Well now I am worried.. Family with covid-19


Staff member
So my sister-in-law tested positive for coronavirus yesterday.. She was at my parents house for Thanksgiving and I have been around my parents since they got back to PA.. don't know if anyone else has it yet but definitely worried about going to Florida now for Christmas..
Hi FlGuy, I'm sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. I hope she will be okay. If I were you I think I would think twice about going to Florida for this year at least. I know you were looking forward to seeing your nephew around Christmas but just see how your family fares in the next week or so and then make your decision. But I think I would be leery of going. Maybe once this blows over you can make a special trip. But the good news is the FDA has approved the Pfizer vaccine so hopefully we are seeing a bright light at the end of this long, dark tunnel!
I agree with all of the above. I’m sorry about your sister-in-law and I hope she will be ok and have little symptoms. I know we’re all so done with this pandemic. But we are close to getting the vaccine, and we can’t let our guard down until it is widely distributed which will probably take until spring at least. Have you seen the map of cases in the US? We are now almost completely red which is very bad. We’re now seeing the aftermath from Thanksgiving gatherings. We can’t tell you what to do, but it’s just not yourself you risk - it’s everyone you come open contact with. This is just gong to be a different holiday for all of us, but we can get through it together if we are cautious, wear a mask,& social distance. Can you Zoom with your family? We did that at Thanksgiving, and it wasn’t the same, but it was nice. Stay safe!
The vaccine will not be widely released in the U.S. until mid-June at the earliest. That was the primary topic on NPR, NBC, and CNN today. The worst months lie ahead and now is the top time to be at your most vigilant.
I'm sorry to hear that your sister-in-law has got the COVID-19. I've had a few friends who've gotten it and recovered. One a 93-year old woman who said her only symptom was extreme fatigue. She slept a lot.
Hi thatFlguy,
So sorry to hear about your sister in law. Praying for her, you and the family. Just be cautious if you travel. Like our friend Snow said. She’s got it and you don’t want it.
Be safe, wear a mask when out and with others and wash your hands allot.
This is serious and for many it’s killed them. I pray daily for all of us that we are safe and a solution to our conditions comes out way.
Happy Holidays,
We have NOT visited anyone, including church, since this started. Our neighbors have had it; fortunately they survived. I have enough underlying conditions that it's not worth the risk.

My daughter came up from Florida in October to visit me and her mother (my x-wife), but I told her to not come to my house.

These disasters have happened many times in the past. I read the Bible every day, and I have been expecting these things for a long time. Every time people become arrogant and turn their backs on God He brought about things like this to get their attention. I wish we didn't need to be reminded who created everything and who is really in charge. :oops:

The good news is that He is always willing to forgive us if we humble ourselves and change the way we think and act. Praise God! 👼
ThatFLGuy: Florida has one of the worst records in the lower 48, to boot, and is apparently not willing to change. Travel today is very dangerous, no matter the airlines try to con you. As someone above says, the vaccines won't be common for many months. Suck it up and stay home.
Hi @AlasSouth I know this is not a political forum but this time I just have to say something that's well, ....political! The reason why Florida has one of the worst records is the governor, Ron DeSatan. He is not willing to change because he is a strong supporter of Trump, although Trump's days in the White House are numbered. I did not vote for him. I will not vote for him the next time (hopefully he will not even run!) and I wish that he can be recalled. He is very dangerous and I am not the slightest bit pleased to say he is the governor of my state.
That said, I agree that travel today is still very dangerous no matter how you go. And I have to agree with you to "suck it up and stay home." It is not worth the risk for yourself or others you may come in contact with.
Just got back from spending 3 months in Fl - Delray Beach, to take care of my dad. I was very surprised that everyone in the area was wearing masks. I mentioned that to someone who said that the community was very respectful of the fact that most of the residents in the area were elderly. Not once did I see anyone who insisted on not wearing a mask in public. I was told that tourist areas and college towns were very different. I guess it depends upon where in Florida one is.
Hi @stuart, it really does depend on where in Florida you are. In my area to the north of Orlando in Lake County, most (not all) of the people I see in the supermarkets do wear masks and out on the streets in downtown areas it's definitely a mixed bag. The bigger stores do mandate masks and a lot of the smaller ones have signs that also ask people to wear masks. As for people just walking out on the streets, it is probably more don't wear masks than do. Myself, I don't wear a mask if I'm just out on the streets walking especially if there are no people around. I wear a mask if I end up in a busy downtown area or if I go into a store of any kind.
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