
Staff member
There has been a little bit of discussion about setting up a Zoom session for this group, and I realize that some won't be comfortable (or perhaps able) to join such a meeting, but with so many of us feeling the weight of the current isolation- added to the reality that few have anyone with whom to discuss this matter, maybe the time is ripe. I have engaged in only one meeting, and I am sold on the concept.

First of all, I will ask if the moderators of this forum have any input or if you wish to set it up, or control it, or if you would rather it not be associated with NAFC;

secondly, I am putting out a call for someone already on here who knows what they are doing to set it up.

If necessary, I will do the legwork and get this going.

What level of interest is there for this, and is there any advice or ideas / concerns that anyone can offer.

Thanks, all.

I'm new to Zoom, so using my own words to define it, I will say that it is a live, on-line video conferencing tool that allows 2 or more people to 'meet' by means of real-time video. What might be of interest in this particular community is the control afforded to each participant to block out his/her picture. If you are familiar with Skype, my understanding is that Zoom is very similar. Some have opined that Zoom is easier to learn.
Jeffswet: I think I like the idea, tentatively.
Are you thinking of doing a single topic at a time? I skip a meeting if I don't need a particular topic. There have been "general purpose" meetings.

Is this through NAFC, or separate?

Maybe this will help people decide:

I've had very good experience with Zoom, so far. It's my first season of using it.

Joining a meeting is dead simple. Either you get an email with the codes (Meeting ID and passcode), or they call you on phone.

2 kinds: voice only, and voice & video. On the voice & video, there was a choice of not having yourself on video, for some.

For me, 2 kinds of purpose: Doctor appointments, and Town Halls/multiple people (from 9 people and up).
I'm just been a participant - don't originate. The topic is usually specific, for Town Halls. On several, you could submit questions before the meeting via email, and the moderator answered some of them before they turned it over to Q&A. One always has 1-to-several-experts. We are told who they are and their specialty.

Getting recognized to ask a question or just speak can just require raising your hand, in some cases. (Envision grade school. Ugg.) If I'm on phone only, we have had to press Star 3 (*3) to get on the list to ask a question. There is an "operator" that does that. That one has a couple of hundred participants, and they want the topic and your first name and your city - but that has to be so they can also choose who gets to ask a "live question, eliminate duplicates. (People are all over the country, sometimes foreign, and they ask what the weather is compared to Juneau, AK, just for fun.)

Originating a meeting seems much more complicated, or at least requires software I don't have and registering at the Zoom site. Is there a fee? It's irrelevant for participants, who don't have to pay or register.

I have downloaded Zoom for my operating system, it sits in the "application" folder. Really tiny - very few Megabites. No cost.
When I double click on it, there's a "Join a Meeting" dialogue box. You enter the codes, it tells you if the meeting is in session yet, then connects when the meeting begins. You can join mid-meeting.
The total time limit seem absolute. If it is suppose to end at 1 PM, it ends at 1 PM. Can that vary?
I'm not sure you actually have to have downloaded it.
Like I have said, if no one else wishes to take the ball and run with it, I will do some research and try to get this going. Probably a lot to learn, but, if there is sufficient interest, it would be worth it. Let's see what kind of buzz the idea garners.
I am an Amateur Radio operator and a volunteer examiner and I have been actively administering examinations online via Zoom since June
While I don't know the inner workings of Zoom. I use it for virtual doctor appointments. I think this is a good idea.
I use Zoom here and there. The biggest thing for me is that you have to un-mute yourself when you start talking because no one can hear you.... as i painfully found out.
I think this is a great idea, but unfortunately, I too do not know enough about Zoom to be in a position to set anything up. I, like others, have used Zoom for Dr appointments and office meetings, but all I needed to do (on my end) was click onto the link sent to me by the other party. It would be nice if this came to fruition as I'm sure many would participate
This seems like it could be a good idea - let's wait to hear from the NAFC moderators. If they are good with the idea, then I think we should do it. I use Zoom all the time, and am very experienced with it. However, it requires that we either have participant's email addresses, or we would have to coordinate a date and time and publish the Zoom link here on the forum.
Thanks btmsupnmd. No way on publishing/providing my email address. I've spent the last couple of years trying to get out of the spam and scam floods. Hurricanes have nothing on them. Publish the Zoom link – surely that is all that's necessary.
I’d be interested in doing zoom maybe. I use it for recovery meetings and doctors appointments as well.
@alasouth - the time limit is imposed on the free accounts, as well as the limit on number of attendees in a given meeting. I have a full subscription, so these limits do not apply.

I have no idea what day / time would work for people - any suggestions?
BenFrank has, I think, taken the lead with this- you can check out his posting with the same title ('Zoom'). When he asked for feedback, I emailed him, but haven't heard back, to date.
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