Urodynamic Testing


Staff member
So, I finally got urodynamic testing done. I was not looking forward to this at all. Catheters scare me big time, and it really sucked.

Once everything was in place, cath in the front and whatever they put in your rectum (wasn’t a fan of that process either) it was go time to test it out.

On my way from the table to the little toilet that measures I leaked all over the floor, and overall had multiple accidents throughout.

The nurse didn’t give me results because she’s not the doctor, but generally alluded to that I have hardly any pressure in my bladder. It doesn’t build up the same way, and promotes the leakages.

Follow up on the 20th and I guess we will see what they say.
@ExploringResources Yes, it’s a humiliating test, indeed. Women have to lie spread-eagled on the table while they do it, which is always extremely vulnerable and bizarre, let alone while peeing everywhere.
Agreed it is quite the test. Lol. At least Exploring Resources you didn’t pass out once they drained your bladder like I did lol. Never mind that there was over 1L in my bladder at that time as I followed their prep instructions clearly something wasn’t right. ;)

Clearly. Lol

Thank you. All I feel better now. I had a Cystoscopy today. Full blown vagel-vagel response afterwards. Felt like a complete wuss afterwards. Good news spichnter is fine, bad bladder has a bunch of stones. But it's nice to know I'm not alone in the horrible feelings.

As long as you get lidocain gel and can keep your muscles relaxed - I've found it does not hurt. Make sure to not tense up - and stay strong.

Not scary in the slightest after the Nurse told me the procedure and what she found that works. It was the Truth!

Blessings In Christ,
Hi Honeecombs long time no chat.

I didn’t get any lidocaine or pain meds prior however my pain tolerance is off the charts due to the incidence I had when I was 12 years old. I had a surgeon de brine my leg of a wound with gauze and curved scissors as it turned out I had flesh eating disease and I am thankful that surgeon realized what it was and honestly probably saved me from having to amputate that leg 2 days later. Granted that was extremely painful and became my benchmark in my life of what I consider is painful; and that event takes the cake.

We all are a sum of all events that make up our lives. And honestly I wouldn’t change anything as otherwise I wouldn’t be the person I am today. ;)


I hear you about the embarrassment. I hope that you can take comfort in the fact that one of the objectives of the test is to make you leak so they can see what’s going on in your bladder and pelvic floor when it happens.

I’ve had it twice now. The first time they put me to sleep to see what my bladder did when I was unconscious. Apparently, I held all my fluid during the procedure but woke up in recovery having wet the bed and floor. Immediately after getting in to a fresh gown, I had another accident and was given a pull up to wear. This was before I had experienced many daytime incontinence issues so was extremely embarrassing. Later that day they did the urodynamics tests while I was awake. After filling me up and getting me to cough and laugh (no leaks) they asked me to pee in a bucket in front of them to measure my flow. I couldn’t do it, so they let me walk to a different room where I could do it privately and I of course had an accident on the way.

The second time I knew what to expect, so it was a lot easier, but I don’t think anyone has fond memories of their first time.

Edit: Actually, I’ve had three tests, now. They have blurred together.
Got my results today, pretty much says everything as expected. Conclusions section says “Overall findings are consistent with weak flow, incontinence”

Detrusor overactivity present
Leakage of urine was demonstrated

My doctor said overall my bladder is severely irritated and has unpredictable spasms in random spots causing the leakage.

They want me to consider the interstim or Botox to see if that works. She’s leaning more towards Botox but is skeptical if it will work because of how the spasms present. It could work for me, or could cause retention requiring catheterization, so the key is if we try it to start out with super low doses to see how my bladder responds.

Overall, I guess having some sort of diagnosis somewhat helps, but at the same time seems hopeless like this could be my life from here on out. It’s not encouraging when the doc is hesitant about the next step, and says beyond that there’s not much we can do.

She did say I need to go to a neurologist to rule stuff out in that realm, so I will explore that as well.
@ExploringResources Botox is ***amazing***! I just had it done three weeks ago and every time, I can’t believe the difference! Give it a whirl; it’s better than having a device in your body. If Botox doesn’t work, *then* consider Interstim.
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