Staff member
Overall a good visit with a big why answered that now has me upset at the hospital. So as I posted before, I had surgery on April 15th. I was let go from the hospital on Monday the 18th and then right back in on the 19th. I spent another three days in and just today found out what happened. I got an intestinal viral infection and they should have known on the 18th due to blood work that things were not okay but missed it. Also as PA-C messed up and had me taking stool softeners with my pain meds which is a big NO-NO with an Ileostomy.
Also, no one from the first team tracked my ostomy output which is another NO-NO. I guess that is why they put me up in one of the high-risk rooms with 24/7 care. (Had a camera and person watching and monitoring me the whole time)
So now my PCP and my mom are upset that the hospital never told my what I had going on. Also, if I get feeling sick I have to get to the ER ASAP because this virus has a thing for coming back a few times for people like me.
Another thing I asked my PCP about is what he felt my status is. Meaning if he felt that there was ever a chance I could go back to any type of work. That was a Big NO!!! He said that for the next few years everything is too much of a risk and no accommodation would ever fit the level of care that I will need. There will likely be at least one hospital stay for me each year (that was a low guess from his perspective) He felt that this likely will expose just how bad things are for me from my digestive issues and things will get worse before long and I will need preventative care to stop that. (Likely more surgery, feeding tube, GI stuff to prevent blockages and keep food moving without starving me)
The big thought is that I have been living with a GI issue my whole life and it messed me up back in 2020 this will be a lifelong thing to fight keeping food, liquid, and energy where it needs to be for me to have a quality of life. For now, another surgery is not a huge risk but I do have an issue with my stoma right now so on the 3rd when I see my ostomy specialist I may be set up for a correction which is an adjustment surgery to make my stoma not retract when I bend down. Wish me luck that it will not be needed but I a very prepared for it due to what my PCP told me today.
Also, no one from the first team tracked my ostomy output which is another NO-NO. I guess that is why they put me up in one of the high-risk rooms with 24/7 care. (Had a camera and person watching and monitoring me the whole time)
So now my PCP and my mom are upset that the hospital never told my what I had going on. Also, if I get feeling sick I have to get to the ER ASAP because this virus has a thing for coming back a few times for people like me.
Another thing I asked my PCP about is what he felt my status is. Meaning if he felt that there was ever a chance I could go back to any type of work. That was a Big NO!!! He said that for the next few years everything is too much of a risk and no accommodation would ever fit the level of care that I will need. There will likely be at least one hospital stay for me each year (that was a low guess from his perspective) He felt that this likely will expose just how bad things are for me from my digestive issues and things will get worse before long and I will need preventative care to stop that. (Likely more surgery, feeding tube, GI stuff to prevent blockages and keep food moving without starving me)
The big thought is that I have been living with a GI issue my whole life and it messed me up back in 2020 this will be a lifelong thing to fight keeping food, liquid, and energy where it needs to be for me to have a quality of life. For now, another surgery is not a huge risk but I do have an issue with my stoma right now so on the 3rd when I see my ostomy specialist I may be set up for a correction which is an adjustment surgery to make my stoma not retract when I bend down. Wish me luck that it will not be needed but I a very prepared for it due to what my PCP told me today.