What am I to expect??? Cystoscopy…


Staff member
I am finally 2 days away, and am now beginning to get curious as to what to expect other than a camera being inserted into my urethra. The doctor didn’t mention much other than “looking at the inside”. From others’ (in this forum) experience, will I possibly have samples taken for a biopsy? Will the doctor fill my bladder and see what I can expel? I called the doctor’s office to only get a response from the Medical Assistant of “that is up to the doctor as he explores”. What am I really in for gentlemen?
Yes I recently had it. They take a biopsy and scrape your bladder and send it to a lab to see if it is cancerous. The pain for me was the insertion of catheter.
Thanks for your post. I also have a Cystoscopy scheduled on September 20 to see if I have scar tissue as part of my consultations for a pelvic sling surgery. The surgeon said "it's a simple procedure, very quick..."

However, I am with you - sliding a camera up my uretha sounds painful! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this procedure.
It really depends on the intent of the procedure. I've had two. The first was for my urologist to ensure there wasn't any scarring from surgery interfering with my urethra and causing the leakage I continue to experience. The second was for another specialist to evaluate me for an artificial urinary sphincter. I'm currently on a wait list for the aus implant.

While I found both procedures to be a little embarassing and uncomfortable neither was painful and both were over in a matter of a few minutes. In fact the staff involved are so good at what they do I needn't have been embarassed...it is what they do and they were quite matter of fact about it. Usually starts with a cold freezing liquid followed by the insertion.

From my perspective the procedure is necessary to move me toward the next step in my healing and I greatly appreciate the attention I've been given.
Between bladder cancer surgery 7 years ago and then prostate cancer with subsequent prostatectomy I’ve had numerous cystoscopes. Some go better than others. Best advice I can give is to try to relax during the procedure. Just makes everything go through that much easier. Good luck!
I went to a different urologist for a second opinion about the original urologist wanted to do a radical prostatectomy because it is the size of a tennis ball and I am randomly retaining and voiding unexpectedly. The second urologist is suspecting cancer even though my PSA is borderline normal. He wants to see “inside” of the prostate specifically. The enlargement is alarming.
I’ve been getting these every few years due to scarring and lesions I get. 30 years ago when I got the first one it felt like a fire-hose with a handy cam inside! Quite painful I must admit…
I’m scheduled for another one in October and for just taking a look around in there, last one felt more like a fishing line by comparison, barely felt anything after they numbed me up and just as important maybe a touch of discomfort the following day but no pain. They’ve come a long way over the last few years, thank God!
If they find something they need to biopsy or whatever they’ll numb you up longer, but I’ve certainly had much worse back after the wreck.
. I think the hardest hurdle to jump the first time is just seeing them put the thing in you! So best advice, they do this all day long so sit back and read a book or something if you can it’ll be over in no time.
Best of luck guys!
@Sprung87 I am going to try to ask for general anesthesia. But if I can’t get it, I will try to fall asleep if they will permit that.
MAM - if you can fall asleep during that procedure, my hats off to you sir! Myself, I’ve only had it done once and it wasn’t a big deal. I agree with sonararider, best to just relax. When they insert it, your instinct is to clinch up as to not piss everywhere. If I where asked to do it again, I’d probably ask more questions around leakage during the procedure and if it’s a big deal. I’m guessing it’s not so take a bit of pressure off yourself.
@MAM did they tell you if the cysto, was flexible or rigid? Flexible to me was easy and quick, (but I have been on this game for quite a while) Now a rigid, is what my experience your taken to the operating theater, and put under, possible you will have a Foley when done for a few days...Boom
@Boomersway The type of scope is part of what I was trying to find out. I got very little information at the first appointment with my new urologist… He just said that he would take a look inside. I was in so much distress from discomfort and knowing that I could piss my pants, so I did not have a chance to probe further (no pun intended) with certain questions.
I had one a couple of years ago. The procedure just took a couple of minutes, and while not a lot of fun, the pain was easy to deal with. I had the Rezume procedure which was much more painful, as was my kidney stones. Pain is a relative issue. I hope it goes well for you.
This hurts worse if you’re female (I am), from what we’ve gathered together on this forum. It’s one of the most painful experiences in my life - though nowhere near as bad as bladder Botox - at least Botox actually helps! I’ve had 26 surgeries and two kinds of cancer, fallen down a cliff, etc., and for me a cystoscopy was one of the most shockingly painful experiences of my life. I had no idea how bad it would hurt, so that shock didn’t help, made it worse (I wasn’t on the forum yet back then). I would call your physician and ask if you can get a medication like Percocet or Tramadol in advance, just one pill, to take about an hour before you have the procedure done. Also, you might ask for one tablet of Xanax. Combine the two. Take on a very empty stomach for best effect and fastest digestion of the medications. But then you’ll need someone to drive you. But I promise you’ll have a much better experience!

Part of why catheters, in general, hurt worse in women is that our urethras are much smaller in diameter than in a male, so more of our tissue is torn by a catheter.
Since I am extremely sensitive to pain anywhere, I always demand general anesthesia for anything. I'm even sensitive to the Propofol they infuse to knock me out. That stuff burns like fire in my veins. The lidocaine they push in first does nothing for me. So, I look the anesthesiologist in the eye and tell them to push it very, very slowly. They are usually very good about cooperating.

When they get in there they may do any number of things they feel are necessary. In my case, they tried to dilate to make urinating easier. Dilation is a PAIN.

General anesthesia may cost a little more, but it's better than pain.

Be careful to follow their instructions about not eating or drinking anything before the procedure. I have lost relatives who didn't follow that rule.
Hello MAM,

The prep may consist of a betadine swab of the area, by the nurse. Afterwards, a numbing agent, probably, lidocaine, will be inserted into your urethra via a syringe. A clamp or your hand or the nurse's will be used for a few minutes to be sure that the lidocaine doesn't seep out. Finally, the scope will be inserted.

If you prefer, you may ask to have a male nurse do the prep. One may be available to the doctor; or, he may secure one from a nearby hospital. Don't be afraid to make your feelings known. We wish you well and we'll be praying for you. Take care.
@Regina Part of why I get so much pain is that Lidocaine doesn’t work for me - or, they don’t leave it in long enough, or something. Oh well, I survived.
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