What am I to expect??? Cystoscopy…

@Regina Gender of nurse doesn’t bother me one way or another. I had a female nurse when I was in the ICU a couple years ago, and she inserted a foley catheter. Nothing weird about it.

I am just getting really antsy because I want to have answers, and hope all of the diagnostic work is done at once to get a definitive answer, rather than surmising.
I guess here, I just take what must be done to me. But regarding what @snow mentioned, I have such difficulty cathing, so once a month I get a big foley inserted for up too 2 weeks. My Nurse PA always knew I was a difficult placing. She is now inserting 2 lidocaine jets, so that is 20cc of medication. and she instructs her nurses to do also. It does make a difference, boom
@Boomersway This really can be directed to the whole group even though I “@‘ed” you.

I consider each person’s pain threshold to be relative, but the fact that I have a tennis ball sized gland in my groin that hurts like hell every time I move certain ways or lay on my stomach, I will just accept the possible pain of the scope going into my urethra.
@MAM I agree and my intent was just that. But you are doing the right thing, that is talking about here with us also, as someone else might experience exactly the same. boom
MAM said:
I am just getting really antsy because I want to have answers, and hope all of the diagnostic work is done at once to get a definitive answer, rather than surmising.

@MAM ,
I hope you get your answers with just one cystoscopy too, but that is usually just the beginning of more tests. So, be prepared for the word "urodynamics test". That's the big one that everyone hates! :eek:
@Boomersway Thank you for the tip!!!!!!! I’m getting Botox in two weeks so I’m happy to have your advice. I’ll ask for double the Lidocaine as well.
@MezaJarJarBinks I agree with you completely; urodynamics is worse; so embarrassing and painful. They did my cystoscopy and urodynamics in the same session at least.

I hope you get your answers with just one cystoscopy too, but that is usually just the beginning of more tests. So, be prepared for the word "urodynamics test". That's the big one that everyone hates! :eek:

Is that like the UriCuff? If not, please explain.

MAM said:
Is that like the UriCuff? If not, please explain.

In my case, I had to stand in front of two nurses. They inserted a tube and slowly filled my bladder until I said "UNCLE"! The objective seemed to be to determine how much my bladder could hold before it spasmed.

Then, I was supposed to pee. With my bladder that full, it stimulates my bowels too. So, I had to quickly dry off, get dressed, and run to a restroom to avoid a mess. Hated it!
Oh… that sounds like torture. With my “backing up” issue and random unexpected voids, I don’t know if I could tolerate that test. I guess I will cross that bridge if I come to it…
@MezaJarJarBinks For mine, I had a double-wide metal cath put in. First they filled my bladder with gas and measured how fast that escaped. That HURT. Then they filled me with fluid and when I pissed it out all over their floor, they told me they’d never seen someone lose it that bad/much. My urologist was 76 at the time. Who knows; maybe they were exaggerating.
snow said:
For mine, I had a double-wide metal cath put in.
OUCH! That sounds horrible!
:eek: :(
I don't think I had any gas. However, I sure do get gassed when I have a colonoscopy. My first one was when I was about 20 (76 now). Back then, they didn't give me any anesthesia! I was screaming! Now days they do knock me out; thank the Lord.
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