Will you take 1-2 minutes to be my voice?


Staff member
Hello friends,

I was wondering if you could take a couple minutes to help be my voice in a matter in which has yet to be resolved. I was catfished a while ago and was exploited for it - and the matter was taken to the chief of police however due to my mental health condition (Schizophrenia) he refuses to hear my side even though the officers below him say I'm the victim in the matter.

Anyway, i had around 5 people in the mental health community I'm involved in send him an email voicing there support for my matter and to give myself a voice and I was hoping a few of you would be willing to do the same.

Email: ezinser@cityofnovi.com

Subject: Attention Please

Message: Please give Trevor a voice. Please do not silence his schizophrenia. Thank you

Its just a standardized message, to give you a little background - i was catfished and scammed by someone i knew and opened up to and was exploited for it. If you want to create a custom message; you may do so as well.

Thank you,
Honeeecombs (Trevor)
Will this do? "Trevor is not getting a fair hearing after being catfished, I understand because he is schizophrenic. I have every belief in Trevor’s good faith and intelligence despite this condition, and believe he should get the assistance he needs". Shall send if you say yes. Hope something works out.
If you don’t mind, what’s your last name and case number? I want to make sure this gets to the right person. You can DM me if you like. I’d also like to email you a copy of what I wrote.
To Whom It May Concern,

I am a good friend of Trevor. I write to you today asking you to PLEASE GIVE TREVOR A FAIR HEARING IN HIS CASE AGAINST THE CRIMINAL WHO CAT-FISHED HIM. Just because Trevor suffers from the terrors and torments of medically-treated-and-supervised schizophrenia does not render Trevor immune from the right to a fair trail. Instead, Schizophrenic sufferers, even more so than those who are not forced to endure mental health disorders, are particularly prone to being tricked, disillusioned, and manipulated.

Those who “catfish” deliberately set out to beguile and ploy the most vulnerable of people amongst us online - including schizophrenics - who are looking for love. The catfish then exploits their prey using the contrivance of love for money.

While Catfishing may seem like a harmless prank to some, Catfishing can have serious and lasting consequences for all parties involved. Catfishers create fake online personas to deceive others into developing emotional, romantic, and/or physical relationships. Catfishing is the criminal act of creating a false online identity to deceive someone else. It is done with malicious intent, such as to swindle money or other resources from unsuspecting victims. Catfishing can take many forms, from using fake photos and profiles on social media sites to creating entire personality profile to using a real person’s photos and information for the purpose of scheming others. Some catfishers may even use stolen identities for their own gain.

Catfishing is a crime. Catfishing may be considered a crime of identity theft, and may be punishable on the severity of the case. For example, if a Catfisher uses someone else’s personal information to commit fraud or other criminal activities, they could face seriously legal consequences. Additionally, if a catfisher engages in cyber stalking or harassment, they could be held liable under various state and federal laws.

Being schizophrenic in no way precludes Trevor’s potential to be catfished; in fact, being schizophrenic amplifies the likelihood that Trevor might be catfished and exploited.

I have known Trevor for 3.5 years. He is intelligent and well-intentioned. He works conscientiously to live a steady, healthy, medicated life to exist successfully and independently with the schizophrenia cards of life so cruelly dealt him. I have seen him suffer through both tougher and better times of mental health well being. I remember when he was suffering at his very worst - absolutely terrified - from the torments and machinations used against him by his catfish.

Please give Trevor a voice and a fair case against the despicable human being who manipulated and abused him in part because of his mental health condition. Please do not silence Trevor’s schizophrenia but rather give voice to the most assailable and unprotected amongst us: those who suffer from the terrifying horrors of incurable schizophrenia.

I love it snow. Thank you for taking the time to write all of that. It expresses emotion, passion, and empathy to all of us who suffer from schizophrenia.

Thank you,
I think what we can provide is a character reference those of us who have known Trevor over time.
He has always been a kind person here and inspite of his struggles has been open about them
Trevor if you give me your full name and case number in a pm I will add my support if it does nothing else because as Snow so eloquently puts it, the man we know is a good intelligent and sensitive man and you deserve to be acknowledged for that in your home community.
@Honeeecombs My pleasure! Best wishes that you win! I meant every word I said. I included my full name, email address, and phone number.
Thank you guys so much for all this support. It means a lot - I hope we will break the glass ceiling.

It’s nice we can come together like this - especially during a time my bladder condition has worsened which is why I’ve been back on here lately;

Much appreciated,
Great job Snow.

I will also send a message if you provide me with your info. So sorry this happened Honeeecombs. You’ve been through so much.
Kathylp said:
Great job Snow.

I will also send a message if you provide me with your info. So sorry this happened Honeeecombs. You’ve been through so much.

Hi Kathy

Sent you a PM

Update: So far nothing yet. We have a total of 8 people so far - keeping up the faith that one day my voice will be heard.

Thank you to everyone who shared there support :)

I am sorry it took me this long to send my message, but it has now been sent. Busy week with taking my husband for his monthly chemo treatments and to see a couple of his doctors all in different locations. Wishing you the best.
Honeeecombs, I have had a problem with my message in support of you in the catfishing case - my e-mail on your behalf has failed to be delivered, and I did faithfully copy and paste the address. Sorry to trouble you but are you sure you gave the correct address?
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