

Staff member
With the heat we have the tendency to drink anything and everything but pure water and no other beverage s key to hydration and will help all of us with bladder problems to cleanse and refresh

Will also improve headache or mental clarity
Reduced urine odors
Other drinks if you must enjoy the flavor should be be "chased"with equal or more water a coffee mug or two an hour

Put ice in a wet wash cloth on the back of your neck or if no home run cold water on your wrists to bring down body heat if no air conditioning
Hey MayMay!

Good ideas. :) Im in the market for a big ac in my new place; trying to keep cool as best as I can using a fan that was donated. Also have an air cleanser that has a built in fan in it that I have positioned towards my head at night.

It's brutal this time of the year!

Blessings In Christ,
It's a vicious circle. I have to drink much more in these hot times but I pee much more. Especially at night. I have woke up absolutely soaking wet the last few mornings.
Everyone here has different reasons for incontinence but I find if I drink only water and my morning coffee it is best way to avoid urges and unexpected surges.
Agreed. It is currently winter in Australia, but we still have warmer days. I had a soft drink the other day and boy did my bladder tell me about it for three hours afterwards. Sometimes I will just drink the dangerous drinks because I like them and the trade off feels worth it at the time, but I always look back on my choices and wonder how I can exercise more self control in the future. It’s funny how much more pragmatic we can be when we’re forced to sit in a pool of our own urine/ poor choices.
Well said Rowan.
I don't think water only is going to stop one peeing, not at all, but for me it's not having extra surges or lose of control in the day.
In countries where it's not winter we tend to drink anything but water often to rehydrate in the heat but in fact isn't hydrating so the extra problems without benefits to our whole body which is the concern I have right now
Unfortunately drinking almost anything else is a treat and social activity but not a treat to be suddenly peeing out of nowhere in the middle of some where.
Hey @maymay941;

I just got to thinking after reading your post. Have you found that if you don't drink water for a period of time (say you drink soda, lemonade, fruit juices, etc) that when you drink water your continence worsens for a period of time?

I've found that my oab urgency increases if I go back to drinking just water as I don't know if my body is just dehydrated and it is cleansing the system so to say; but it really sucks because for a period of time it makes my symptoms worse.

The urologist says to stay hydrated which is good; but it makes me think I should probably only should be drinking water - so that eventually maybe my bladder spasms/urgency will calm down.

Anybody else have this issue?

Blessings In Christ,
Honeecombs yes that is what happens to me.
As I said we have every one with different reasons for incontinence and various other additives like medication foods we eat but definitely things improve for me a week into plain water (after necessary evil the morning coffee)
The spasms and uncontrollable urges go away

Unfortunately for us drinking even a soda or a beer is either a guilty pleasure or a social activity.
Standing up and pee where we stand not so much.
Honeeecombs said:
Hey @maymay941;

I just got to thinking after reading your post. Have you found that if you don't drink water for a period of time (say you drink soda, lemonade, fruit juices, etc) that when you drink water your continence worsens for a period of time?

I've found that my oab urgency increases if I go back to drinking just water as I don't know if my body is just dehydrated and it is cleansing the system so to say; but it really sucks because for a period of time it makes my symptoms worse.

The urologist says to stay hydrated which is good; but it makes me think I should probably only should be drinking water - so that eventually maybe my bladder spasms/urgency will calm down.

Anybody else have this issue?

Blessings In Christ,

The body has less processing to do to water than with anything else, so that may be why your symptoms worsen. I imagine that drinking a lot of water every day, would benefit you (as it is known to), but also, 'train the bladder' to function according to what you put into it on a regular basis. I'm thinking that this may improve your incontinence, if not in a measurable way, then at least in some small manner.
Sorry, Could not help myself. LOL

I drink a lot of water and it makes my incontinence so much worse. Right now with the heat we are getting I have had to up my water intake and it sucks.

Drink a lot of water but now needed to change my diaper sooner and go through about 5 diapers during the day

I don't expect water to stop incontinence just is what does the body best for overall functioning.

Quite understandable if it not something one wants to do.
Maymay941 said:

I don't expect water to stop incontinence just is what does the body best for overall functioning.

Quite understandable if it not something one wants to do.

I should probably drink more water like what jeffswet said. It's getting over the period of increased urgency is what gets me.

I think that anything that causes increased urgency or spasms during the day - I tend to try to avoid as I don't like the feeling of having to always be near a bathroom or having to wear protection.

Last year and the year prior was difficult in that regard, I cooped myself up because of my bladder issues. If it wasn't for the NAFC and wonderful people I've met over the years - I don't think I would have gotten out so much.

Blessings In Christ,
I drink whatever I want because if I'm going to get back to the way I was my body's going to have to adapt to it anyway.
When I was on dialysis, my fluids (liquids) were limited to 32 oz. Per day. This was total amount I could have in any form,ie. Soup, water,juice, pop, jello, etc. It was very difficult to stay under 32 oz.
My kidney function was shot. Now I am slowly increasing my fluid level. Currently now around 50oz. A day. Kidney function is improving, now around 20%. Was earlier less than 10%. Dialysis done for now. With proper diet and some medications, I hope dialysis
Is in the past. I go every month to doctor for checkup.
artiejr said:
When I was on dialysis, my fluids (liquids) were limited to 32 oz. Per day. This was total amount I could have in any form,ie. Soup, water,juice, pop, jello, etc. It was very difficult to stay under 32 oz.
My kidney function was shot. Now I am slowly increasing my fluid level. Currently now around 50oz. A day. Kidney function is improving, now around 20%. Was earlier less than 10%. Dialysis done for now. With proper diet and some medications, I hope dialysis
Is in the past. I go every month to doctor for checkup.


I hope so too. Having to go to dialysis centers are probably not fun. I know some places offer in home dialysis - and dialysis the process is something that saved my mother's life at one point when she had a cancerous bile duct operation gone wrong.

Your story hits close to home. Being on restricted fluid intake takes slot of mental willpower - you have our support Artie!

Blessings In Christ,
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