Your go-tos. What takes your mind off things.


Staff member
What are your go-to's the things that you get or do when stuff hits the fan.

For me I have my favorite snacks and my best stress relief.

My go to snack/breakfast is french toast crunch.. just got a family sized box and I can eat the stuff dry..

My go to stress relief is worship music before getting up and before bed...and some call of duty in between.

Also talking to my mom about just about anything thing.

So what are your go-to's??
Sounds funny but give it a chance.
I have Been designing my perfect log cabin, log by log, in my head for years now. It helps me fall asleep. Each room is exact and gets tweaked once in a while. If I get bored with the house then I design the driveway, fountain, pond with floating gazebo, fountain statue, tree house on the property and more. It is very fun to do.
I tend to binge watch shows/movies. Whether I've already seen them or not. Movies especially, like ones that I've already seen AT LEAST a dozen times or more. I guess in a way I feel that I can relate to characters and even think of them as friends.

Some of my ALL TIME favorite movies that help me sleep are Tremors(199), Poltergeist(198) Beetlejuice (1988) Batman (1989) with Jack Nicholson as Joker. And a few darker movies like Hellraiser. Also Goodfellas.

These are movies that I've all seen enough times that I can watch with my eyes closed and still describe every detail on screen.

So for me it's getting into a fresh diaper and curling up in bed with any of the above. That brings me comfort and helps me get to sleep.
@Adam86 I think watching Poltergeist would help me fill a diaper in 5 mins, let alone go to sleep with!
I love this thread.

mine are:

- music (I have thousands of cds, I have songs on my computer) plus I have my alexa

- trivia (both playing the game and learning facts)

- telling (and hearing!) jokes

watching soap operas

checking in with a friend to let them know I am their

dr pepper (it's my drink of choice!)

watching lion king (I've loved that film since a little girl)

websites based around my interest (for example on friday, I like listening to all the latest music releases on spotify)


and, most importantly for me is to keep rooteen.

knowwing what I am doing, when i am doing it

beats waking up and not knowing

oh and youtube. cats/ dog videos are cute
For me, it’s either a good movie or a great book with music playing softly in the background. I love to change into a fresh diaper, put on a pair of cozy pjs, and snuggle up on the sofa with a favorite movie, or in bed with a book and music. It is pure escapism.
Focusing on anything other than my body!
I'm involved in antique doll collecting and restoration so moderator in on line forum and also administrative for a dog rescue.
In the evening I like to self soothe with you tube traveling the world, to visit people and places id never see otherwise
Hi! This is a great thread!
As for a favorite "go-to" I'd have to say I love to go for walks. It's a great stress-reliever and it's good exercise and it allows me to see, hear, smell things that are otherwise not available by driving.
Apart from that another favorite "go-to" is teaching field trips at the nature center where I volunteer. Sadly that has not been available since this Covid but the time I spent working with elementary school kids makes many great memories for me. And I hope it will happen again before too much longer.
And another one is keeping up with very special friends, the type who are really one of a kind!
ThatFLGuy - It's great that you asked this question. It reminds me of the Quaker Question game people used to play at parties where we didn't know each other well.

In the last 20 years I worked in my yard mostly. Getting close to the soil was healing. But now I mostly look out the window and try to think things through, read, play piano or write letters. When I was lots younger, I was so busy with everything that any upsetting event was only an added thing and I just kept moving on.

But I have to say certain foods are also comforting: a really good hamburger with chips; my homemade chicken and noodles, German Chocolate Cake; the first drink of a really cold Coke or beer; smelling coffee brewing;(in past years, my late husband's Chicken Lo Mein);Lentil soup with Swedish Rye Bread; a Denver Omelette; BLT sandwich with chips. My list of foods that I like is virtually endless, but the above are the ones that quiet my anxieties and make me able to dive in again to face situations beyond my control, and there have been a lot of those!
One of my favorite stress relievers is jumping on my motorcycle and taking a long scenic ride. I live right by the Santa Monica mountains which has lots of twisty roads, or for longer rides I head up north into the Topa Topa mountains north of Ojai. The scenery up there is breathtaking.

Another past time is smoking meat. Nothing more relaxing than sitting by the fire and smoking up some real BBQ. That way if I'm still stressed somehow after 8 hours of tending a fire, I can stress eat the results lol.

I need to get back into running because a few mile run is a great way to clear the mind.
Heavy exercise helps, except don't run a chain saw (even with chaps) if you are too angry. A firewood session at 5 degrees clears your mind right out!

Not reading the political news helps a lot.

The night sky on a dog-walk. (we have little to no light pollution).

Music. Like Emily91, I have thousands of songs in my iTunes (10,144), and i love the music videos on Playing For Change. (Some are on you-tube, but I'm a member to support the cause.)

Watching one of the local moose eat our shrubbery. Hey, it needed trimming - might as well let them do it. The calves are cute, but then they grow up and want the keys to your garden.... :O

Listening to tall tales - the taller the better.
Hi @AlasSouth, I have to agree that running a chain saw when you are angry is counter-productive to say the least!!! :D Sounds like the Alaska Chain Saw Massacre! :O And I really believe that restocking the firewood pile when it's five degrees out does indeed clear you mind (and just about everything else!) And moose can trim your shrubbery for free so what more do you want? Other than an electric fence to keep them out of you r veggies! :D
Hi @ritanofsinger, al;l of those comfort foods sound really delish :D especially right now since it's 6:15 p.m. here on the east coast!! Wish you could send some our way!!!!
Usually the original star wars movies it takes me away.

My other is playing my bass guitar and acoustic guitar.Music is where I often go.
Listening to music is my favorite thing to do on a day to day basis, it’s nice to be able to forget all of life’s problems as I sing along. When the weather is good I love taking my Mini Cooper on drives through the canyons, experiencing nature while being one with my car.

After a particularly hard week I enjoy heading out into the desert with friends and spending the day shooting guns.
I tinker on the computer. I’m big nerd and I’m really into an os called Linux. I like to try out different distros and play around tweaking them and stuff.

Coffee is a comfort for me. As odd as that sounds.

My cat Emma.

I’ve gained a lot of weight (like a lot) since my amputation so I’d like to start going for walks. I’ve been super depressed lately so I just sit in the house and play online.
Hi ej, going for walks is just the thing to do! Everybody here knows I'm a big fan of just walking. Try to set new goals for yourself such as mile the first week and 1 1/4 miles the next and so on...You not only benefit from low impact aerobics but you also see, hear, smell things you would otherwise miss when you're in a car. Try to lay out a good course through some pleasant areas and you'll get to the point where you will miss it if you have to skip it for a day or two.
I think a nice walk every day is an antidote for depression.
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