Women’s pull-ups for men.


Staff member
I was talking with someone today. They mentioned that they use female. Pull-ups because they absorb better then male pull-ups. Have any of you noticed this.
I haven't noticed a difference in absorption but the placement of the padding is in a different location, that is somewhat lower. If you tend to "point down" as opposed to forward or up the women's pull-ups might be right for you. As always trial and error is needed to determine what works right for you. Good Luck!
I personally never tried female products. I felt if they are targeting a female then by default they probably wont work well for a male. Manufactures seem to make a big deal out of how they place the absorbent pad specifically for the anatomy of men/women. Could be completely wrong just the reason I never tried it.
I have on the other hand used unisex products. Generally when I have worn these I have chosen a high absorbency (capacity) type. Usually for longer traveling, times I know I wont be easily (quickly) near a restroom, or where sleeping arrangements dictate. (I wear plastic backed diapers to bed and they can be noisy if visiting or staying away from home).
I would not say these necessarily absorb quicker but they do absorb more before leaking over my daily male pull ups I use.
Won't hurt to try. Maybe you could get some samples to try and not commit to a large qty you may not use.
I think your reasoning is spot on, @Tim. I know that these days the manufacturers do make a point of emphasizing how their products are specially suited for a male OR a female. I remember when these products, such as the Depends of a long time ago, were basically unisex. These days I use either the Prevail daily underwear which is unisex or Alyne underwear in the male style. Both work equally well for me. I wouldn't think there would be a whole lot of difference in the placement of the absorbent pad (except maybe two inches) because when you gotta go, you gotta go! And that could still end up all over the place, whether the pad is more to the front or more to the rear.
I guess it just boils down to cosmetics. I think the female style would have more feminine colors (so who's going to see your underwear anyway?) and the male style has a plainer appearance. And trying some samples is a good suggestion just because it won't hurt to see if you're missing out on something even better than what you're already using!
Even when both a man and a woman are healthy (fully continent), women pee more frequently than men, so it’s possible our pull-ups are better, because we pee more. Depends Silhouettes for women (light daytime use) come in a box with split colors: half are charcoal, half are nude. Zero patterns or flowers. Plain. Give it a try and let us know.

As a female, I detest unisex pull-ups. Tons of leaks. I’ve never tried men’s pull-ups.

Try the women’s and let us know!
The packets for both my pads and pants make no mention of gender so I assume they are unisex. There is no front exit but they are very stretchy and can easily be pulled down. The pad is 63cm in length - long for a woman?
24” is not too long for a woman; there’s no such thing. I’ve woken up many times to a soaked diaper, and a soaked back and front on my torso, and wet my pillows. Pee goes anywhere it wants; so disgusting to wake up like that.
I usually find that the unisex products I have used have a symbol of a man and woman somewhere on the bag. Perhaps there are some out there that do not mark their products but this is what I have notice with many brands.
The other note I would make is that I have tried numerous different brands of pull ups for men and not had any that had a front exit like a regular pair of underwear. Maybe there is a brand that has a hole in the front but...Personally I would have to try that around the house before I used it in public. Seems to me that would be an automatic leak area. All of the male pullups I have tried were solid pad in the front with "stretchy" waist band material. Maybe another man can comment on being able to use his zipper but I have not. I have always had to undo my belt, pants button (hook, snap, whatever) pulled the waistband of my pullup down and go over the top. I don't know how I would get back into the center of the pad if I pulled it to the side to use my zipper. Maybe I just don't know the trick?
Yep, that's the way it's done, Tim. You can still just use the zipper but it's kind of awkward so the way you do it is the easiest way. And I'm not aware of a brand of male pull up that has a hole in the front. I think that would be defeating the purpose any way!
@Tim and other guys, it’s pretty simple: pull your pants down and sit on the toilet to pee like every woman has been doing since age two!!!!!!!!! VERY EASY!!!!!! And no, diapers don’t leak when you do this, at least not mine!
I've seen sign graphics in the restrooms of long distance and tour buses that advises men to do just that! That makes sense what's going to happen when the bus hits a stretch of bumpy road or has to stop suddenly! I don't recall seeing anything like that in airplane restrooms however. From what I've seen of them there's barely enough room to just stand, let alone sit!
Yeah Tim, that would be quite a feat and one I'm not really willing to try at this point! I'll continue to take my chances standing! But I've never seen a urinal on a bus or an airplane, unless it's a newer type like a 787 or an Airbus A350/A380. Don't know if they have them as I have never flow on any of those.
Mightychi said:
I was talking with someone today. They mentioned that they use female. Pull-ups because they absorb better then male pull-ups. Have any of you noticed this.

Interesting. I'd think the placement of the absorbent material in the pull-ups would be most critical. That is one of the reasons I like the Depend RealFits is because the absorbent material area is in the front where I , uhm 😳, pee. Not sure the placement for a female would be right for my wetting.

I think that is why I like the RealFits, there is not all this stretching material with no protection above the protection, if that makes sense.
Well yes, JT, I do see what you mean! The Real Fits are designed to look more like a regular men's brief and are not a pull-up in the true sense of the word. The pull-ups do have that stretch material that extends over the waist area. That portion sir not designed to be absorbent. (now watch them put the cake symbol in when I post this. They are a day early!!!:eek:
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