World Autism Awareness Day


Staff member
As someone that is somewhere on the spectrum I understand all to well how Autism can effect every aspect of someones life. I know the anxiety that comes with big groups, I know how stress effects us differently. That is why I went so deep into my minor in psychology. I wanted to understand myself in a better way. I see people that are worse off on the spectrum than I am and I have deep empathy for them. One day I hope someone way smarter than me takes a scientific look how autism effects this area of our lives.
Good for you Florida man! The more we talk openly about mental and physical different states of self the less stigma is attached. Concensus that it is Ok to be you and me is how the concept of " normal" is reached in a society.
As someone who spends much time with children on the spectrum (I have a therapy dog and we visit schools who have children with special needs) I have learned the these children are not better nor worse than others, they just work differently and have much too offer the world.
@stuart My Mom and sister both work with kids on the spectrum. My mom has a masters in ED. and figures out what learning disabilities kids have... That I where I found out that I was on the Spectrum. I have no trouble talking to people but stress effects be I crazy ways and I have other issues as well. Like for years I could not hand write at all and was way behind in reading speed.. but way ahead in comprehension. I an 34 so back when I was in school everyone like me was lumped into one group. There we low functioning CP. kids and severely mentally handicapped as well in the class I was in during grade school. I took my mom fighting the school board for me to graduate high school. Funny as they said I never world but now I am getting my masters from colleges.
It is a shame that people like yourself were held back from developing when you were young. It is much better now with kids being treated as individuals and not as a group.
I can relate. I am considered to be mid-high functioning range (level 2 under the new diagnosis umbrella term of ASD). I struggled with potty training as a child due to autism and wet at night until I was 16 due to the sensory issues that can occur with autism. The stress and anxiety that most feel when wearing protection is magnified to thanks to autism. Top that off with the issues communicating what I actually mean fully, properly, and adequately and it becomes even harder to explain my issues to people if/when they find out I am wearing diapers at the age of 28.
I was always somewhat slow but did get finished with high school and some college.I just took the autism test but no results yet,one question if the touch of autism could be some of the reason for my incontinence?
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