Update on my issue.


Staff member
Hello friends.
Currently life is still getting better.
The urge to urinate and frequency is now completely gone.
I have done a lot of research and honestly believe this to be a pelvic floor dysfunction issue.

Currently I stretch the pelvic floor for 20 minutes each session twice a day.
Once when I awake and before bed
These are 10 deep Pelvic floor stretches that I do.

I give credit to a man named Ian from cure cpps on youtube.
He battled the same issues went from doctor to urology to physical therapy and no answers.

My urination is at a normal level 4-8 times a day depending on what I drink.
Only symptom left is slight pelvic cramping nothing big.

I honestly feel for the people here
When I first came here over a year ago I was a mess.
Urge to urinate badly 20+ times a day
Bladder felt inflamed, hurt to pee, back pain and my mental status wasn't the best.
I would sit in bed for hours sometimes until 2-3 AM trying to find a cause.
I went through a deep dark depression where I was ready to die and felt I was on deaths door.

I honestly believe this to be caused by Anxiety,stress and ibs,
As Pelvic floor Dysfunction is known to be caused by the 3 above and a few more issues.

I haven't forgot about the people here.
I hope to be cured one day of the cramping I'm about 98% cured
I thank God for humbling me because prior to this happening I wasn't the best to my wife and family.
My wife has forgiven me and by the grace of God there is restoration.
Really GLAD for you a huge life turn around
Totally understand the depressed side of things and totally excited to look up this Ian cure ccps

There ARE success stories and your family healing is the best part of a wonderful update!
Im basically you but at the beginning of my journey. So much urgency and anxiety that this is life now. I seem to spend my entire life researching and looking for answers.
It gives me hope to read how far you have come. I doubt at times that all Im doing may eventually pay off so to read your post is a big boost to me. Thank you, I hope you continue to improve.
Try some Prosta Genix. I don't know how it does it, but I sure like waking up dry like I used to before a radical....
It gets better, but you have to be cautious who you get advice from.
I was on a facebook page for men with this issue talk about depressing and misery.
If you can stretch your pelvic floor muscles twice a day 20 minutes each session.
Once when you awake and before bed.
Within weeks it started to get better the catastrophic thinking ate me alive and with Anxiety in the mix.
Check out ian on cure cpps on youtube has 10 deep Pelvic Stretches.
Believe it will get better
If you have questions I'm here to listen and help.
You can private message also
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