Waking up during the night


Staff member
Does anybody else have touble with this? In my case, I tend to wake up every 2hrs. When I wake up, I dont have a hard time going back to sleep and I'm awake for just a few minutes, pretty much just long enough to check my diaper. It makes me tired and cranky during the day. Other than that it doesn't really have an effect on my bedwetting. Its just annoying to wake up multiple times and not get a solid sleep.

What I've noticed though, is that sometimes during my first wake up, I'm already wet and sometimes I'm dry. Sometimes I think to myself "maybe I'll stay dry" as I fall back to sleep. Yeah...that doesn't happen lol. I haven't had a dry morning in like 5yrs.
Have you tried Melatonin a natural sleep aid? It is best to take about one hour before bedtime and turn off electronics and TV. Add a book you find slow going and you will drop after a couple pages.

Your symptoms are consistent with sleep apnea. There are potentially other prognosis's that could explain your every two hour awakenings. Talk to your PCP and describe your symptoms. Very easy to do a home sleep test and confirm or rule this out.

If you think you have sleep apnea check that out.. but as far as the post about melatonin..I 2nd that suggestion.
There are some great mild sleep aids your PCP can get for you that would probably work. Mine gave me some as I remember (Xanax) to help me with the sleeplessness pre surgery, It was great, and did not require me to take a nap the next day like some others did. Woke up with enough brain refreshment to not feel like a zombie all day.
I also sometimes wake up during the night to see if I am already wet. I feel my diaper to see if I am wet. This can happen within 1 hour, or as much as 8 hrs. Sometimes I am already wet in the 1 hr., but usually dry. Sometimes I am dry all night, only to fall back asleep for a short time, only to wake up wet. I don't purposely wet the bed, it just happens. Hopefully, you can understand what I am saying.
I have good nights, and bad nights

on a bad night, I can be up up to 3 times a night for various reasonn

on a good night, if I wake just after 6 A.M then that's a good result
Melatonin is a good suggestion and I take it every night but still wake every two to three hours most nights. At my P.A.'s suggestions, I did a sleep study a few years ago. The sleep doctor prescribed oxygen at night because ONE time during the night my blood oxygen went down to 72. I'm pretty sure I snore but don't have sleep apnea. But a month after using the oxygen I opted to give it up. The blue light interfered with my getting back to sleep, the noise of the machine was annoying, I kept getting the tubes tangled in the blanket and the insurance copay was too much expense. I reasoned that at my age if my blood oxygen went down ONE time in the night I probably wouldn't die but if I did it was all right.

My late husband (married 56 years) had constant low oxygen levels for a long time before getting additional oxygen and his mental state was still solid until he died. The lyrics to the song Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, come to my mind as I relate this. He was my best friend.
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