Updated, good news is not always good.


Staff member
So I have no IBD but the GI doctor found what my physians assistance thought was going on months ago. So I am not going #2 everything that I am passing is the result of the constipation I am dealing with. The CT showed that I was full of stool again. They gave me 593ml of magnesium citrate to drink. Did that on Friday. I was supposed to drink it in one go and mixed it with blue Gatorade and got it done in three hours. I don't think that it worked as well as the doctor hoped it would and I still have diarrhea today but I am also taking a double dose of Miralax as well as the other medications. The big tell is that I passed corn, last time I had corn was two weeks ago. I have a appointment with my doctor tomorrow to get paperwork done for work (yea more paperwork) and decide if I have to stay out of work. The big thing is that today I am back in pain after eating and my bottom hurts from all the diarea. I really hope for the best but I am preparing for the worst. I really like the GI doctor and how upfront they were with what may happen if we don't get this solved soon. I have to follow up with them this week as well so that they know what is going on. If this pain keeps up then I will need another CT. I asked the doctor about the x-ray as they are cheaper for me but they don't do the same thing so I may be back and forth getting CT scan s for a bit. Not fun as they give me a wicked headache. Good thing is that I will have paperwork to stay out of or leave work if I need to tell we get this sorted out or something.
It's good that you like your GI doctor so please continue that relationship and just tell those guys that you really want to get this thing resolved. If they give you a choice, just say, "If you were me, what would you choose? Which would give me the best outcome?" After all that's what you want are striving for. And do tell the doc about the pain and describe it for him. They'll want to know what you are doing when the pain comes or if you eat anything in particular that seems to aggravate it.
It's good you asked about X-rays since they are cheaper. And that's part of the deal, finding out about alternatives that may be less costly. That shows you are in team with your doctor. Actually it's likely X-rays won't tell the doctor much about what's going on so that's a reason to get several CT scans. Just keep after it and follow the doctor's suggestions. I hope this coming week goes well and that some answers will begin to emerge :). We're all pulling for you here!:)
You're really getting put through the wringer.

One thing that helps me a lot when I have diarrhea is to liberally coat my bottom with Vaseline right before each bowel movement. It keeps the liquid stool from coming in contact with my skin, it helps keep the toilet paper from rubbing me raw, and by the time I'm done cleaning up it's mostly gone so I don't have to put up with goo all over my bottom. I keep a tube in my pocket and a big jar in my bathroom at home.
I had a colonoscopy a year ago nothing showed up but still have small bouts of diarrhea but no pain and only once when it occurs every few days.
I used to work in radiology. Neither CTs nor any other kind of x-Ray causes headaches. But stress and laying down in the middle of the day can cause headaches, especially on a rock hard CT “bed.”
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