Who set up this forum?


Staff member
i am curious who initiated and monitors this forum.
Are you affiliated with any medical resources?
i am grateful for the opportunity to speak with fellow sufferers but who is the "man behind the curtain" to quote The Wizard of Oz.
thank you for replying.
Are you on the forum administrative group?
i am interested to know historically how incontinence has changed, increased or decreased, since the 1950s or after WW2.
Medtronic does not sponsor, nor did they set up this forum. This form is hosted by the National Association For Continence. We are a nonprofit, 501 c3 organization dedicated to providing education, community and support to those living with bladder and bowel health conditions. You can find a wealth of information about incontinence on our website, www.nafc.org (or just click the links at the top of the forum!).

Let me try to get you an answer to your question - my guess is that it has increased (or at least the amount of people who are talking about it has increased). It's a hard one because likely the prevalence has always been high, but more people are comfortable talking about it these days (although there are still MANY people who do not). Stay tuned!
A deep and abiding curiosity about "the little man behind the curtain"(wizard of Oz quote: pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain! Shouted the magician, who was manipulating the" great all powerful" wizard control over Oz.)
I’ve come across a few other sites that provide a platform for discussion and answers but they just aren’t as easy to maneuver around or as friendly!! I come to this sight almost daily to chat with others here and really enjoy this community!!
Since I dont hear of cures that stay curing and that dont have side effects it is a great comfort to chat with others who are resourceful and courageous!
@Maymay941 I agree it's important to know who's behind things like this. If nothing else to thank them, but to also be aware of hidden agendas.
As the owner and manager of these forums, NAFC truly appreciates all of you who visit the message boards. We host the forums, as part of our overall website, but it is all of you who make it what it is. We truly could not have asked for kinder, more supportive people who visit this site and provide discussion and support for all those who visit. It takes a lot of courage for some people to speak up, and you all are so welcoming and warm, consistently providing encouragement and uplifting words of advice. For that, we truly truly thank you.

Maymay - to answer your original question: Yes, incontinence rates have increased. I found this study that looked at the increase in rates from 2001 to 2008 in the US significantly during that time. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3197263/) Speculation on the reasons are an increase in obesity and also in conditions like diabetes, which can contribute to incontinence. I know that you had asked about the increase from the 1950's to date, and this specific study looks at only a period of about 8 years, given the continued rise in obesity and diabetes, I would speculate that the prevalence of the condition has indeed increased since the 50's.

If any of you ever need anything, or have a question, like MayMay did, please don't hesitate to ask. We may not have the answer for you immediately, but we'll do our best to get it to you as soon as we can!
Thank you for your response. It does make sense that a change in our dietary habits could be behind the prevalence of incontinence now.
I couldn't agree more, people who frequent this forum have slowly but surely lifted our spirits and made a better quality of life for many.
Hi NAFC, I went through the article and I am always surprised by how difficult it is to read these articles and how vague they are on there findings!! One can literally laugh outloud while reading this article because they really don’t say much as to what any causes are. It’s also a very small number of people who are usually in this study and what there situation may be. I just think they could really do a much better on in doing an actual study of person by persons issues and what it is that they do to manage it or how it all started. But t I’m guessing that would take a larger budget and some real effort, which is t the way things are done nowadays(lol). But I truly thank you for sharing this and I am TRULY TRULY thankful for this board and group of people I get to feel truly at home with!!!!!!! Thank you!!
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