Update... Biofeedback appointment tomorrow.


Staff member
So, things physical are not going well be on the doctors appointment front they are. I have my first appointment with the physical therapist tomorrow and though I a bit on edge, I am ready. The appointment with my urologist did nothing but establish a point person. She wants me to go the biofeedback and then see her again in December or sooner if need be. Nothing was ordered and I don't see my GP until the 2nd of October but the good thing is that my short term disability has been coming in steady so I have funds to pay bill with. All in all not bad but I am hoping to get some real answers as to how long I will have to deal with this tomorrow.
You should have asked your urologist to order tests to figure out what’s actually going wrong with your urinate incontinence. Your PT will hopefully help with your fecal incontinence, but you still have zero answers as to the causes of your urinary incontinence. You could have something seriously wrong like bladder cancer.

Glad you’re finally getting short term disability.
snow said:
You should have asked your urologist to order tests to figure out what’s actually going wrong with your urinate incontinence. Your PT will hopefully help with your fecal incontinence, but you still have zero answers as to the causes of your urinary incontinence. You could have something seriously wrong like bladder cancer.

Glad you’re finally getting short term disability.

Snow.. I showed the Urologist the result of my Anal Manometry test and she suggested that we wait tell I see that specialist before ordering more test. During my teen years I was put through a lot of Urology test so I know that I may need to get some more. As for anything with the big C... I have recent labs done that would have pointed them to something more that would have needed more testing of that nature. The Urologist appointment follow up can be next week if the specialist finds something that I will need to go back for. I feel like tomorrow will give me some more answers and then I can have a plain of what to do next but I agree that some more testing should have been done there. Again this is the system that I am dealing with and I have to go with it until tomorrow.

I would not even know were to start asking questions about what test they could/should do in urology.. It has been a long time since I have seen one. She feels though that the answers I will get tomorrow will help her help me so... Just got to wait a bit.
Hi @ThatFLGuy, It's great you have an appointment with the physical therapist tomorrow and hope it goes well and that you get some answers. On the whole I think you are making some progress here and hopefully things will really start falling into place so you have a clear picture of what course of action is best for you.
Also good to hear your short term disability is now coming in at a steady pace. That must be quite a bit of relief in itself! Keep up the good work and just keep the pressure on as far as getting appointments and getting answers. Sounds like you're on the right track so please don't get derailed!:)
Hey @ThatFLGuy, you may have some type of non-cancerous growth or lesion on your lower spine. When all my bowel & bladder incontinence started it was from a massive impact on my sacral & lumbar spine. Essentially I was folded up in my seat like a taco when that gravel truck rolled over me. The Docs at the time were so busy fixing other broken parts, until I started leaking all over the bed did they realize they missed something while repairing my broken pelvis and cracked hip.
When I went in for my neck last time, even after numerous X-Rays, CT scans & MRI’s they didn’t see the tumor (either did I when the surgeons & I looked at the mess my C-Spine was in on the light boards) Only when he got in there did they find what was causing all the damage. The idiot team I was working with previously, literally sent me to a shrink to convince me all of my pain was in my head, AFTER they Red Flagged me as a chronic opiate user in need of intervention! Thank God they fired all of my previous team.
My point is don’t give up! We are all here for you, but you need to keep pushing these people%! Great job fighting for yourself! If I could suggest you sit down with whomever is in charge PCP, Urologist? And draw out a plan of attack going forward. This will help keep them on track, and start scheduling whatever experts you might need well in advance. Took 3 years for my neck, I was new in town, but once I contacted the CEO it only took a couple of weeks to figure things out.
FL guy - I am so grateful for this group, for everyone's good suggestions and moral support. Great about the s-t disability and your appt tomorrow.

Sprung - So utterly sorry about what happened to you.

Everyone, be as well and as patient as you an be.
Update... Today's appointment went well. No test yet but will be starting next Monday. The Physical therapist wants to get talk to my GI doctor and take some time to look over all of my records before Monday. The good thing is that the Physical therapist is also part of the same health care system so she can access my records but she wants to talk to GI and see why there was not more test done (Both she suggested that I should have both an Anal electromyography (EMG) and maybe an MRI done to rule out other things. All in all the appointment took over an hour and we went over a lot. The therapist let me know that some of the testing will be started on Monday regardless of what the GI doctor says because they can start by checking the muscles and seeing where I am at with them. As far as other test she is going to see what GI says and try to push then to get both GI and Urology to do some stuff to address some of my issues.

Now here is the big thing.. the theropist office is over an hour and a half from my house one way. I have to go once a week and after next week I will have more answers.

Also she asked if I was working through all of this... I said I have had to off and on because paperwork was not done right. She flat out told me that by the end of next appointment we will know what the next step will be and that in the case of paperwork she will help make whatever needs to be done happen. She said that I have a strong case for disability because this has gone on for more that five months but she would like to see what she can do for me. I explained that I has short term disability through work and getting that paperwork filled out by other doctors was hard. She said that is BS because if they were to have gotten me in and done all the test that they should have by now I would already have an answer as to what can or can't be done thus having a claim that would stand up.

She seems like she is very much on my side to try to get the best answers for me and try to get to a place where I know what my new normal is going to be.

She just wants time to look at all my records to seen what has been done from surgery tell now.

All in all a good start, Now I just need a quicker way to get to the appointments.. Lucky I seem to be alright with short term disability because the appointment next Monday will mean leaving work early....Not like I made it to work this week at all though so who knows until then.

That is all I got for now...
Good evening, FLGuy, it sounds like your PT is on your side and that she is thinking outside of the box as far as your case is concerned. The fact you have a follow up on Monday is also good. That way you'll remain fresh in her memory and even more ready to get down to business. It's important to just keep pressing as she is finally one person who is reading you loud and clear! And isn't it great to have finally found someone who has a clue???!!!
As far as the travel time to her office is concerned, I think it'll be worth the inconvenience since she is obviously in a position to help you. But if it becomes too big a hindrance, please tell her and see if she can make other arrangements. But overall I wouldn't worry about that for now. Just have to bite the bullet and do the commute to the PT thing once a week. After all you've been going through hell for five months at least and you're now finally getting answers even if it is 90 minutes away! That inconvenience is relatively minor compared to all that you've been through.
As always we wish you the very, very best as you enter this new phase with your PT lady!
Wow, FL guy, I'm impressed with all you have accomplished!
And I agree with what billlivesheree wrote to you.
90 minutes each way is a lot of time, but to have someone on your side who will actively work for you - IMHO, that's more precious than gold right now.
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