surgeries, i.e., AUS, Sling, etc. Patients and Docs move, retire, die, etc. making stats extremely questionable. Are the Docs trying to take the sting out of the cancer DX with promises of minimal side effects? I think age (50-60) at time of RP is most critical for one’s progress to TOTAL continence, never mind ED at any age after RP.

BTW, good luck with achieving total continence. Surgeries as we all know have side effects that we excuse Docs from with our sign offs. So if you try any continence surgeries make sure you don’t expect to not need pads.
My experience is a lot like yours. I am 60 and am 3 years out and leak some. Seldom wear a pad except for nights when I have been drinking too much of anything (diet soda, water, fruit juice, etc.). Never alcohol for me not for the past 35 years so that wasn’t something I had to deal with. Coffee on the other hand that was hard to back off from. I didn’t give it up though. Just slowed down after dinner time.
I’m 27 months post RP. Did radiation as well after rise in PSA. Going thru 3 pads/day. Have accepted this is the best it will be. I have a friend that is incontinence free after RP surgery at 63. He never did kegels at all. Just cleared up after several months on its own. Wondering if it’s how well the surgeon did his work for those that are incontinence free?
Had a RP twenty plus years ago I use about three pads on a good day. I drink a cup of coffee a day, no sodas or alcohol I do drink lots of water everyday.
I'm 75 and 3 years post RP. I've been reading this forum for the past 3 years and it seems to me there is no typical recovery from the effects of the surgery. I consider myself very lucky being 95% continent and wearing one pad per day. I have the common stress incontinence many other experience. I am also lucky to have not experienced ED. Does the surgeon make a difference? I've never seen any kind of medical study on this subject.
is there just a womens group? i am getting mostly mens problems and very few womens plwase let ,me know if i can get in a womens incontinence group, Thank you
You’re in lofty company maureen2623 - congratulations on being 75 & 3 years post RP, and 1pad/day, and no ED. Few men in this forum without further surgeries can say that in mid 70’s. Assume you’ve also stayed <0.1, the most important.
My PSA was checked yesterday and was still considered to be nondetectable and I am very thankful.

Still have a minor issue with incontinence but keeping the cancer away is what it’s all about.
Still having incontinence 23 month post radical prostate surgery. Had to get radiation as PSA creeped up from .04 to .2 over 18 months. Completed radiation and 4 mo later PSA is still .2 Don’t know what to make of that? I’m 76 and still glad I had the it done. I’ve fully accepted my incontinence is now forever. Life can be a tough at times, but glad for every day. Golden years ?
I am 74 and I have undergone RP 3,5 years ago and further treatment was not required. I still have a leakage problem when I play tennis, I walk over 15-20 minutes and in the evening. I use 1 small pad (TENA yellow) a day. I never have a problem in my sleep. I cycle swim and do pilates. Are the Keggels the only thig I can do ?
I am 51, 7 months post RP. I still wear a pad as a pre-caution as I can still leak on occasion but typically it remains dry. I did physical therapy pre and post surgery with an emphasis on kegels and core strengthening. I still have ED and medication hasn't helped there. Fortunate my PSA is undetectable as of last week.
As many have mentioned, everyone is different in regarding incontinence and ED. I'm 76 years old, had my prostatectomy combined with the removal of a large bladder diverticula nearly 7 years ago. I'm still incontinent and wear tape on diapers during the day, and cloth at night. With all the other health issues I have having to wear diapers the rest of my life is not that big a deal. I have a number of heart problems as well as peripheral neuropathy and lumbar spinal stenosis. In addition, I lost my wife suddenly a year and a half ago from the Creutzfeldt Jakob disease. I won't go into details about that disease, just to tell you it's terrible. So, life goes on the best it can.
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