what to call them


Staff member
I cracks me up with all the talk about what they are, there absorbent products or incontinence garments or pads or ten other names people call them. You can call a Yugo a Cadillac if it makes you feel better but in the end it's still a Yugo. The bottom line is it's a diaper and I don't understand the stigma people have by calling them that. For me I just continue on with my diapers and spend my time on things more importent
The industry doesn't help with all it's euphemisms, super plus, max, ultra, slip, brief, etc. and on and on and on.

Yes, we're always going to be uncomfortable with this. Your silly vocabulary only makes it more obvious.
We have the same over here. A nappy is a nappy, but the continence service call them pads even though they have a front and a back. It really is silly, Phil
Most people probably associate the word "diaper" as being a piece of baby clothing. Therefore, most people try to disassociate them as diapers as they get older and more as incontinence garments. Like you said, boomer2480, whether you call them briefs, incontinence underwear, etc. they will always be known to me as diapers. I always call the pull up diapers I wear just diapers. I even call them that with my wife, family, doctors, nurses, etc. and no one seems to really care what anybody calls them. They are just glad I'm content with them and they are accepting of them. I never get the 3rd degree when I talk about my diapers to someone. It's my new normal.
I talked to many young vets that have lost bladder control for one reason or another and they just cannot bring them selves to use the dreaded D word. I was in a spika cast for many many months when I turned five years old and had to wear diapers the whole time and I don't ever remember once the nurses or doctors calling them diapers. I was so young I didn't want to hear them called that either. There is something about calling them diapers that most people don't want to call them and it's nuts. Like it's going to make it any easier having to use them if you pin some other name on them.
Like I've said before on this topic... calling them anything but a diaper only promotes the stigma of the word. Call them what they are ... a rose by any other name is still a rose.
Anyway you slice it,diapers are diapers. Whether they're pads, underwear, briefs, etc., they are in the most logical sense a form of diaper. I see where the stigma in name "diapers" come from. Were not they called " sanitary napkins" at one time. They have been called diapers throughout history.
My PCP calls them Depends mostly and years back she use to correct me and say they were Depends, but if we talk about incontinence there are times I will call them diapers, but she does not correct me any longer, I think she realized how silly it was. It's a none issue to me, as I must used them all the time
In the 50s, "Sanitary Napkins" was one of the euphemisms for the "absorbent pads" used by women for their periods. Think about it. It's really a pejorative, now. In the 50s, even the word Periods was glossed over. Just like the word "cancer". At the most, it was called "the C-word". "Depends" was a Brand Name or Type Name - pull-ups, i believe, that became a generic name - like "scotch tape". 3M even sued when some other tape manufacturers called theirs scotch tape, too. The judge told 3M it had become a "generic" name. Now the grocery stores have signs saying "feminine products" and "Incontinence" and they devote many feet of shelf space to both. Right there in plain sight. So are condoms. An awfully lot of people have given up on the notion that if you don't tell teenagers about sex, they'll never catch on and have sex. It would be funny if it wasn't for teenage pregnancy. What a society.
It’s a diaper. I just call them diapers. My wife doesn’t like it when I say the word, but it is what it is. I like to call them like I see them. Diapers it is.
Here is my funny story on what various products are called. I once went to buy some adult pull-ups and there was a big sale on the store brand briefs. It was a buy 2 get one pack free. I grabbed the packs and it wasn't until I opened the pack later that I realized that briefs are not like underwear briefs, they are like diapers. 😆 I thought they would be like the Depends real fit pull-ups. Oops
I wear diapers 24/7 I call them diapers, not briefs, not undergarments, not pads not nappies they are diapers there is nothing brief about an adult diaper
I just call them underwear. I dont discuss them with anyone except for on this site. I order them online and theres no need for me to meantion them to anyone around me. I know thats not the case for many who need help but im fortunate not to need help at this point. I dont mind if people call them diapers, I just dont.
My mom calls them my "supplies" while these days I just call a spade a spade. It's a diaper. My friend asked me what package I was waiting for and I just pointed to my pants waist area. She got it. So sometimes I still dont like saying it to be honest
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