18 months


Staff member
So i am coming up on 18 months post robotic prostate surgery and i can tell i am getting less and less on leaking with better control. Any one else have gone that long if not long and get back to full control? I use 1 pad aday on an active day.
I am almost 11 months post RP and just stopped wearing the light Depends shields. I still get an occasional spurt, but mostly dry all the time.
Great to hear, Parone! I'm 12 months post robotic prostate surgery and still using 3-4 heavy pads a day. My urologist said it could be a 18-24 timetable for me, longer by a few months due to previous TURP surgery in the area.
Hi everyone, I am also at 11 months and recently graduated to one light pad per 24 hours. I am pleased with the progress and hope to reach full continence at one year or soon after. I continue to do kegals and other mid and lower torso exercises that my PT advised and am physically active (walking, biking, weight training).

Take care!
I am 10 months, 1 to 2 pads per day, a pull up at night. Very slow progress, but progress from where I started. Getting PT
I am 10 mos out from RRP and 1-2 pads/wk, so doing well. I am 55 yrs old.

Still hoping ED improves, but using injections for now.

May +God+bless+ us all with continued improvement!
stryder said:
Urology defines male continence post RRP as 0-1 pad/day.
Yes, I have heard that and appreciate that some may interpret one light pad/day as continent but in truth, minimal leaks still require management so I wouldnt call my stage continence. However, I believe I will reach continence soon which, to me, is not requiring use of any management measures and only having to deal with very occasional stress leaks, much like what @mdoshen describes. Thanks
OCT 2021 was my surgery. Still have mild leaking with over exertion and to much alcohol. I always wear a Tenna light pad, and it 90% of time ,end of day its dry.
11 months post RP. Was down to one light pad/day (Tena thin) at 4 months but have OAB ever since. As a result, I'm still on one light pad (due to occasional urgency leaks) but have started up again with a Physical Therapist to deal with the persistent OAB.

First time posting....but read all posts as the community discussions have been helpful. Thanks all.
My news is not so good. I'm at 22 months post surgery and still going through 2-3 pads a day. Some days are better than others, but after all I'll be 80 in December. Age probably has a lot to do with the healing process. My Doctor also put me on Betmiga and Uritos tablets which seems to help a bit. In August going on a long plane ride of around 16 hours and not looking forward much to that, but got a seat next to the bathroom. :). Good luck to all and have a super nice day.
The websites of different medical practices say slightly different things. Some talk about a year for some of us. Others say 18 months and some mention 2 years and even longer. Like many above I am down to fairly light leakage most days depending on the nature of the activity. I could use one slightly heavier pad eg a Tena 1 most days but prefer to use lighter shields and change more frequently. I still haven't the confidence to go on a long trip using pads only since eg on a beach walk, it can be difficult to find a place to change so on the odd occasion I use the external catheter and leg bag. I'm now 15 months post op and still keeping open the option of a sling. The only issue with that is that I can't have the op in Northern Ireland and would have to travel to the mainland. Its encouraging to hear so many continue to note some improvement
iuwogeo said:
I am 10 mos out from RRP and 1-2 pads/wk, so doing well. I am 55 yrs old.

Still hoping ED improves, but using injections for now.

May +God+bless+ us all with continued improvement!
We're same age. The ED hasn't improved at all. Will be having a surgical procedure next month ,to have a internal pump placed.its called a MINI JUPETTE. There is also a urethral sling component of it.
After 18 months post RP and continued light leakage (1 pad/day), I had the Sling surgery. Fixed the leakage, although still need to be mindful of distance to restrooms as the urgency didn't go away. Also, learning that adult beverages cause muscle relaxation at night so wearing a pad when I libate too much. ED still exists but happy to mostly resolve the incontinence. I'm 69, in generally good health, and PSA tests are zero!
That's great news Skytown that the surgery has been helpful. I have heard that urgency can be a side effect of sling surgery in some instances, but it sounds like you had urgency beforehand. I am keeping the option of the sling in my mind if I don't see further improvement. I will wait for the 18 month marker and if I'm seeing improvement I might then give it the extra 6 months.
I am 10 months post RP and now using 1 pad per day. Did kegels religiously for first 8 months but have recently found that doing them causes me to leak more. Haven’t done last few months but leaking still minimal. I’m not promoting that anyone else do the same, just giving my feedback. Still not much improvement on the erections. Purchased a vacuum pump and helps some but definitely not the answer. Viagra and Cialis do very little. Urologist suggested I try the injections so that may be my next route. Has anyone seen improvement in erections after 9-12 months? Seems as if some websites say improvements can happen up to 2 years but my urologist seemed to disagree with that.
Jimfrompa said:
I am 10 months post RP and now using 1 pad per day. Did kegels religiously for first 8 months but have recently found that doing them causes me to leak more. Haven’t done last few months but leaking still minimal. I’m not promoting that anyone else do the same, just giving my feedback. Still not much improvement on the erections. Purchased a vacuum pump and helps some but definitely not the answer. Viagra and Cialis do very little. Urologist suggested I try the injections so that may be my next route. Has anyone seen improvement in erections after 9-12 months? Seems as if some websites say improvements can happen up to 2 years but my urologist seemed to disagree with that.

Jim, I am 55 yrs old, no symptoms at all before RRP and about 10 months since...leakage minimal, no more kegels for me, either. I am on the generic for Cialis (Talafdil or something like that), tried the pump w/o much success. I have been doing the injections for a while and that WORKS, but nothing much on its own without them. My urologist explained to me that it can take a while for the nerves to recover, but nothing wrong vascular-wise, so do injections for a while so that don't lose size and then see if normal erections return over time - still waiting on that part, but good for now.

I biggest concern is, after months of undetectable PSA, this last time, it was detectable at .06 - still very low, but if increases, then that means radiation, which I was hoping to avoid. My urologist said that radiation can cause a setback in healing and cap progress in the future to where I am at the time of radiation. I am not 100% continent yet and no progress w/ ED, so don't want that yet. We agreed to monitor the PSA level again in 6 weeks and then make a decision and go from there!

You do what you have to...

Prayers are appreciated!!!

Thank you all for sharing. I am 64, 11 months post RP. Incontinence has really improved. ED is my concern. On low dose Cialis. Tried medical grade vac pump. Very uncomfortable to use. I have had no luck with either. Going to try injections next.
Iuwogeo. Sorry to hear the doubts around the potential rise in your PSA. I can understand your concerns over the next few weeks. I hope and pray the level drops.
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