Will you share your voice with us?


Staff member
Hello Friends!

I hope you are doing well! I'm writing to ask a favor of you as we enter into the holiday season.

The end of the year is important for many non-profits - many people choose this time of year to contribute to the organizations that they feel passionate about or that have made a difference in their lives. At NAFC, this time of year is important to us as well. We are a non-profit, committed to raising awareness of bladder and bowel health conditions, and providing education and support to those touched by incontinence. We receive much of our funding through donations, which is what allows us to keep our website updated and running, and to provide things like these message boards free to those who need them.

This holiday season we'd like to urge more people to contribute to NAFC by showing them the impact we make. It's hard sometimes to compete with organizations that are dealing with hunger, or fighting life-threatening diseases, but I'm sure that you all know better than anyone that incontinence, while not life-threatening, affects a person's quality of life more than most people realize. We hope that NAFC, and these message boards, help to provide you with some level of support and comfort as you navigate this path.

To help us out, would you be willing to share with us your thoughts for an article we are pulling together to publish in December? We'd like to hear from you in your own words the answer to the question: "What NAFC Means To Me". We won't use any names, and everything will be kept anonymous. But, we think that it's important for people to hear the struggles that you all go through, and the extent that NAFC has helped lessen those, even if it's just a little bit. Plus, by sharing your voice, you'll help us in our effort to reduce the stigma of this condition.

If you're up for it, please respond to this thread, or send a PM to me with your answer to the question: "What does NAFC mean to me?".

Thanks so much in advance for your participation!

National Association For Continence (NAFC)
NAFC said:
Hello Friends!

I hope you are doing well! I'm writing to ask a favor of you as we enter into the holiday season.

The end of the year is important for many non-profits - many people choose this time of year to contribute to the organizations that they feel passionate about or that have made a difference in their lives. At NAFC, this time of year is important to us as well. We are a non-profit, committed to raising awareness of bladder and bowel health conditions, and providing education and support to those touched by incontinence. We receive much of our funding through donations, which is what allows us to keep our website updated and running, and to provide things like these message boards free to those who need them.

This holiday season we'd like to urge more people to contribute to NAFC by showing them the impact we make. It's hard sometimes to compete with organizations that are dealing with hunger, or fighting life-threatening diseases, but I'm sure that you all know better than anyone that incontinence, while not life-threatening, affects a person's quality of life more than most people realize. We hope that NAFC, and these message boards, help to provide you with some level of support and comfort as you navigate this path.

To help us out, would you be willing to share with us your thoughts for an article we are pulling together to publish in December? We'd like to hear from you in your own words the answer to the question: "What NAFC Means To Me". We won't use any names, and everything will be kept anonymous. But, we think that it's important for people to hear the struggles that you all go through, and the extent that NAFC has helped lessen those, even if it's just a little bit. Plus, by sharing your voice, you'll help us in our effort to reduce the stigma of this condition.

If you're up for it, please respond to this thread, or send a PM to me with your answer to the question: "What does NAFC mean to me?".

Thanks so much in advance for your participation!

National Association For Continence (NAFC)
What does NAFC mean to me? My incontinence,to some degree, has been nearly a life long problem. I was told I have a very large bladder with a number of diverticula that has caused a great deal of retention. After my prostatectomy combined with a diverticulotomy my need for diapers was even more necessary. Initially, I was embarrassed and ashamed that I had problems controlling my bladder. I thought it was something I should be able to control. Having the support from others having similar issues has really helped me get on with life. Some members on this forum have come to grips with their incontinence and need to wear diapers, others are still fighting with the stigma attached to this need. I would consider myself belonging to the latter group, but expressing my frustrations on this forum has really helped me. I really appreciate what everyone contributes, and hope this forum continues to operate.
I read the posts to see if I can help someone who has concerns about their incontinence. I have over 60 years in dealing with my bedwetting issues, so I consider myself as a somewhat expert.
It means support for me and other people who have incontince and what we deal with on a daily basis.it also help with what products that are out there, and you can tell your story of your self and why you need to wear diapers too
Incontinence is a lonely and confusing condition as it is taboo for most of society to admit to. Thanks to the rise of social media we now learn that there are many who have the conditions and having a forum to discuss living with incontence is creating an outlet for product and therapeutic devices is changing our lives and lifestyles. The NAFC is a very valuable resource to exchange information and comfort.
I used to feel that way for many years. Then I found Simon foundation and NAFC and learned there are lots of us. Thank you guys for your friendship, caring advice and having these resources available for us. Such a Blessing 😊
Kind regards,
I'm pretty new but I feel like its a place to be heard and understood. Its hard feeling alone as an adult who still struggles with accidents and staying dry. People irl don't usually understand and they're uncomfortable with my problem. But its a part of my life, as much as I wish it wasn't, and I have to deal and cope as best I can. But I'm glad I've found this place. It makes a lonely, shameful place not so lonely and shameful. I mean, its like this: I grew up hiding: hiding my wet pants, my soaked pullups, wet sheets, hiding my tears of disgust and frustration, while mopping up the puddle on the bathroom floor where I didn't quite make it in time. Hanging my head in shame, piss running down my pants like a toddler in front of the whole class because my shyness was so debilitating I couldn't get up the courage to ask my teacher until it was too late. The punishments, scolding, anger etc. It seemed my while life was either hiding or shame. And here that is not the case. No one shames me. I can talk about and admit my struggle instead of hiding in fear and embarrassment. And that gift, breath of fresh air, is priceless. Thank you.
Hi ShiRae,
I am sure many of us had our share of those same feelings and experiences. You did a wonderful job putting many of our feelings into words. Thank you😊 nice to hear from you too!
Kind regards, jim
ShiRae, I wish In would feel liken you do, I cannot accept this problem and I have almost complete incontinence, which is terrible to go out in public. Some times I leak over my pullup, pads inside thde pullup and a rubber pants over them. I am on my last draw with Drs,I have no faith in them and I have gone to many that cant really help you much. I am so depressed and cry a lot about it. I am a Christian and I keep praying that a find the right help. No one that does not have this problem cannot not even brgin to know how bad it feels. I had a bad day to and just needed to vent. I have not been happy about this for yewars and I just get angrier and angrier every day.
well I better get back to my weekly cleaning so I can move on. I hate thisproblem so much I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Sorry for venting but I am ar my witts end.
Hi Colin,
I can feel your hurt and just wanted to let you know you are hear with friends so it’s okay to vent. Have you found anything that works well for you or a combination of things that make things tolerable at least?
I’m sure between everyone’s personal experiences here maybe a solution or at least successful management can be figured out with some trial and error.
I am also a Christian, not perfect but I do pray for all of us here and NAFC and their team, and the people who design and manufacture the items we need to get by in life. I will pray for you too so a solution can be found for you and your needs.
It is a hot mess sometimes dealing with health issues.
Just wanted to let you know people here do care and want the best for all of us.
If you ever want to vent or chat, I’m always happy to listen. Hope you have a nice evening. You can get through this. Remember Jeremiah 29:11 and you will understand.
I am just leaving work but wanted to reply. You aren’t alone and you are among others that care and can relate.

Kind regards,
Jim in MD
Not a lot to add. Im with the others. Safe place to find info and help where one can. And get advice when needed. We are blessed to have this resource.
to Jrpoorman, thanks for your encouragement, it means so much. I was really down when I written that last nite. I feel alittle better this morn. I have had this problem for years and it just gets worse. I am going bonkers terying to figure out where to go next. I will survive with the help of God and good people like you. I was a bedwetter till in 5th grade and know it has returned as an 69 year old adult women. Know I worry day and night how to stay dry. Thanks again
Hi Colin,
😊 I know not wetting through my clothes is always a concern for me and I’m sure most, if not all of us. I just got switched to merbetrik from oxybutinin and it helps a little. But it’s only been a week and a half on the samples. I like the urologist I met. My next thing to try will be Botox. I told him I would rather have to cath or use a foley and belly bag than walk around wet all day...I think I surprised him and the techs doing the urodynamic tests. The two ladies were awesome! Chesapeake Urology has some amazing staff. I have to give them credit. They were so compassionate and understanding and gentle. And we are trying to figure out a better solution for me. I will share if anything I try works.😊 have to run for now.
Keep the positive attitude. We can in most cases find better solutions to get us through this. Just takes time, patience, determination and sometimes some folks who know better solutions.
Have a great morning all.
Colin13 i think we do not benefit at all by anxiety. Women fret their whole lives over body things they cannot change. Nose is too big, hips too wide etc. Perspiration,face gets red etc
As a mature woman you are now in a silent mzjority of "ladies who leak". The number of advertisments in every media from tv to magazines is there because the number of women needing a sorbent inderwear is a growing market. Ever go to a movie or tgeatre and stand in a line out the door of the ladies room who cant wait another minute?
Here are things ive personally found to slieviate distress.
LUME deoderant. Lumedeo.com or google Lume it is a cream you can apply to kill all scents at al in private regions. Natural products
Use feminine incontience pads
For anxiety i go on youtube and watch ASMR videos. My favourite is Gentlewhispering but look for videoes that you are curious for therecare many many and it is an incredible relaxation for many anxiety prone people.
These are my personal recommendations i say it often but to be clear I'm not a spokesperson!
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