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I am a big book reader. Throughout my time as a college student, I have accumulated several hundred books, both digital and physical.
One of the books that have been instrumental to me in this time is Lessons from a hospital bed by Pastor John Piper (Book linked below, It is free to download for E-Book readers.)
One of the lessons in the book is "Don't murmur about delays and inefficiencies in the hospital when you are getting medical care that surpassed by a hundredfold what is available in 90 percent of the world.
---John Piper, Lessons from a Hospital bed, Desiring God Foundation, Crossway, Wheaton, Page 44
One of the books that have been instrumental to me in this time is Lessons from a hospital bed by Pastor John Piper (Book linked below, It is free to download for E-Book readers.)
One of the lessons in the book is "Don't murmur about delays and inefficiencies in the hospital when you are getting medical care that surpassed by a hundredfold what is available in 90 percent of the world.
---John Piper, Lessons from a Hospital bed, Desiring God Foundation, Crossway, Wheaton, Page 44
Lessons from a Hospital Bed
Physical sickness affects more than just our bodies. In this honest book, John Piper shares ten lessons he learned while in the hospital.