Well that is not good.


Staff member
Tomorrow can not get here soon enough. I have a bad issue with one of my surgery incisions, my stoma has not been outputting for almost 14 hours and my pain level is very high right now. Sucks because I cannot take my good pain meds because I have to be able to drive myself tomorrow. So the other stuff will have to do. This just all sucks. I know I ate something that my stoma did not like now but hindsight sucks and is painfull. I hope that tomorrow I get more answers as well as maybe the next step.

The morning cannot get here quick enough.
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. I hope and pray that the night passes quickly and well for you!
I emphasize what you are going through with the Stoma. Have you gone onto the site I recommended Inspire.com? They have a community like this for Ostomies (Ostomy surgery)support. They were a huge help to me when I had both a colostomy and ileostomy. Great people and amazing support. How long have you had the ostomy? Will they be reversing it at some point? What ostomy supplies are you using? I found the best for me was Coloplast clip on. Fiber is your best friend!
All my best
I am home and okay. My ostomy specialist showed me a trick that really helped. Essentially I had gas build up and it needed to get out. Now I am back fighting not to get dehydrated. Lucky I have medicine that also helps with gas.
Glad to hear this has been resolved. I just noticed it now and assumed you were talking about tomorrow being Wednesday, until I got to your second post.
That makes sense and sounds painful. Glad you got relief. Perhaps checking out that suggested site by Nocturiaa55 would help give even more insight
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