15 months in, are kegals worth it


Staff member
Hi all,
I am 15 months post opp and I haven’t managed to get 100% continent. I do my exercises every day but still I can’t improve the final 5%. Has anyone got experience similar and did you manage to become 100% continent without surgery. I sometimes wonder if he exercises I do every day are worth it!

Thank you
Thanks for asking Steveg. I am 6 months post op and have made very little progress. When and how did you get to where you are now? How did you notice the progress? I have been doing kegels religiously and am really feeling frustration. Good luck to you brother.
-hi steveg,
Interesting issues and question raised .
Kegal exercises are a critical part but even more importantly is how the kegals are being done and what muscles are you using . Its a tricky thing these pelvic floor muscles .
What does your Doc say ?
What was the extent of the original surgical damage ?
Without knowing some of these answers it tough to say how to become wholesome once again.

My immediate suggestion is to ensure you are doing the kegals properly. I too needed someone , like a good physio, to say … hey it takes awhile to trigger the proper muscles. Here I was an ex-Tri-Ironman competitor , fully into the idea of more might be better and finding out I was triggering muscles yes but not the right ones ! This human body we have is truly unique and funky sometimes .
Soo… I bought the Boost KGoal Device …like $130 ? .,Found I was not using the right ones and started anew. Pretty soon you will hopefully see some movement to complete continence. I am still moving in that direction and I am 10 Months . Down to 3-4 pads a day depending on what i am doing . Best. Jimbo
No I do not own any part of or benefit from sale of KGoal product !
@Steveg - I'm curious to know what 95% continent means? My impression is you are continent with an occasional leak? Many would be happy to get where you are although I understand the desire to reach 100%.

@tommyboypa - This is a portion of a post I made recently that you may find helpful - I am 6 mos following my Laparoscopic Robotic Prstatectomy (August 2022) and about a month ago saw some real improvements. For the longest period I was using 2 pull ups and 3-5 light shields per 24 hr period. Aproximately a month ago almost magically my light shield need dropped to 1-2 and I am using one pull up brief as back up security only.

I began to concentrate on whether I am doing anything consciously now throughout the day to manage the incontinence. The times I am conscious of doing anything are when I anticipate stress movements that traditionally cause leaks. These includes standing up from sitting, getting out of the car, and coughing or yawning. I have become very good anticipating these movements and using my abdominal floor muscles to stop leaks. This has become second nature. I have also noticed that my body seems to now manage small leaks without me doing any contractions consciously. I would like to think that the External Urethral Sphincter (the one that still remains following a prostatectomy) has now been strengthened and “trained” to work and prevent urine leakage!

My surgeon told me that the majority of her patients tend to dry up in 6mos to a year so I seem to fall into this experience. I think that consistant use of Kegels, physical therapy, and exercising have contributed to this.
Keep doing those kegels. They will eventually work. I am two years post op and do not use any pads. Although when I laugh too hard I may get a tinkle. Keep the faith and good luck.
Spoke with two guys who are many years post-RP (plus my ex-nurse wife) and they all say you never return to 100%, i.e. you become very largely dry but must always predict the odd occasion when a pad is needed.

That may sound depressing - but then again, maybe not. It all depends on expectations. Your 95% sounds great to me in terms of living normally. Am saying that as someone who is only 4 weeks post-op hence very far from 95%. But am also better than two weeks ago so the direction of travel is good. It's in my interest to focus on the long-term uptrend. Otherwise the frustration/depression I feel badly at times (like everyone) would become all-consuming.

Re the kegels, one guy continued doing them (if only once a day) and unsurprisingly reports many fewer accidents than the other who stopped. Moral I guess is keep doing them and rejoice in the fact that 95% is almost 100% plus you're cancer-free. Easier said than done but it's what I tell myself

I wish you well. Alan (first post)
Thank you all for your help. By 95% I mean occasional drip that still needs one pad a day. I know that’s good and I am lucky but I just want to crack it to 100%. Just as a little extra a year after my opp I got bells Palsy so now dealing with that. Oh joy. Thanks again for your advice
What got me over the finish line was actually repeatedly (I.e daily) going to the gym (I’ll put plug in for F45). I leaked initially when lifting heavier weights, rowing, or doing sit-ups. After 3 months, I hit the restroom before starting but no longer encounter any issues. I achieved my one year post surgery this month.

ED and penis length remains a problem, but found injections to be the best solution for me at this stage. My biggest watch out has been a slight increase in PSA. Never was non-detect but I’ve inched up to 0.023.

Wishing you all the best on the balance of your recovery!
Well, continue with the kegel. I had 3 operations. 1973 for Prostate. Believe it or not, that wasn't a big deal, and the incontanence was occasonal, mostly by careless.
Then a full-out ICU life-support. 2013. Kegels seemed to help, and it took longer. This time, had to use the second-lowest pads. - over 8 monrths.
The third was brain cancer, 2 tumors. They removed one, not the other. Said it was benign. Came out of there with full-blown incontanence. Add the I had leg-swelling so bad it looked like ballons that would burst if you used a pin. But, the right side was almost normal, a couple months later - the left wasn't going to exlode. Getting the legs fixed (The docs did not do anything and didn't care about the swelling) reduce the incontanence quite a bit, used the high pads for awhile. It took about down to the next-to-lowest pads, third up if I was doing hard physical labor. There were days where I needed to replace one. That was about 6 months. Now I'm down to #2 pads, exercise are have to change them out. If I'm I'm careful, what i eat and drink, can sleep without a pad.
The point? Kegels work - not for everyone and not perfectly and not nessicarily at the same speed. It can take different amounts of time for different people and circumstances. Watch liquids - soda isn't a good idea, and caffine after about 2 in the afternoon. Sucrolos (Non-sugar in some sodas, etc) means I might as well not try to sleep - i have to pee so often. It didn't used to do that, so keep track of food and drink. So people have to cut down in sugar.
Good luck. Keep trying.
Thanks for asking Steveg. I am 6 months post op and have made very little progress. When and how did you get to where you are now? How did you notice the progress? I have been doing kegels religiously and am really feeling frustration. Good luck to you brother.

Hi Tommy, I noticed improvement at about 3 months and then stepped up my exercise levels to improve my fitness. After that each month I improved. I do my kegal exercises 6 times a day and just short of 10,000 steps a day. However due to Bell’s palsy that has reduced over the last .3 months. Hope that helps
I will be three years post RP in March. Two years of doing Kegels didn’t help me at all. Eight heavy pads a day for two years. I got an AUS device at the start of year three. I use one heavy pad a day now sometimes two. I still do kegels when I exercise for counting reps They just never helped me with incontinence.I was 68 when I had my RP.
I had RP in April 2022. I did Kegels only a little. I was about as normal as I was going to get by August or September 2022. I had a lot of Walmart disposable briefs and guards left, and I kept on wearing the disposable briefs to get my money's worth out of them. In September 2023 I moved off the farm and into town and I gave two boxes of disposable briefs to the thrift store. After I got settled in town I got a job in a warehouse. At the end of the workday I had wet jeans from lifting all day. So, it looks like I'll be wearing guards for the rest of my life, but I suppose that's no big deal.
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