@RIrascal Prostatectomy is major surgery on the inside - basically we had a 1 inch by 1.5 inch by 2 inch cube removed from a very important area. (Along with seminal vessels and surrounding tissue.
I did not start PT until 4 months. I did start walking slowly at 4 weeks, but if I felt any pulling or pain, I slowed down and slow built up to 2 miles in 35 minutes over 10 weeks.
When I started pelvic floor physical therapist, I was told to reduce my kegels to 5 seconds hold and 5 second relax doing one set of 10 three times a day - a total of 30 per day. At the end of the six weekly sessions, I was told to do 7 seconds hold and 14 seconds relax
(20 second group easier to keep track) and still do a set of 10 three times a day (still just 30 per day).
The invasive part is a probe stuck ( baby pacifier ) into your anus to measure pressure followed by another probe ( think ballpark frank hotdog size ) for electrical stimulation of the muscle tissue. My first session was 1 hour (30 minutes talking what I was doing and how I was leaking) and the follow up session were 30 minutes.
Depending on how much you are leaking or not leaking, PT may not be for you. Many men have dramatic reduction in leakage at 8 to 12 weeks. I asked my PT at what point did she see most men - She said after 6 months.