2 weeks age prostatectomy


Staff member
Just joined. Had my robotic prostatectomy 2 weeks ago and have complete incontinence. I expected stress incontinence but I have no control whatsoever and am discouraged. Trying to do Kegels often. Any words of wisdom??? Thanks
I had the same expectations as you did, and like you had no control once catheter was removed. Kegals, core exercises, and walking helped but didn't see real improvement until about week 8 and by week 12 just light pad. Everyone of course is different. Patience is the key, but I had none. You will get there, but it takes time.
Had exactly the same. Had my robotic prostatectomy July 14, 2021. I did not see a lot of improvement until August 16 when I went back to work. Then the kegels seemed to really kick in. At 6 weeks I am much improved. I still have small leakage with coughing and straining but compared to the first 2 weeks it has been night and day.
The kegels really work. It just takes time. Hurry up and wait is the motto.
Ditto all the comments from others. I am one year two months post-op, and things are normal once again. It took me a good 6 months to see any real improvement, then steady improvement until now. Get to a PT specialist as soon as you can and do the work. I suffered from chronic diaper rash until my surgeon gave me a script for "Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide Cream". This took care of the rash and my stream improved greatly. I stopped peeing on myself and the floor each time I went. I tried all the OTC stuff to no avail. It is great stuff...so keep the faith and get into action. Keep on Keepin On! Rayl in Arizona.
@djlucy ~ Today is 6 weeks since my robotic prostatectomy and tomorrow will be 5 weeks since my catheter was removed. Just like you, I have had little to no control since catheter removal. I have had a good discussion with my urologist, one session so far with a physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic health, have done a fair bit of online research and have received some great information and support from other members on this forum.

My understanding from these different sources is that while every person is different, generally it takes 2 - 3 months for your remaining involuntary bladder control muscle (sphincter?) to recuperate from surgery and start helping again with bladder control, and if you do your pelvic floor exercises religiously the pelvic floor can then start combining with that remaining muscle and you should start to see slow consistent improvement from that point.

If you haven't already, I would suggest seeing a physiotherapist who specialises in pelvic health who can ensure you are doing the exercises correctly and on the correct muscles. On the recommendation of a specialist prostate health nurse at my hospital I bought a book online written by an Australian physiotherapist who specialises in men's prostate health and recovery after surgery. It is well written and easy to read and I found it both informative and motivating, I am reading it again weekly as a motivation. It isn't expensive, A$14.95+ postage and is in its 3rd edition since 2013. I will put a link below for the book and also to a youtube account run by the same physio where he has some short videos made to be watched in conjunction with the book.

Please keep in touch and we can keep each other informed of our progress and ideas to help.

Cheers, Doug
Hello. So glad to hear others have had the same problem and that things eventually get better. I had my Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy on Sept. 14 and had the catheter removed on September 26. Same problem as others, as can't control anything. Strange that during the night, I wear my pad and have a pee bottle by the side of the bed. I do wake up during the night and lean over the side and can pee into the jar. So at least it is not just pouring out during the night. But once I stand up, no control at all. And during the day, after sitting and then getting up, I have no control. I have not started Kegals yet and have to read up on how to do that correctly. But since it has only been 3 days since the catheter was removed, I'll just hang in there and hope things improve. Thanks to all for their comments as it is encouraging for sure.
Most everyone on here offer good information. Time my friends. I am almost 10 months from surgery and am basically continent once again except for the occasional little squirt when bending or twisting. Then too I will think I have everything under control at night and all of a sudden I have to get up in the middle of the night and change clothes. Most of my problems are my own fault. I drink too much caffeine and do not do my kegels.
I am 9 months post radical robotic prostatectomy. For a month after catheter removal I had very little control, but after starting Kegels and lots of walking it gradually improved. I remember how disheartening it was. Be patient. Today I consider myself 95% continent. Any leak loss occurs through dripping just after urinating. Otherwise I'm dry. I drink caffeine and India Pale Ale, and only do Kegels, if at all, while walking around and doing my life.
Do the Kegels. I am 75 years old and 6 months post surgery. Except for ED, I am back to normal. I started working on the ED and also expect that to improve with time. Patience my friend. You will recover.
I’m 3 weeks out from the robotic prostatectomy and going through 3-5 depends a day. 90% dry all night but I get up 2 or 3 times when I feel a leak starting. I have a little control in the morning hours but gets worse as the day goes along. Much worse than I expected. As a bonus my penis burned like hell when I peed for two weeks, still burns a little but not too bad. Been doing the kegals religiously. Looks like time and kegals are what I need. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Had my radical prostatectomy on October 12/21 and the catheter removed Monday. I am very reassured to read the above comments, as they reflects my experience so far. I am finding things a bit better each day. I know I need to be patient and that I need to relax and not over think every thing and not jump ahead with "what if it doesn't improve?" etc. but it's hard. Reading the above responses has really helped though! Like Cajunfisherman, I have been experiencing a reasonable amount of burning when I pee, sometimes more than others, but it seems to improve a bit each day. Thanks, all.
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