Urges vs. Surges


Staff member
Hey guys;

So one thing i dont think ive talked about here - is what true urge incontinence feels like.

As you know from my prior posts; i wear Attends and Tranquillity products. I like the Attends classic brief when i have bad days where i am suffering from severe bladder spasms and pain.

But as you know; spasms when you think about it - are just like your muscles are relaxing and contracting and i dont know if im alone; but on bad days, when im having a bad day; the incontinence feels more like a "surge" rather than a true urge.

Yeah, the feeling of having to go is almost always there. Its a pressure that never goes away. I pray to God somedays hoping this pain will go away.

Anyway, i need to talk about surge tonight because i dont know if im alone in this - because ive read other threads of guys dealing with incontinence and its almost like you cannot feel it. And; i can feel it. I just cannot stop it.

So for me to describe it, its almost like this. The pressure comes and goes, and its like with each "spasm" - the feeling of your going to release gets closer to closer; until you do (incontinence) and then the warmth comes on and its over.

Some people from what ive read on here, its like youll be sitting down for a long period of time and when you stand up you leak, or you leak constantly with no feeling.

Mine is tied to the pain and urge. But this is a constant thing for me. Some days are better than others of course - and im not here to complain or grumble because im past that now; and ive learned that im strong.

I suppose im just here to reflect my thoughts. Its been a long day; things on the personal front seem to be looking up.

I figured maybe my bladder issues will someday go away. But im starting to think thats not the truth. The thought of the night is; when will the urge end; and will someday will i be able to go back to bed in regular underwear?

My humble thoughts,
@Honeeecombs Hello
I don't think you are alone in your case
I have bladder imperiosity during the day but I can control and quickly find a place to pee if I am in nature
on the other hand in places where I cannot reach the toilets or nature I put on a diaper to feel safe and let the diaper leak
my diaper every morning and wet

Hi Honeeecombs,

It doesn't sound that unusual to me. I think there are actually some differences when it comes to urge incontinence. I think they all have in common that at some point you can't resist the urge.

What is different, though, is the timing of when the urge starts. That also depends largely on the underlying cause. If the sensitivity of the bladder nerves is too high, then the urge sets in pretty quickly and it feels like you have to go every 10 minutes. The working capacity of the bladder is low and you lose small amounts with each episode. This is actually the typical form of urge incontinence.

When the sensitivity of the nerves is too low, you realize too late that you need to go, and the working capacity of the bladder is high. How much you lose in an episode depends on your ability to stop the stream. This type of urge incontinence is not as common, but is more dangerous to the bladder and kidneys. It is also often combined with detrusor sphincter dysfunction.

While the first type is also typical of urinary tract infections and can also be caused by, for example, "hidden" infections, the second type is almost always based on a neurological defect.

Either way, the doctor can often help. In the first case, a change of diet and bladder training can do a lot.
@philippe: Hey philippe; that's exactly what I feel man. It's the sudden rush and urge to go. Last night I was stuck in my thoughts again; your words are very much appreciated. I don't feel alone. 🫂 Hugs from across the Atlantic.

@MichaelDahlke: You're first one was spot on for me. Its like voiding every 10 minutes on bad days; and that makes sense that it's the high sensitivity of the bladder nerves. Honestly, I never void that much with each episode which is why I can wear a more discreet brand of protection during the day. I just wish I didn't have to endure the episodes on these days. I'd rather leak and not know; rather than know that I'm continuous urging and relieving. It makes the loss of control that much more self harming on my self esteem if that makes sense.

@sport: You're not alone my friend. Thanks for dropping in - hope you're doing well. 🙏

MichaelDahlke said:
Hi Honeeecombs,

It doesn't sound that unusual to me. I think there are actually some differences when it comes to urge incontinence. I think they all have in common that at some point you can't resist the urge.

What is different, though, is the timing of when the urge starts. That also depends largely on the underlying cause. If the sensitivity of the bladder nerves is too high, then the urge sets in pretty quickly and it feels like you have to go every 10 minutes. The working capacity of the bladder is low and you lose small amounts with each episode. This is actually the typical form of urge incontinence.

When the sensitivity of the nerves is too low, you realize too late that you need to go, and the working capacity of the bladder is high. How much you lose in an episode depends on your ability to stop the stream. This type of urge incontinence is not as common, but is more dangerous to the bladder and kidneys. It is also often combined with detrusor sphincter dysfunction.

While the first type is also typical of urinary tract infections and can also be caused by, for example, "hidden" infections, the second type is almost always based on a neurological defect.

Either way, the doctor can often help. In the first case, a change of diet and bladder training can do a lot.

Thanks for posting. The second scenario seems to be what I'm dealing with- my sensitivity is too low. I can have a normal day- not having to void for several hours and then start having problems- quite often right after voiding normally in the toilet- or if I'm unable to get to a bathroom, it just starts happening. (Thank goodness for protection.)
On the other hand, I sometimes have problems from the beginning of the day, and sometimes it's an all-day thing, but can also settle down after a while. The one constant, though, is that I have very little urge- and virtually no pain. I guess I should be grateful for that.
It was helpful to read what you posted about the differences.
Well, you're a guy & I'm a girl, However, I can relate. Yeah, after sitting for an hour or two and then standing up -- what an AWFUL FEELING. I ALWAYS FEEL WET & COLD BETWEEN MY LEGS. Perhaps that's because I have Fecal Incontinence. But about when standing up -- Feels like I'm leaking urine & it's time to pee. So off to the toilet I go. I've got Interstitial Cystitis, so I take those pills that turn your pee orange. That;s in an attempt to make peeing less painful. I think it helps somewhat. I used to hope that my OB/Incontinence/FI would somehow go away at some point. I'm losing hope though. Maybe in the INTER STIM will help if I'm a candidate for it? Don't know yet until I do the Cystoscopy. Have done Urodynamics Part 1. Part 2 in March. Having surgery in January, so that interrupts the Urogynecology stuff! Honeecombs, I feel for you!
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