Water Balloon with opening on both ends.


Staff member
That is how I would describe my bladder. Today was a heavy day with only one average bowel movement in 18 hours. I voided twice ( full bladder) in ten minutes. By full I mean it took a full minute to void fully. I am always holding it. And my bladder fills up quickly. Today I had six small bladder accidents and one full void. I cannot feel once I start going so have little chance of stopping it. All I get is a spasm before I have to go and go right then, within minutes I will void without any stopping it. It use to be that I could hold it for at least ten minutes but now it is seconds before I will leak some.
I only deal with ui, but I know what you mean about not being able to stop it. Some days for me are better than others, but sometimes nothing will stop the flow. It's frustrating because frequently the day before may have been almost completely dry, but now, it's as though someone else, someone with a nasty sense of humor is holding their finger down upon the HOLD OPEN button of my bladder.
I think that is something strange about incontinence. On some days it's all you can do to stop it, such as on cold days, while on other days things are almost completely dry. Those booster pads from North Shore or whoever your choice of supplier is, do help during those more active days.
Variability is common with people who deal with urge incontinence. In my case, I'll often go a week or longer without a leak (my recent record was just over two weeks) but then the bad day's seem to cluster together. In my case, I think it depends on my level of bladder irritation, which isn't constant.

It's frustrating to have to throw away dry diapers day after day, but I'll take it over having to throw away wet diapers!
If they are dry maybe you can slide them down your legs and use them the next day? Too expensive to toss them if they are dry. Maybe not tape the top tape so tight?
Even if a diaper is still dry, I'll only put it back on if I've been wearing it less than six hours or so. Just like I wouldn't wear the same socks two days in a row, I figure they get enough sweat in them that they're dirty. It'd be like wearing any other underwear two days in a row - in a pinch, sure, but not regularly.

I actually do tape them in a way that I can pull them up and down, because most of the time I make it to the toilet in time. Having some extra belly fat is handy for that, at least!
As I have tabled about before I wear RealFits for my bedwetting when not sleeping at home. Since my bedwetting is infrequent most of the time I wake up dry in them. I do reuse them for the next night if they are dry. I find I can get about 3 nights wear out of them before the sides get too stretched tip fit tightly and confidently for my comfort level.
As expensive as these things are, I don't like to throw away a pull-up that didn't need to be used for its intended purpose. Assuming it's still clean It's good to go for the next time.
When my bedwetting became more frequent, I tried using disposable diapers too. Since I was only wetting 3 or 4 times a month, most mornings my diaper was dry. So I figured "Hey, I can keep re-using this until I have another wet night!" However, I found after a few nights, the "Fluffing" inside would start to clump up, get lumpy, and not fit right. So I ended up going with cloth diapers and plastic pants for night time. Cheaper in the long run.
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